# LicenseAnalyzer™ - Level 2 (True Active Usage) Data Types

# Unix Pacct [0]

This data type contains process accounting (pacct) data generated by the system kernel. All Unix systems have built-in process accounting, and Open iT uses its output, converts it to the Open iT format, then saves it in a database. The Unix Pacct data type is well-suited to measure who runs what and where and when it is run. The CPU or memory usage may be calculated, and the number of times the programs are run may be counted.

# Classifications

Name Description
GID The group identification is running as this process.
UID The user identification is running as this process.
Host The host (excluding the domain) where the process was executed.
Architecture The architecture where the process was executed.
OS The operating system where the process was executed.
Command The name of the command (8 characters only) as typed on the command line or as used by exec Unix call.
Exit status The exit status of the process; 0 means success.
Program class The command run belongs in this class of program.
Domain The execution host belongs to this domain.
Prime time (deprecated) Specifies if the data collection time is prime or non-prime.
  • prime - data collected during prime time period
  • non-prime - data collected outside the prime time period
  • undef - the prime time itself is undefined
  • User account The name of the account, project, or departments where the user belongs at the program start time.
    Unix Pacct Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of completed processes started in the report intervals. Number
    CPU The amount of CPU used by the processes. Seconds
    Elapsed time The amount of elapsed time while running the processes. Hours
    I/O The amount of input/output characters used by the processes. Number of characters
    Accumulated memory The accumulated memory used by the processes (Average memory * Elapsed time). Bytes Seconds
    Average memory The average memory used by the processes during their runtime. Bytes
    Unix Pacct Measurements

    # Unix Application Usage [32]

    Information about jobs executed under the acc-wrapper is found here. This data type resembles regular Unix process accounting. The difference is that acc-wrapper provides the total usage of resources by the command itself and its subprocesses during the command's runtime.

    If a command forks off child processes, each will be accounted for separately under Unix process accounting. On the other hand, the acc-wrapper provides one entry for the complete process tree created and finished during the command's runtime. This means that the daemons, which detach from the tty by making a subprocess and the command itself exits, will not be accounted for properly. Accounting for these must be done by Unix Pacct.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Domain The execution host belongs to this domain.
    Host The host (excluding the domain) where the command was executed.
    User The owner of the process.
    Group The command was running as this group.
    OS The operating system where the command was executed.
    Application The name of the application as typed on the command line or as set by the wrapper.
    Exit status The status of the command when exiting; 0 means success.
    Account This accounts the resource usage.
    Label The label set when executing the application.
    Prime time (deprecated) Specifies if the data collection time is prime or non-prime.
  • prime - data collected during prime time period
  • non-prime - data collected outside the prime time period
  • undef - the prime time itself is undefined
  • Unix Application Usage Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of times statistics were collected. Number
    Elapsed time The time for start to end. Hours
    User time The user time used by the application. Hours
    System time The system time used by the application. Hours
    Max resident size The maximum physical memory used. Megabytes
    Shared mem. The integral shared amount of memory used. Megabytes Seconds
    Unshared data The integral unshared amount of memory used for data. Megabytes Seconds
    Unshared stack The integral unshared amount of memory used for stack. Megabytes Seconds
    Minor pg. faults The number of minor page faults. Number
    Major pg. faults The number of major page faults. Number
    Swaps The number of swaps generated by the application. Number
    Blocks in The number of blocks read. Number
    Blocks out The number of blocks written. Number
    Msg sent The number of messages sent. Number
    Msg rcvd The number of messages received. Number
    Signals The number of signal received. Number
    Vol. ctx. X The number of voluntary context switches. Number
    Unvol. ctx. X The number of involuntary context switches. Number
    Unix Application Usage ### Measurements

    # Extended Pacct [54]

    This data type extends to the regular process accounting (pacct), which is intended for accounting on long processes/jobs, and providing information on accumulated and average resident set sizes (RSS).

