# Release Notes for Version 10.2

Product: Open iT Software
Release Date: 2024-September-16

# Introduction

The Open iT Software Suite is further improved in this release, including new features, improvements, and bug fixes.

# New Features


Open iT supports Applied Flow Technology (AFT) eLicense usage reporting by polling the license servers at regular intervals to get the status of its license use and availability and collecting license usage data by polling through another utility from the license server.

The historical data is built from the samples collected and real-time usage monitoring is supported via the License Monitor.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (49) Host User License Use
  • (93) OLAP Raw Hourly
  • (94) OLAP User Concurrency
  • (95) Usergroup License Use v3.0
  • (102) OLAP Total Use


Open iT supports Bentley cloud historical usage reporting by collecting log files and converting them to Open iT format.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (89) Total License Use Licenseevents
  • (90) Individual License Use Licenseevents
  • (91) Usergroup License Use Licenseevents
  • (108) Host License Use Licenseevents
  • (109) Hostgroup License Use Licenseevents
  • (137) License Token Individual Usage
  • (138) License Token Total Usage


Open iT supports Bluebeam Revu 21 usage reporting by polling the license servers at regular intervals to get the status of its license use and availability and collecting license usage data by polling through another utility from the license server.

The historical data is built from the samples collected and real-time usage monitoring is supported via the License Monitor.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (49) Host User License Use
  • (93) OLAP Raw Hourly
  • (94) OLAP User Concurrency
  • (95) Usergroup License Use v3.0
  • (102) OLAP Total Use


Open iT supports Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI) cloud usage reporting by polling the license servers at regular intervals to get the status of its license use and availability and collecting license usage data by polling through another utility from the license server.

The historical data is built from the samples collected and real-time usage monitoring is supported via the License Monitor.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (49) Host User License Use
  • (93) OLAP Raw Hourly
  • (94) OLAP User Concurrency
  • (95) Usergroup License Use v3.0
  • (102) OLAP Total Use


Open iT supports RISA usage reporting by polling the license servers at regular intervals to get the status of its license use and availability and collecting license usage data by polling through another utility from the license server.

The historical data is built from the samples collected and real-time usage monitoring is supported via the License Monitor.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (49) Host User License Use
  • (93) OLAP Raw Hourly
  • (94) OLAP User Concurrency
  • (95) Usergroup License Use v3.0
  • (102) OLAP Total Use


Open iT supports Tekla Online usage reporting by polling the license servers at regular intervals to get the status of its license use and availability and collecting license usage data by polling through another utility from the license server.

The historical data is built from the samples collected and real-time usage monitoring is supported via the License Monitor.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (49) Host User License Use
  • (93) OLAP Raw Hourly
  • (94) OLAP User Concurrency
  • (95) Usergroup License Use v3.0
  • (102) OLAP Total Use


Open iT supports Zetaware usage reporting by collecting log files and converting them to Open iT format.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (104) License Logfile Events v2.0
  • (107) Denied License Use Licenseevents


Open iT supports collecting software vendor information for Windows Inventory (data type 33). This data type includes a new field, Vendor, displaying the name of the company or person that owns or develops the application.


Open iT integrates the deployment and processing of Analysis Services Tabular Model using the Analysis Server Console Application. This includes two types of deployment: on-premises (local server) and Azure Analysis Server.


Open iT supports the database deployment, data synchronization and connection to Azure SQL Server. This enables an Azure cloud-based setup of Analysis Server databases.


CLIMS supports the following functionalities for Codemeter:

  • Displays general information about the installed license (i.e., license manager path, license files, log files, configuration file, and features)
  • Allows the user to start and stop the license daemon
  • Allows the user to monitor the license daemon (e.g., info, status, etc.)
  • Shows the user all server commands executed in the client through the Console tab
  • Allows the user to see a rundown of the debug log through the Debug tab
  • Shows the user the number of combined usages of each feature as well as checkout details

# Improvements

Ticket Description
38673 Improves support for AVEVA Cloud
35836 Adds functionality to regenerate subsets of data
34797 Adds support for Adobe OAuth server-to-server credentials
Release Version 10.2 Core Server Improvements
Ticket Description
38673 Improves support for AVEVA Cloud
37489 Adds the openit_trimdata application and updates the AppUsage configuration
37465 Adds support for looking up environment variables in the configurations
36575 Adds support for collecting Hexagon usage by keystore
Release Version 10.2 Client Improvements
Ticket Description
39615 Configures IIS to not show web server information
39424 Implements cleanup in the ServiceNow Adapter for features that have exceeded the defined cutoff time range
39412 Removes obsolete configuration keys in the Configuration page
38667 Adds a stored procedure to retrieve the storage size of the SQL and OLAP databases for a specific year
Release Version 10.2 Analysis Server Improvements
Ticket Description
39615 Configures IIS to not show web server information
984 Adds Open iT license checking
906, 891 Displays the MAC address and actual disk size on the Client page
Release Version 10.2 CLIMS Improvements
Ticket Description
39597 Makes HTTPS as the default protocol
Release Version 10.2 Ingress Improvements

