# ComputeAnalyzer™ Data Types

# LSF (Batch Jobs) [2]

This data type contains the data generated from each Load Sharing Facility (LSF) batch job at its completion.

# Classifications

Name Description
Project The job belongs to this project.
User The user name of the submitter.
Queue name The name of the LSF queue where the job was submitted.
Job status The exit status of the job.
  • OK
  • Command The command that the job ran.
    Exit status The exit status from the command.
    Execution host The name of the first execution host.
    Domain The first execution host belongs to this domain.
    Number of exec. hosts The number of hosts where the job was submitted.
    Number of exec. CPUs The number of CPUs used by the job.
    LSF (Batch Jobs) Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of started and completed processes in the report intervals. Number
    Time in queue The duration the job waited in queue. Hours
    System time The system time used by the batch command. Hours
    User time The user time used by the batch command. Hours
    CPU time The number of CPU hours used by the batch command (User time + System time). Hours
    CPU cost The product of the CPU hours and CPU factor. Number
    Block I The block input done by the batch command. Blocks
    Block O The block output done by the batch command. Blocks
    Block I/O The sum of the block input and output. Blocks
    Max RSS The maximum resident set size (physical memory used). Kilobytes
    Max VM The maximum virtual memory usage. Kilobytes
    Elapsed time The elapsed time from start to finish of the job. Hours
    Total time The sum of Time in queue and Elapsed time. Hours
    LSF (Batch Jobs) Measurements

    # VMstat [3]

    Vmstat is used to get information about the CPU and memory activities when SAR is inaccessible. This shows how computers haven been running instead of what they have been running.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Host The host (excluding the domain) where VMstat is output to.
    Architecture The architecture where VMstat was executed.
    OS The operating system where VMstat was executed.
    Domain The host belongs to this domain.
    Prime time (deprecated) Specifies if the data collection time is prime or non-prime.
  • prime - data collected during prime time period
  • non-prime - data collected outside the prime time period
  • undef - the prime time itself is undefined
  • VMstat Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of times the statistics were collected. Number
    Running queue The number of processes in the running queue. Number
    Blocking queue The number of processes in the blocked queue. Number
    User % The user time as percentage of the total CPU time. Percentage
    Sys % The system time as percentage of the total CPU time. Percentage
    Idle % The idle time as percentage of the total CPU time. Percentage
    VMstat Measurements

    # PSM-Shell [4]

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Host The host where PSM-Shell is output to.
    Architecture The architecture where PSM-Shell was executed.
    OS The operating system where PSM_Shell was executed.
    User account The user account of the submitter.
    User The user name of the submitter.
    UID The owner of the file.
    GID The group identifier of the file owner.
    Exit status The exit status from the command.
    Command The command the job will run.
    PS-Shell Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of times the statistics were collected. Number
    Elapsed time The elapsed time from start to finish of the job. Hours
    CPU The number of CPU hours used by the command. Hours
    Maximum RSS The maximum resident set size (physical memory used). Kilobytes
    Integral RSS The integral resident set size (physical memory used). Kilobytes
    Block I The block input operations done by the job. Blocks
    Block O The block output operations done by the job. Blocks
    PS-Shell Measurements

    # LSF (LSF Acct) [5]

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    UID The owner of the file.
    Host The host where PSM-Shell is output to.
    Command The command the job will run.
    Exit status The exit status from the command.
    LSF (LSF Acct) Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of times the statistics were collected. Number
    System time The system time used by the batch command. Hours
    User time The user time used by the batch command. Hours
    CPU The number of CPU hours used by the command. Hours
    Elapsed time The elapsed time from start to finish of the job. Hours
    Block I The block input operations done by the job. Blocks
    Block O The block output operations done by the job. Blocks
    LSF (LSF Acct) Measurements

