Hotfixes for Version 10.2
Version 10.2.510
Release Date: 2024-October-24
New Features
Open iT supports Autodesk usage reporting by collecting data from the Autodesk Admin Portal.
The following are available for historical reporting:
- (137) License Token Individual Usage
- (138) License Token Total Usage
- (139) License Subscription Inventory v2
- (140) License Product Assignment v2
- (146) License Seat Usage
Open iT supports SketchUp usage reporting by polling the license servers at regular intervals to get the status of its license use and availability and collecting license usage data by polling through another utility from the license server.
The historical data is built from the samples collected and real-time usage monitoring is supported via the License Monitor.
The following are available for historical reporting:
- (49) Host User License Use
- (93) OLAP Raw Hourly
- (94) OLAP User Concurrency
- (95) Usergroup License Use v3.0
- (102) OLAP Total Use
Open iT supports Stabicad usage reporting by polling the license servers at regular intervals to get the status of its license use and availability and collecting license usage data by polling through another utility from the license server.
The historical data is built from the samples collected and real-time usage monitoring is supported via the License Monitor.
The following are available for historical reporting:
- (49) Host User License Use
- (93) OLAP Raw Hourly
- (94) OLAP User Concurrency
- (95) Usergroup License Use v3.0
- (102) OLAP Total Use