# Bug Fixes

Ticket Description
39786 Removes the unnecessary setting of the Sort By radio button group to default (Alpha) in Complete Selection when the selections are valid
39769 Adds proper name for the “AZ” radio button in the Complete Selection to include it in the radio button group
39768 Fixes broken account lockout functionality on failed logins
39761 Fixes the overflowing text issue in the Downloads page
39508 Upgrades Perl version to to fix vulnerabilities
39438, 38994 Upgrades curl version to 8.9.1 to fix vulnerabilities
39391 Fixes the issue on the Feature Expiry display not synced with the Registry setting
39297 Fixes incorrect redirect path for no access page
39269 Gets the Adobe Creative Cloud product pricing values from the updated product JSON data
39157 Points the Admin Assistant to the correct eventd endpoint
39037 Fixes the incorrect feature expiry by ensuring that the time zone information is sent to the server when accessing the Feature Expiry page
38897 Fixes the inability of openit-caddy to automatically start after rebooting the machine
38884 Fixes discrepancies in elapsed time and duration
38826 Standardizes Open iT’s application name in the shortcut and shortcut texts
38581 Prevents Unix Core Server installation if the installation directory's parent dir is ‘/’
38567 Prevents users without Complete Reporting, Template Reporting, or Admin roles from modifying any generated report
38400 Updates the License Status Converter to support feature versions for mapping available licenses
38394 Recreates package for distribution when there is a configuration update
38250 Updates FLAB to handle feature names with colons from FLC
38206 Adds Filtrator configuration that converts millisecond usage to one second to fix missing records in the reports
38151 Fixes the issue of displaying mapped and raw features in the Utilization chart on the Home page
38139 Updates the startup scripts to fix the installation issue on Unix Core Servers
38050 Fixes the implementation of feature mapping and feature expiry in the License Monitor
37964 Fixes the incomplete display of Feature Names when the Show Feature Version is enabled in the License Monitor
37810, 37791 Fixes configuration distribution issues
37746 Fixes resetting filters when applying views in the License Monitor
37609 Fixes the default display of product-mapping in the License Monitor
37552 Fixes the inability to create data type 6 instant reports
37448 Fixes the execution schedule of refreshing the database and generating classvar mapping
37436 Adds detection of openit process owner to avoid upgrade issues
37330 Fixes misplaced Honeywell mapping filters to ensure proper feature recognition
37252 Fixes the inability to produce a complete s3db file when the classvar_mapping file exceeds the file size threshold
37242 Prevents Open iT installation when SFE is already installed on the machine
37211 Fixes the server-client communication issue that occurs after upgrading to curl versions with nghttp2 support
36952 Adds support for UTF-8 BOM encoding in mapping files
36869 Fixes issues on saving periodic jobs settings in the interface to replicate the original settings properly
35001 Fixes high disk usage of licpollcomplete data
34822 Changes the client info data in the APIController to get the installer version instead of the binary version
33799 Removes the unnecessary warning when creating a shortcut for the Core Server during the installation
32969 Fixes autodetect’s hanging issue during installation
32819 Reconfigures the Scheduler to address termination issues
Release Version 10.2 Core Server Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
39746 Updates the file system collector in Unix
39562 Fixes incorrect elapsed time of applications when the method used is “alert”
39382 Fixes LicPoll’s expiration handling that causes incorrect max available licenses
39214 Fixes the inability to install Windows Core Client due to unlocalized Users group
39166 Fixes the recollect_bentleycloud job which was incorrectly considered a crash
39129 Supports new datetime format in LogParser Bentley Cloud
39122 Fixes LogParser DSLS to exclude customer ID after the feature name
39085, 36991 Updates the merging of the same features with varying usage entries in LicPoll
39043 Updates the ConfBuilder to check for .tmp files if it is unable to load XML files