    # SAR [6]

    SAR contains many of the same variables as VMstat. It also has information about file systems or how heavily the file systems have been used.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Host The host name where the statistics were collected.
    Architecture The architecture of the host.
    OS The operating system of the host.
    Domain The host belongs to this domain.
    Prime time (deprecated) Specifies if the data collection time is prime or non-prime.
  • prime - data collected during prime time period
  • non-prime - data collected outside the prime time period
  • undef - the prime time itself is undefined
  • SAR Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of times the statistics were collected. Number
    User % The user time as percentage of the total CPU time. Percentage
    Sys % The system time as percentage of the total CPU time. Percentage
    Wait IO % The wait for IO time as percentage of the total CPU time. Percentage
    CPU % The total time or sum of User %, Sys %, and Wait IO %. Percentage
    Idle % The idle time as percentage of the total CPU time. Percentage
    iget/s The file access routines. Number
    namei/s The file access routines (path name lookups). Number
    dirblk/s The file access routines (blocks read during directory lookups). Number
    scall/s The number of system calls per second (all kinds). Number
    sread/s The number of system calls per second (read system calls). Number
    swrit/s The number of system calls per second (write system calls). Number
    fork/s The number of forks per second. Number
    exec/s The number of execs per second. Number
    rchar/s The number of characters transferred by read system calls (HP-UX: block devices only). Number
    wchar/s The number of characters transferred by write system calls (HP-UX: block devices only). Number
    bread/s The read operations between the buffer cache and disk (or block device). Number
    bwrit/s The write operations between the buffer cache and disk (or block device). Number
    lread/s The average number of logical reads per second from the buffer cache. Number
    lwrit/s The average number of logical writes per second from the buffer cache. Number
    rchache% The cache hit ratio when reading. Percentage
    wcache% The cache hit ratio when writing. Percentage
    pread/s The read/s from character devices using raw I/O (physical). Number
    pwrit/s The write/s from character devices using raw I/O (physical). Number
    rq size The average size of run queue or processes in the memory. Number
    rq occ% The percentage run queue occupied with processes. Percentage
    sq size The size of swap queue or processes ready to run. This is unavailable on Solaris. Number
    sq occ% The percentage swap queue occupied with processes. Percentage
    swap in req/s The number of swap-in requests per second (AIX: page replacements cycles/s). Number
    swap out req/s The number of swap-out requests per second (AIX: number of page faults/s). Number
    swap in blk/s The number of 512 bytes units swapped per second (AIX: for Solaris, number of pages). Number
    swap out blk/s The number of 512 bytes units swapped out per second (AIX: for Solaris, number of pages). Number
    switches/s The number of process switches per second. Number
    free swap The average amount of free swap pages available (HP-UX: N/A). Number
    free memory The average amount of free memory pages available (HP-UX: N/A; AIX: N/A). Number
    SAR Measurements

    # IOstat [27]

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Host The host where PSM-Shell is output to.
    Architecture The architecture of the host.
    OS The operating system of the host.
    Domain The host belongs to this domain.
    IOstat Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of times the statistics were collected. Number
    Numread/s The number of read requests per second. Number
    Numwrite/s The number of write requests per second Number
    Numread The number of read requests. Number
    Numwrite The number of write requests. Number
    Read/s The bytes read per second. Number
    Write/s The bytes written per second. Number
    Read The number of megabytes read per second. Megabytes
    Write The number of megabytes written per second. Megabytes
    Waitavg The average number of transactions waiting for service. Number
    Actavg The average number of transactions actively being serviced Number
    Wsvc_t The average service time in wait queue in milliseconds. Milliseconds
    Asvc_t The average service time active transactions in milliseconds. Milliseconds
    Wait The percent of time transactions are waiting for service. Percentage
    Busy The percent of time the disk is busy. Percentage
    IOstat Measurements