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    GID The process was running as this group identification.
    UID The process was running as this user identification.
    Host The host (excluding the domain) where the process was executed.
    Architecture The architecture where the process was executed.
    OS The operating system where the process was executed.
    Command The name of the command (8 characters only) as typed on the command line or as used by exec Unix call.
    Exit status The exit status of the process; 0 means success.
    Program class The command run belongs to this class of program.
    Domain The execution host belongs to this domain.
    Prime time (deprecated) Specifies if the data collection time is prime or non-prime.
  • prime - data collected during prime time period
  • non-prime - data collected outside the prime time period
  • undef - the prime time itself is undefined
  • Source The source of data.
  • ps
  • pacct
  • both
  • Extended Pacct Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of completed processes started in the report intervals. Number
    CPU The amount of CPU time spent on each process. Hours
    Elapsed time The amount of elapsed time while running the processes. Hours
    I/O The amount of input/output characters used by the processes. Number of characters
    Accumulated memory The accumulated memory used by processes (Average memory * Elapsed time). Megabytes Hours
    Average memory The average memory used by the processes during their runtime. Megabytes
    Accumulated RSS The product of Average resident set size and Elapsed time. Megabytes Hours
    Average RSS The average resident set size. Megabytes
    Extended Pacct Measurements

    # UsageAnalyzer Break [56]

    A break is a period when someone is running the computer but not using the mouse or keyboard. This starts immediately after the last mouse or keyboard event and lasts until the next event. However, inactivity shorter than five seconds is not considered a break.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Host The host running UsageAnalyzer.
    Architecture The architecture of the host.
    OS The operating system of the host.
    Prime time (deprecated) Specifies if the data collection time is prime or non-prime.
  • prime - data collected during prime time period
  • non-prime - data collected outside the prime time period
  • undef - the prime time itself is undefined
  • User The user running the computer.
    Active application The active application window during the break.
    Break type The break type identification.
  • microbreak - breaks shorter than a minute
  • short break - breaks longer than or equal to 1 minute but less than 10 minutes
  • extended break - breaks lasting 10 minutes or more
  • UsageAnalyzer Break Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of breaks. Number
    Break average The average break length. Hours
    Break max The maximum break length. Hours
    Break total The total break length. Hours
    UsageAnalyzer Break Measurements

    # UsageAnalyzer Work [57]

    This data type reports on user activity on the keyboard and mouse while using an application. It is reported as time - period lengths and totals. The UsageAnalyzer Work data type can also be defined as a period of keyboard and/or mouse events, where the gap in time between each event is less than a configured value which is five seconds by default.

    This data type can also indicate the intensity of application usage, profile licensed software, and see the extent of use of a GUI-based application.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Host The host running UsageAnalyzer.
    Architecture The architecture of the host.
    Domain The host belongs to this domain or workgroup.
    OS The operating system of the host.
    Prime time (deprecated) Specifies if the data collection time is prime or non-prime.
  • prime - data collected during prime time period
  • non-prime - data collected outside the prime time period
  • undef - the prime time itself is undefined
  • User The user running the computer on Windows/Mac.
    Active application The active application window during the period.
    Period type The configurable period type.
  • uninterrupted - a period in which a user was continuously using the keyboard and/or mouse, including microbreaks.
  • extended - a period consisting one or more uninterrupted periods with short breaks in between.
  • UsageAnalyzer Work Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of accumulated periods. Number
    Period average The average period length. Hours
    Period max The maximum period length. Hours
    Period total The total period length. Hours
    UsageAnalyzer Work Measurements