38851 Updates the LogFileCollector to skip OrcaFlex log files that only contains a header line
38798 Fixes misleading log messages when cold.conf is configured for License Monitor Portal Level 2
38796 Separates the disabling of temp and status file creation for LogParsers
38756 Fixes the data processing issue causing invalid output by replacing the colon (:) separator in the jobname strings from PBS logs
38589 Adds the kill attribute to terminate applications with autosave feature
38482 Adds support for DSLS detachment event with a large token value
38432 Fixes the timing issues between the GUI refresh and the application statuses by disabling the resume button while the Disabler suspends an application
38468, 38267 Fixes the LicenseConfigBuilder to update the Scheduler job when the product name is modified
38416 Fixes the filtering issue by turning off the webapptracker and raw weblog data collection by default
38405 Restarts AppUsage when appusage_process_rules.conf has changed
38373 Updates the API endpoint for fetching Bentley Cloud contract data to fix collection issues
38349 Fixes handling of invalid scheduler period
38055 Updates Unix installer messaging during curl compatibility test
37924, 37879 Fixes exe matching issues in Freeze Monitor
37810, 37791 Fixes configuration distribution issues
37733 Fixes incorrect Scheduler job configurations that deactivate Autodetectors after upgrade
37486 Updates LicPoll log messages to remove false statement and add triad configuration information
37242 Prevents Open iT installation when SFE is already installed on the machine
37211 Fixes the server-client communication issue that occurs after upgrading to curl versions with nghttp2 support
36622 Adds support for several license file records
36467 Fixes LicPoll to recognize additional lines in LS-DYNA status output
36010 Fixes unretained custom configuration for Bentley Cloud when upgrading due to missing nodes in licpoll.xml
34990 Fixes the duplication of event data in RLM log collection
33799 Removes the unnecessary warning when creating a shortcut for the Core Server during the installation
33785 Adds support for new filtered format of lmstat
33282 Fixes feature version comparison when Flex licenses upgrade
32969 Fixes autodetect’s hanging issue during installation
32117 Fixes LogParserHoneywellULM’s processing of duration and handling of the same check-in and check-out time
30781 Improves the processing of LogParser EA
Release Version 10.2 Client Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
39541 Updates the SyncRawOptionsFile delimiter to pipe
39424 Implements cleanup in the ServiceNow Adapter for features that are no longer within the cutoff time range
39412 Removes obsolete configuration keys
39201 Changes empty server/product daemon names to other daemon value other than ‘undef’
39109 Fixes the issue of the features not loading in the License Monitor Portal when its token pool does not exist
39036 Fixes negative value of available licenses in the License Monitor Portal due to queued licenses
38833 Adds proper labels on columns and removes monthly totals on csv export for SSRS
38799 Fixes the issue of the wrong license expiration dates showing in the Analysis Server dashboard by fixing the date conversion of the License Expiration Portlet to account for the machine time zone where the Analysis Server is installed
38759, 38758 Removes the value of the reference column, u_computer, in the ServiceNow tables
38721 Fixes the issue of the incorrect number of checked-out licenses for RLM shared in the License Monitor Portal
38461 Fixes missing workstation data resulting to untransformed engineering application usage
38233 Fixes mismatched offline license information
37242 Prevents Open iT installation when SFE is already installed on the machine
35533 Fixes the issue causing missing data in the long checkout portlet
Release Version 10.2 Analysis Server Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
31700 Fixes Qualys scan issue where the cookie does not contain the “HTTPOnly” and “secure” attributes
995 Fixes incorrect logout link when using Azure for external authentication
965 Fixes the issue of displaying the previously logged-in user after logging in a different user
953 Fixes the issue of detecting RLM vendor with space in the file path
Release Version 10.2 CLIMS Bug Fixes

