StorageAnalyzer™ Data Types
Filesystems [24]
This data type provides a high-level view of how much storage space is used and how much space is available in file systems at each host and domain location.
The Filesystems data type is time-averaged, just like the file space data. Selecting periods exceeding the collection period for non-trend reports will result in averaged data over time (but not over other classifications).
ADSM [25]
This data type provides a high-level view of how the backup system in performing and which data is being backed up.
Physical Disk [26]
Filespace [29]
This data type is helpful to discover trends in file space usage, especially space usage of "cold data", which are rarely used. This can help in taking proactive measures to circumvent problems. The amount of file space a user or group uses per day can be reported, as well as the kind of files used and rate at which usage changes.
File space data is time-averaged. When creating a non-trend report (time is not selected as a classification) and the report is generated over a period longer than the data collection interval, the data is averaged on time but summarized over all other classifications.
Reported cost may be used to distribute the cost from accounts to cost centers using a mapping file with weights for each cost center. This "static" cost is calculated during disk accounting instead of costs calculated when a report is generated. The reported cost reflects the actual and "physical" amount of disk space used, not the "logical" file size, which may be bigger. When tracking a disk's usage, the actual disk space used is more important.
A file will be accounted as continually present until the following file accounting is performed. Removing the file just after the accounting is completed will not affect the current accounting period.
Quota [40]
This data type tracks quota allocations and usage on NetApp's Ontap storage systems. When the client is installed on a filer, it collects information about the tree, user, and group quotas and how much of the specified space and file number quotas are used.
Disk Utilization [59]
This data type merges the Filespace, Filesystems, and Quota data types. Its primary purpose is to report the size of disks combined with the space available in quota, used space, and used size of old or "frozen" files. This may give an excellent overall view of disk utilization and may help avoid disk space problems.
The Disk Utilization data type is time-averaged. Selecting periods exceeding the collection period for non-trend reports will result in averaged data over time (but not over other classifications).