    # UsageAnalyzer Events [58]

    This data type reports on the events consisting of keyboard keypress, mouse click, mouse wheel rotation, and mouse movement.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Host The host running UsageAnalyzer.
    Architecture The architecture of the host.
    Domain The host belongs to this domain or workgroup.
    OS The operating system of the host.
    Prime time (deprecated) Specifies if the data collection time is prime or non-prime.
  • prime - data collected during prime time period
  • non-prime - data collected outside the prime time period
  • undef - the prime time itself is undefined
  • Application name The name of the application receiving the events.
    User The application user.
    Event type The event type identification.
  • keyboard - a key pressed
  • mouse - a button click (including double clicks), wheel rotation, or mouse movement
  • switch - switch over between keyboard and mouse without a break
  • Modifiers A key that modifies the interpretation of another key; combination of none/left, shift/right, shift/ctrl/other.
    Label The mapped event label; name of button/key etc.
    UsageAnalyzer Events Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of original records. Number
    Events The number of events. Number
    UsageAnalyzer Events Measurements

    # License Optimizer Use [62]

    This data type provides an overview of application disable status at the host and user levels, whether the application is in an enabled, disabled, or interactive request (IRQ/wait) status. It also provides information such as application binary name with path.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Vendor License The license file and vendor daemon that served the license.
    Feature The name of the licensed feature used.
    Feature version The version of the feature used.
    Application name The name of the application as seen in the process list or table.
    Executable path The path to the executable.
    User group The name of the group, project, or department where the user belongs at the time of monitoring. If license-user-mapping is unavailable (missing file or no map for user), the value will be undef.
    User The name of the user who checked the application out.
    Host group The name of the group, project, or department where the host belongs at the time of monitoring. If license-host-mapping is unavailable (missing file or no map for host), the value will be undef.
    Host The name of the host where the application was checked out.
    Disable The status of disabling.
  • Running
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Alerted
  • On IRQ 1
  • Suspended
  • Terminated
  • License Optimizer Use Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of individual application executions or runs that were summed together within the given period. Number
    Elapsed time The sum of running time for all combined records for an application. Hours
    Distinct The virtual value for every extracted unique classification. The value is always one (1). Number
    License Optimizer Use Measurements

    # License Optimizer Events [64]

    This data type provides an overview of events associated with an application being monitored, for example, the number of keyboard activities per second or the CPU loads per second.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Vendor License The license file and vendor daemon that served the license.
    Feature The name of the licensed feature used.
    Feature version The version of the feature used.
    Application name The name of the application as seen in the process list or table.
    Executable path The path to the executable.
    User The name of the user who checked the application out.
    Host The name of the host where the application was checked out.
    Prime time (deprecated) Specifies if the data collection time is prime or non-prime.
  • prime - data collected during prime time period
  • non-prime - data collected outside the prime time period
  • undef - the prime time itself is undefined
  • Disable The status of disabling.
  • Running
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Alerted
  • On IRQ 1
  • Suspended
  • Terminated
  • License Optimizer Events Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of individual application executions or runs that were summed together within the given period. Number
    Keyboard The average number of keyboard events per second. Number
    Mouse The average number of mouse events per second. Number
    CPU The average CPU load per second. Seconds
    I/O The average I/O bytes per second. Seconds
    License Optimizer Events Measurements

    # License Optimizer Total Use [70]

    This data type provides an overview of how long an application has been running for the given period.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Vendor License The license file and vendor daemon that served the license.
    Feature The name of the licensed feature used.
    Feature version The version of the feature used.
    Application name The name of the application as seen in the process list or table.
    Executable path The path to the executable.
    Measured instances The number of instances seen.
    Prime time (deprecated) Specifies if the data collection time is prime or non-prime.
  • prime - data collected during prime time period
  • non-prime - data collected outside the prime time period
  • undef - the prime time itself is undefined
  • Disable The status of disabling.
  • Running
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Alerted
  • On IRQ 1
  • Suspended
  • Terminated
  • License Optimizer Total Use Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of individual application executions or runs that were summed together within the given period. Number
    Duration The time of activity. Hours
    Max seen The maximum number of measured instances seen. Number
    Elapsed time The combined time of activity. Hours
    License Optimizer Total Use Measurements

