# Hotfixes for Version 10.2

# Version 10.2.530

Release Date: 2025-February-12

# New Features

Open iT supports managing reserved licenses in Reprise License Manager (RLM) by including the use of licenses assigned to a specific user in historical reporting and comprehensive real-time usage tracking through the License Monitor providing administrators with deeper insights into user-specific license utilization and improved visibility into reserved license usage.

Open iT supports Sentinel HASP usage reporting by collecting log files and converting them to Open iT format.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (89) Total License Use Licenseevents
  • (90) Individual License Use Licenseevents
  • (91) Usergroup License Use Licenseevents
  • (108) Host License Use Licenseevents
  • (109) Hostgroup License Use Licenseevents
  • (104) License Logfile Events v2.0
  • (107) Denied License Use Licenseevents

Open iT supports Ensoft Inc. usage reporting by collecting log files and converting them to Open iT format.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (89) Total License Use Licenseevents
  • (90) Individual License Use Licenseevents
  • (91) Usergroup License Use Licenseevents
  • (108) Host License Use Licenseevents
  • (109) Hostgroup License Use Licenseevents
  • (104) License Logfile Events v2.0

# Improvements

Ticket Description
41258 Enhances the SSAD connector by changing “–-debug debug” to “–-loglevel debug”
41097 Enables automatic saving of SSAD credentials
40782 Supports normalization of application data providing clear and user-friendly management reports
Release Version 10.2.530 Core Server Improvements
Ticket Description
40042 Updates the Flex log data collector to utilize the new bookmark library
Release Version 10.2.530 Client Improvements
Ticket Description
1006 Supports client labelling
Release Version 10.2.530 CLIMS Improvements

# Bug Fixes

Ticket Description
41479, 41478 Resolves the issue wherein accepting or declining the Legal Agreement (Disclaimer) in the Core Server interface does not redirect the user to the proper landing page
41419 Addresses OpenSSL vulnerabilities by updating the Apache version to 2.4.62 with OpenSSL 3.1.7
40942 Resolves duplicate entries of the same feature with different license models on the Feature Expiry tab by consolidating them into a single entry and summing the total licenses
40915 Updates the filtrator to address the issue where max in use exceeds max available licenses in the data type 102 report
40378 Resolves the broken image issue on the Downloads page
39985, 40133 Supports php-gui.zip to fix issues on permission for web GUI files in Unix Core ServerAddresses the encryption issues to improve the security feature of Open iT SSAD
Release Version 10.2.530 Core Server Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
41231 Resolves the Poll Parser issues in V-Ray by correcting the timestamp, updating the Raw Archive Regenerator script, and preventing random values in cases of empty usage data
41216 Fixes an unhandled exception error in Bentley Cloud collection by replacing pyppeteer package with playwright package
41127 Enables parsing of the host from V-Ray product usage data in license status
40906 Fixes the issue where the license poller sets feature expiry to "permanent" by adding provisions for another date format in data inputs
40806 Changes the "kill" attribute to "force-exit" to avoid negative connotations
40786 Fixes incorrect handling of package information for BetaLM
40781 Fixes the issue where the Flex log data collector deletes the log file instead of the old bookmark file
40738 Fixes incorrect license values for feature upgrades
40597 Fixes PollParserVray to output multiple usage records of features
40521 Fixes the issue where Flex log data are not collected and "failed to open output file" errors are encountered
40500 Adds an offset value for missing tab space(s) in MathLM feature summary data
40278 Fixes the issue with handling invalid feature names in the collected RLM report log
39960 Fixes the issue causing expired EPLAN licenses to incorrectly appear in the License Monitor
39294 Fixes the issue where the scheduled Flex log data collection does not work every new month
41645 Resolves the Unix Client upgrade failure caused by a variable typographical error when checking for .ini files in the /etc/opt/openit directory
41428 Resolves issues in the Module Activator where it fails to stop or start services, encountered after installing the Open iT Client
Release Version 10.2.530 Client Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
41527 Upgrades the log4net.dll version from 1.2.10 to 2.0.17 to address CVE-2018-1285
41111 Resolves the issue causing incorrect “In Use License Count” in the inactive tab of the Level 2 License Monitor Portal
40835 Adds a check to ensure only authorized users can access the User-Centric page resolving routing issues
39898 Resolves issues causing discrepancies between multidimensional and tabular databases
39812 Fixes the issue causing expired features to not display in the License Monitor Portal
38885 Fixes the incorrect calculation of max available licenses and usage on the Dashboard
Release Version 10.2.520 Analysis Server Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
41144 Resolves crashing CLIMS Client on Rocky Linux 9.4 by upgrading the server and client to .NET 6; discontinues RHEL6 builds
40635 Adds support for multiple products in SentinelHasp
1011 Ensures other processes are terminated before handling the client service
Release Version 10.2.530 CLIMS Bug Fixes