    # WinSAR [36]

    This data type is similar to SAR but is specialized for Windows.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Host The host where the statistics were collected.
    Architecture The architecture of the host.
    OS The operating system of the host.
    Domain The host belongs to this domain.
    Prime time (deprecated) Specifies if the data collection time is prime or non-prime.
  • prime - data collected during prime time period
  • non-prime - data collected outside the prime time period
  • undef - the prime time itself is undefined
  • WinSAR Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of times the statistics were collected. Number
    Proc DPC Time The percentage of time the processor spent receiving and servicing deferred procedure calls (DPCs) during the sample interval. Percentage
    Proc Interrupt Time The percentage of time the processor spent receiving and servicing hardware interrupts during the sample interval. Percentage
    Proc Privileged Time The percentage of the non-idle processor time spent on privileged mode. Percentage
    Proc Processor Time The percentage of time that the processor is executing an application or operating system processes other than idle. Percentage
    Proc User Time The percentage of the non-idle processor time spent on user mode. Percentage
    Proc Interrupts The average number of hardware interrupts the processor receives and services per second. Number
    Idle Processor Time The percentage of time occupied by the idle process. Percentage
    Sys Exception (per second) The rate at which the system dispatches exceptions. Number
    Sys Context Switches (per second) The combined rate at which all processors on the computer are switched from one thread to another. Number
    Sys File Read Operations (per second) The combined rate of file system read requests to all devices on the computer, including requests to read from the file system cache. Number
    Sys File Write Operations (per second) The combined rate of file system write requests to all devices on the computer, including requests to write to data in the file system cache. Number
    Sys Processor Queue Length The number of threads in the processor queue. Number
    Sys Total Interrupts The combined rate of hardware interrupts received and processed by all processors on the computer per second. Number
    Mem Available (in Kb) The amount of physical memory immediately available for allocation to a process or system use. Number
    Mem Cache (in Kb) The sum of the values of System Cache Resident Bytes, System Driver Resident Bytes, System Code Resident Bytes, and Pool Paged Resident Bytes. Number
    Mem Cache Faults (per second) The rate at which faults occur when a page sought in the file system cache is not found and must be retrieved from elsewhere in the memory (soft fault) or disk (hard fault). Number
    Mem Commit Limit (in Kb) The allowable amount of virtual memory to commit without the need to extend the paging file(s). Number
    Mem Committed (in Kb) The amount of committed virtual memory. Number
    Mem Page Faults (per second) The average number of pages faulted per second. Number
    Mem Pages (per second) The rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. Number
    Phys Disk Read The rate of read operations on the disk per second. Number
    Phys Disk Write The rate of write operations on the disk per second. Number
    Logical Disk Read The rate at which read operations are performed on the disk per second. Number
    Logical Disk Write The rate at which write operations are performed on the disk per second. Number
    Cache Copy Read Hits The percentage of cache copy read requests that did not require a disk read to access the page in the cache. Percentage
    Cache Copy Reads The rate per second at which read operations from pages of the file system cache involve a copy read. Number
    Cache Data Flush Pages The rate per second at which the file system cache has flushed to the disk in response to a request to flush or satisfy a write-through-file write request. Number
    Cache Data Flushes The rate per second at which the file system cache has flushed its contents to the disk in response to a request to flush or satisfy a write-through-file write request. Number
    Cache Data Maps The rate per second at which a file system, such as NTFS, maps a page of a file into the file system cache to read the page. Number
    Cache Fast Reads The rate per second at which read operations from the file system cache bypass the installed file system and retrieve the data directly from the cache Number
    Cache Lazy Write Flushes The rate per second at which the Lazy Writer thread writes to the disk. Number
    Cache Lazy White Pages The rate per second at which the Lazy Writer thread has written to the disk. Number
    Cache Read Aheads The rate per second at which read operations from the file system cache detect sequential access to a file. Number
    WinSAR Measurements