    # Process Accounting [87]

    Process Accounting logs the same processes as Pacct and Extended Pacct. However, it logs periodically, generating data every hour for every process.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Group The group the command was running as. This is always undef on Windows and group on Unix.
    User The name of the application user.
    Host The name of the host.
    Architecture The architecture of the host.
    OS The operating system of the host.
    Executable The (base) name of the executable.
    Exit value The exit status of the process which is none if not ended yet; otherwise, a numerical exit value.
    Domain The domain of the host.
    Prime time (deprecated) Specifies if the data collection time is prime or non-prime.
  • prime - data collected during prime time period
  • non-prime - data collected outside the prime time period
  • undef - the prime time itself is undefined
  • Application The name of the application on Windows and source of information on Unix.
    Process Accounting Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of summarized records. Number
    CPU seconds The number of CPU seconds (average calculation). Seconds
    Elapsed time The elapsed time within the current interval. Hours
    IO bytes The number of IO bytes. Number of characters
    CPU utilization The average utilization of CPU. Percentage
    Avg. proc The average number of processes running in the interval. Number
    Memory utilization The average utilization of physical memory. Percentage
    Avg. RSS The average resident memory (private bytes). Megabytes
    Acc. RSS The accumulated resident memory. Megabytes Hours
    Process Accounting Measurements

    # License Optimizer Actions [92]

    This data type provides an overview of the number of times an application has undergone various optimization stages, such as terminated, suspended, logged, etc.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Vendor License The license file and vendor daemon that served the license.
    Application name The name of the application.
    User The name of the user.
    Host The name of the host.
    Prime time (deprecated) Specifies if the data collection time is prime or non-prime.
  • prime - data collected during prime time period
  • non-prime - data collected outside the prime time period
  • undef - the prime time itself is undefined
  • Action The action type.
  • Log
  • Suspend
  • Terminate
  • Quit
  • License Optimizer Actions Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of times actions occurred in the given interval. Number
    License Optimizer Actions Measurements

    # OLAP Freeze Raw Hourly [97]

    This data type provides an overview of featureset application usage.

    # Data Fields

    Name Description
    Start The start time of period or data collection.
    Duration The time interval of data collection for this application.
    Vendor License The license file and vendor daemon that served the license.
    Featureset The “real” application used from a set of used licenses with weighted cost.
    Featureset Version The version of the "real" application used from a set of used licenses.
    User The name of the user using the application.
    Host The host name of the client machine.
    OLAP Freeze Raw Hourly Data Fields

    # License Optimizer Individual Usage [98]

    This data type provides an overview of application disable status at the user level.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Vendor License The license file and vendor daemon that served the license.
    Feature The name of the licensed feature used.
    Feature version The version of the feature used.
    Featureset The “real” application used from a set of used licenses with weighted cost.
    Featureset version The version of the "real" application used from a set of used licenses.
    Application name The name of the application as seen in the process list or table.
    Executable path The path to the executable.
    User group The name of the group, project, or department where the user belongs at the time of monitoring. If license-user-mapping is unavailable (missing file or no map for user), the value will be undef.
    User name The name of the user who checked the application out.
    Disable The status of disabling.
  • Running
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Alerted
  • On IRQ 1
  • Suspended
  • Terminated
  • License Optimizer Individual Usage Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The record count. Number
    Elapsed time The accumulated time for user. Hours
    Max seen The maximum number of measured instances seen. Number
    Distinct The virtual value for every extracted unique classification. The value is always one (1). Number
    License Optimizer Individual Usage Measurements

    # License Optimizer Usergroups [99]

    This data type provides an overview of how an application has been running for the given period at a group level.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Vendor License The license file and vendor daemon that served the license.
    Feature The name of the licensed feature used.
    Feature version The version of the feature used.
    Featureset The “real” application used from a set of used licenses with weighted cost.
    Featureset version The version of the "real" application used from a set of used licenses.
    Application name The name of the application as seen in the process list or table.
    Executable path The path to the executable.
    Group type The type of group hierarchy. This is mapped from the user using the user-to-groups.map file.
    Group The group where the license use is accounted to. This is mapped from the user using the user-to-groups.map file.
    Disable The status of disabling.
  • Running
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Alerted
  • On IRQ 1
  • Suspended
  • Terminated
  • License Optimizer Usergroups Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The record count. Number
    Elapsed time The accumulated time for group. Hours
    Max seen The maximum number of measured instances seen. Number
    Distinct The virtual value for every extracted unique classification. The value is always one (1). Number
    License Optimizer Usergroups Measurements