# Version 10.2.520

Release Date: 2024-December-18

# New Features

Open iT supports AGI32 usage reporting by polling the license servers at regular intervals to get the status of its license use and availability and collecting license usage data by polling through another utility from the license server.

The historical data is built from the samples collected and real-time usage monitoring is supported via the License Monitor.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (49) Host User License Use
  • (93) OLAP Raw Hourly
  • (94) OLAP User Concurrency
  • (95) Usergroup License Use v3.0
  • (102) OLAP Total Use

Open iT supports Altium365 usage reporting by polling the license servers at regular intervals to get the status of its license use and availability and collecting license usage data by polling through another utility from the license server.

The historical data is built from the samples collected and real-time usage monitoring is supported via the License Monitor.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (49) Host User License Use
  • (93) OLAP Raw Hourly
  • (94) OLAP User Concurrency
  • (95) Usergroup License Use v3.0
  • (102) OLAP Total Use

Open iT supports Itasca usage reporting by polling the license servers at regular intervals to get the status of its license use and availability and collecting license usage data by polling through another utility from the license server.

The historical data is built from the samples collected and real-time usage monitoring is supported via the License Monitor.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (49) Host User License Use
  • (93) OLAP Raw Hourly
  • (94) OLAP User Concurrency
  • (95) Usergroup License Use v3.0
  • (102) OLAP Total Use

# Improvements

Ticket Description
39709 Makes Open iT Scheduler a service
40643 Updates the error message when running the SSAD connector without SSAD credentials
40133 Supports separate featureset and 1-to-1 map files for daemons in the Open iT SSAD
39985 Improves the security of the Open iT SSAD
Release Version 10.2.520 Core Server Improvements
Ticket Description
39709 Makes Open iT Scheduler a service
Release Version 10.2.520 Client Improvements
Ticket Description
40584 Enhances dashboard management
Release Version 10.2.520 Analysis Server Improvements
Ticket Description
40227 Adds JWT support for caddy
Release Version 10.2.520 Ingress Improvements

# Bug Fixes

Ticket Description
41290 Updates the PHP binary to use static build to remove the need for libpsl.so, libonig.so, and other libraries
41158 Updates SQLite version to to fix the inability to generate reports due to deep classification filters
41143 Upgrades PHP version to 8.2.26
40943 Adds change logs for updating httpd.conf
40711 Fixes incorrect sorting of the Version column in the Clients Information page
40591 Supports php-gui.zip to fix issues on permission for web GUI files in Unix Core Server
40129 Fixes the issue causing the Core Server web GUI session to end overly fast
39600 Fixes Codemeter’s overusage in LicPoll collection
38719 Fixes discrepancies between normalized reports in Windows and Unix
35148 Fixes process-threshold issues in the Archiver
Release Version 10.2.520 Core Server Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
41429 Fixes the failing initialization of openit_risastat due to a missing attribute
41427 Retains the generated ini files for Cloud LMs from older to upgraded versions
41343 Fixes the failing collection for RISA due to API changes
Updates the login URL and element paths for the submit button to fix the login process for Bluebeam data collection
40355 Fixes the issue causing component files to get corrupted
40115 Supports dynamic timeout limit in Bluebeam poll collection
40101 Fixes the processing of features without minor version in LogParser RLM
38584 Fixes missing status in the StatusAggregator output due to remote polling
Release Version 10.2.520 Client Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
41300 Adds missing anti-forgery token generation expected in the Dashboard Panel
41301 Fixes typographical error in the Dashboard Panel
41101 Fixes the error in syncing the software catalog due to an incorrect data type declaration
40907 Changes the default configuration of FeatureAggregation to SUM in the License Monitor Portal
Release Version 10.2.520 Analysis Server Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
40712 Fixes issues on property not being passed on during interactive installations
40679 Removes caddy autosave during upgrade and uninstall
40671 Fixes the TLS issues when running caddy
Improves Ingress custom action to prevent duplicating SiteBindings.json keys
Release Version 10.2.520 Ingress Bug Fixes