    # Grid Engine [48]

    This data type contains data on jobs run via Sun Grid Engine.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Department The job belongs to this department (enterprise edition only).
    Project The job belongs to this project (enterprise edition only).
    Account The account string specified for the job.
    User name The user name of the submitter.
    Queue name The name of the Grid Engine queue where the job was dispatched.
    Job name The name of the program which was run or a name set by the submitter or submitting program.
    Job status The exit statuses from the Grid Engine and operating system.
    Execution host This is the name of the host where the job was executed.
    Resources The string consisting of "bat" or "int" for batch or interactive, respectively.
    Number of slots The number of job slots assigned to the job execution.
    Grid Engine Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of identical jobs. Number
    Wait time The waiting duration before dispatching a job to a queue. Minutes
    Avg wait time The average wait time for each job. Minutes
    System time The system time used by the job. Minutes
    User time The user time used by the job. Minutes
    CPU time The total CPU time the job used (User time + System time). Minutes
    Block I The block input operations done by the job. Block operations
    Block O The block output operations done by the job. Block operations
    Block I/O The sum of block input and output operations. Block operations
    Max RSS The maximum resident set size (physical memory used). Kilobytes
    Max VM The maximum virtual memory usage. Kilobytes
    Wall time The elapsed time from start to finish of the job. Minutes
    Total time The elapsed time from job submission to termination (Time in queue + Wall time). Minutes
    Integral memory usage The integral of memory consumption over the lifespan of the job. Gbs (Gigabytes/second)
    Grid Engine Measurements

    # LSF Pending Reason [78]

    This data type contains information on how long jobs are kept pending and why.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Project The job belongs to this project.
    User The user name of the submitter.
    Queue name The name of the LSF queue where the job was submitted.
    Pending reason The reason a job is still pending.
    Command The command the job will run.
    Domain The first execution host belongs to this domain.
    Requested resource The string describing the resources that the pending job requires.
    Number of hosts pending The number of hosts where a given pending reason was valid.
    LSF Pending Reason Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of pending reasons in a report interval. Number
    Elapsed time The elapsed time for selected pending reasons. Hours
    LSF Pending Reason Measurements

    # PBS Accounting [80]

    This data type contains data on jobs run via Portable Batch System (PBS). The data can be collected from Open PBS and PBS Professional.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    User name The user name of the submitter.
    Group name The group name of the submitter.
    Account The account string specified for the job.
    Queue name The name of the PBS queue where the job was dispatched.
    Job name The name of the program which was run or a name set by the submitter or submitting program.
    Exit status The exit statuses from the PBS and operating system.
    Execution host The name of the host where the job was executed on. In cases where jobs require multiple CPUs, only the host running the MPI controller job is reported.
    Resources The string consisting of the job requirements given in name-value pairs.
    Number of CPUs The number of CPUs assigned to the job execution.
    PBS Accounting Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of identical jobs. Number
    Wait time The waiting duration before dispatching a job to a queue. Hours
    Avg wait time The average time in queue for each job. Hours
    Wall time The elapsed time from start to finish of the job. Hours
    Total time The elapsed time from job submission to termination (Wait time + Wall time). Hours
    CPU time The total CPU time used by the job. Hours
    Max RSS The maximum resident set size (physical memory used). Kilobytes
    Max VM The maximum virtual memory usage. Kilobytes
    PBS Accounting Measurements

    # Azure Sign-in Events [133]

    Azure Sign-in Events is reported to view users' sign-in activity and details (including the authentication used and sign-in status) in a device, application, or service using Azure Active Directory.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Time The start time of the work period.
    User The name of the signed-in user.
    Mail The email address or principal name of the user.
    Status The sign-in status or event type of the authentication.
  • Success
  • Failed
  • Application The name of the application that requested authentication.
    Authentication The type of authentication used.
    Azure Sign-in Events Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of authentications. Number
    Events The number of events Number
    Azure Sign-in Events Measurements

    # Azure Resource Usage Cost [134]

    Azure Resource Usage Cost reports the workload in the cloud, which includes cost and usage data.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Time The start time of the work period.
    Cost The resource cost.
    Cost USD The resource cost in USD.
    Name The name of the subscription.
    Charge Type The charge fee type.
    Publisher Type The usage poller of the customer.
    Service The name of the Azure service.
    Group The name of the resource group.
    Location The resource location.
    Currency The currency of the Cost.
    Azure Resource Usage Cost Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Total Cost The sum of cost per resource group. Number
    Azure Resource Usage Cost Measurements

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