    # Web App Browser Log [120]

    This data type provides an overview of the historical usage of all the configured web applications from web browser logs.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Application The name of the web application. This is UNMAPPED by default when the web domain is not yet mapped.
    Web domain The domain of the visited URL.
    URL The complete web address visited (Uniform Resource Locator).
    Title The title of the web page visited
    Web browser The browser used to visit the URL.
    Host The name of the host machine of the URL visitor.
    User The name of the user of the URL visitor.
    Web App Browser Log Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of recorded visits to the URL. Number
    Distinct The virtual value for every extracted unique classification. The value is always one (1). Number
    Web App Browser Log Measurements

    # Web App Proxy Log [121]

    This data type provides an overview of the historical usage of all the configured web applications from web proxy logs.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Application The name of the web application. This is UNMAPPED by default when the web domain is not yet mapped.
    Web domain The domain of the visited URL.
    URL The complete web address visited (Uniform Resource Locator).
    Host The name of the host machine of the URL visitor.
    Web App Proxy Log Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of recorded visits to the URL. Number
    Data stream The number of packets streamed in kilobytes. Kilobytes
    Web App Proxy Log Measurements

    # Web App Browser Activity [122]

    This data type provides an overview of the historical usage of all the configured web applications from web browser plugin cache.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Application The name of the web application. This is UNMAPPED by default when the web domain is not yet mapped.
    Web Domain The domain of the visited URL.
    URL The complete web address visited (Uniform Resource Locator).
    Web Browser The browser used to visit the URL.
    Host The name of the host machine of the URL visitor.
    Web App Browser Activity Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of recorded visits to the URL. Number
    Duration The number of seconds stayed on site. Seconds
    Key press The number of keyboard presses. Number
    Mouse move The number of browser events when moving the mouse. Number
    Mouse click The number of mouse clicks. Number
    Scroll The number of browser events when scrolling. Number
    Web App Browser Activity Measurements

    # Web App Total Use [123]

    This data type provides a total overview of the historical usage of all the configured web applications from web browser logs.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Application The name of the web application. This is UNMAPPED by default when the web domain is not yet mapped.
    Concurrent instances The number of concurrent application instances seen.
    Web App Total Use Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Record count The number of recorded visits to the URL. Number
    Running time The timeout values preset per application in hours. Hours
    Max in use The maximum number of sessions in use. Number
    Elapsed time The combined time of sessions usage. Hours
    Distinct The virtual value for every extracted unique classification. The value is always one (1). Number
    Web App Total Use Measurements

    # Freeze Feature Usage [141]

    This data type provides additional details regarding features and feature versions for reporting on Level 2 applications.

    # Data Fields

    Name Description
    Start The start time of period or data collection.
    Duration The time interval summary of the data collection for this application.
    Application Name The name of the handle based on the LicenseAnalyzer Level 2 configuration.
    License Manager The license type based on the license status collection.
    Vendor License The vendor license file (i.e., $server;$license_type).
    Vendor The vendor daemon that served the license.
    Feature Type The type of the application used. Possible values are:
  • featureset
  • feature
  • package
  • component
  • Feature The “real” application used from a set of used licenses with weighted cost.
    Featureset Version The version of the "real" application used from a set of used licenses.
    Host The name of the host in which the license or application was utilized.
    User The name of the user using the application.
    Status The status of the application. Possible values are:
  • active
  • inactive
  • Licenses The total number of licenses owned.
    Used Licenses The total number of licenses used by the user or host.
    Elapsed Time The product of the number of total used licenses multiplied by the duration.
    Freeze Feature Usage Data Fields

    1. The application was in waiting to get user response to be disabled or to continue to work.

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