# Known Issues

Ticket Description
39984 Unix Core Server: RawArchiveRegenerator fails to clean license status data in incoming/archiver directory while processing Hasp data
39965 Adobe CC: Wrong error message when using JWT credentials
39125 add.pl: Misleading error message during data processing
38761 Missing record in License Logfile Events v2.0 DT104 report for Zetaware
38719 Normalized report for Windows and Unix shows minimal discrepancies
38251 Open iT Query Engine failing
37156 Compatibility issue of httpd and openit_registrar in openSUSE 11
37054 Compatibility issue of handlerd in openSUSE
36788 Data processing clarifications for Freeze data types
36332 reparse_autodesk_raw.pl fails due to missing collect_license_autodesk-cloud scheduler file
35117 Windows Core Server does not handle map.dbl migration
34826 Low elapsed time value when the optimization is aborted due to method or license removal failures
33839 Collactautodeskcloud cannot collect Flex usage data for Autodesk products and services charged per result
33695 License Available for Beta LM Packages is incorrect
32445 LogParserDSLS: Long runtime and large output data size from record parsing
32275 Error on include-exclude.conf file access
32014 Max Available fluctuating using SimpleFlex when no usage
30926 Unknown symbols noticed in UA Report
30781 LogparserEA max in use is greater than max available due to inconsistent raw logfile
30614 Curl is not statically built; requiring libraries: libssl, libcrypto
26696 UA reports Application Frame Host instead of One Note
Release Version 10.2 Core Server Known Issues
Ticket Description
39887 Freezemonitor spawns so many lmutils because of overlapping runtime
39826 Unable to parse Bentley data due to new date format change
39749 Bluebeam21stat cannot collect Enterprise Overage usage date
39738 process_ps error - could not set start / end / resolution
39501 Stuck collect_bentleycloud job due to recurrent “cannot find job <export_job> in list” error
38794 Scheduler does not run succeeding jobs after activating its preceding job upon installation
37054 Compatibility issue of handlerd in openSUSE
36916 Timeout is not working on 9.17.600 Unix
36843 PerformanceMonitor scheduler fails to run in macOS
36777 Unix client installer: Make the running of eventd and eventhandler optional during installation
36518 100% CPU usage of openit_logfilecollector
35070 Deactivation of collect_matlab job is not yet supported
34801 Miscount of Max Used due to missing data when there is no information in between hours
34753 Disabler shows removed licenses when the lmremove command is invalid
34275 Multiple license lines in Disabler request file for LM-X triad setup
34063 ApplicationMonitor is still running when upgrading
33921 Incorrect macOS version in PerformanceMonitor logs
33896 Bluebeamhistory: Incomplete data
33130 Force Resume button doesn't show warning
33112 "Resume" button fails to disable when clicked while the custom script is executing
32731 Confbuilder doesn’t work in MacOS when ran manually with --client parameter

Note: Use the following command to run confbuilder on MacOS: ./openit_confbuilder /usr/local/openit/etc/Confbuilder-client.conf
32533 Disabler creates crash report for one process only
32445 LogParserDSLS: Long runtime and large output data size from record parsing
32117 Not matching usage hours in Open iT vs Honeywell reports
32057 Client logs did not rotate every 10MB
32055 Monips to psm process concern
31930 licpoll - Autodesk reservation usages are not collected properly
31326 AppUsage: Could not access appusage_counters config file ERROR
30781 LogparserEA max in use is greater than max available due to inconsistent raw logfile
30117 Missing recorder break after 1am
30105 API Controller: Reading/Loading end of config file errors and Invalid configuration node definition
27210 Too many instance error in Windows Client
Release Version 10.2 Client Known Issues
Ticket Description
39898 Issue on reporting data type 127 in tabular cube
37792 404 Error in Web Console when clicking Export button in Cost Page
37749 AS repeatedly registers to Ingress
37539 Clicking the export button in the Storage Cost page leads to an error page
37008 Analysis Server with Single-Sign On not working with Ingress
36930 SAST Scan result show critical issues
36890 Rendered Core Server Status Monitor height is too long
36675 Configuring Mapping Sources without running DeployOlap throws an error
36649 ConfigurePolicies command in RS Console is not iterating through admin groups
36574 Previously added rules in Vendor License Labeling are not applied after deleting imported sources file
36567 Items within the filters of the Pivot Table on the Analysis page are highlighted with a background color
36558 Searched filter cannot be removed in Vendor License Labeling page
36557 Import Source File in Vendor License Labeling prompts to download a file
36549 No proxy for ASP.NET default error pages on Ingress setup
36396 Qualys Web Vulnerabilities
35742 Unable to export pivot grid report in Analysis Console
34219 Security: Cookies issued without user consent
33602 Analysis Console does not reflect configured roles
32255 TokenFlex (UserDays Cost) does not support feature labeling
31222 Export button is enabled even when the Application Cost table is empty
31202 Mapping inputs do not fit in cell size
30295 Changing service account doesn't retain its web admin rights
Release Version 10.2 Analysis Server Known Issues
Ticket Description
39973 Identity Server Qualys scan bug: cookie does not contain the "HTTPOnly" attribute
821 Rlmreread command could not start license server
741 Missing draft revisions in license/options files
679 Pushing changes to triad servers creates three revisions in the History tab
676 Triad servers with different options files only show the options file from master
675 License/options file is always showing “modified” for load balanced servers
639 Incorrect lsmon is used for Detective
551 Request too long when authenticating with Windows authentications with many Active Directory groups (66+)
Release Version 10.2 CLIMS Known Issues
Ticket Description
39974 Unable to access Application Launcher through Ingress
Release Version 10.2 Application Launcher Known Issues

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