# Version 10.2.510

Release Date: 2024-October-24

# New Features

Open iT supports Autodesk usage reporting by collecting data from the Autodesk Admin Portal.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (137) License Token Individual Usage
  • (138) License Token Total Usage
  • (139) License Subscription Inventory v2
  • (140) License Product Assignment v2
  • (146) License Seat Usage

Open iT supports SketchUp usage reporting by polling the license servers at regular intervals to get the status of its license use and availability and collecting license usage data by polling through another utility from the license server.

The historical data is built from the samples collected and real-time usage monitoring is supported via the License Monitor.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (49) Host User License Use
  • (93) OLAP Raw Hourly
  • (94) OLAP User Concurrency
  • (95) Usergroup License Use v3.0
  • (102) OLAP Total Use

Open iT supports Stabicad usage reporting by polling the license servers at regular intervals to get the status of its license use and availability and collecting license usage data by polling through another utility from the license server.

The historical data is built from the samples collected and real-time usage monitoring is supported via the License Monitor.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (49) Host User License Use
  • (93) OLAP Raw Hourly
  • (94) OLAP User Concurrency
  • (95) Usergroup License Use v3.0
  • (102) OLAP Total Use

# Bug Fixes

Ticket Description
40484 Fixes the incorrect license information shown in the license monitor when the license is expired and the token pool is used
Release Version 10.2.510 Core Server Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
40680 Fixes the openit_teklastat 401 client error
40180 Fixes the issue of failing Codemeterstat data processing
40399 Fixes the issue of empty Bluebeam v21 status output
Release Version 10.2.510 Client Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
40219 Fixes the issue in data type 130 wherein elapsed time is not loaded on the correct column
Fixes the inconsistency in the max in use and elapsed time values between the multidimensional and tabular databases
39947 Fixes the missing license events type in the tabular database
40102 Fixes the "Cannot read the next data row for the dataset 'ApplicationApplicationName'. (rsErrorReadingNextDataRow)" error when opening the distinct user per month SSRS report
Release Version 10.2.510 Analysis Server Bug Fixes

# Known Issues

Ticket Description
37054 Compatibility issue of Handlerd in openSUSE
32445 LogParser DSLS: Long runtime and large output data size from record parsing
39984 Unix Core Server: RawArchiveRegenerator fails to clean license status data in incoming/archiver directory while processing Hasp data
39125 add.pl: Misleading error message during data processing
38761 Missing record in License Logfile Events v2.0 DT104 report for Zetaware
38251 Open iT Query Engine failing
37156 Compatibility issue of httpd and openit_registrar in openSUSE 11
36788 Data processing clarifications for Freeze data types
35117 Windows Core Server does not handle map.dbl migration
34826 Low elapsed time value when the optimization is aborted due to method or license removal failures
32275 Error on include-exclude.conf file access
32014 Max Available fluctuating using SimpleFlex when no usage
30926 Unknown symbols noticed in UA Report
30614 Curl is not statically built; requiring libraries: libssl, libcrypto
26696 UA reports Application Frame Host instead of One Note
40666 openit_oauth still runs even when authorization is denied
Release Version 10.2 Core Server Known Issues
Ticket Description
37054 Compatibility issue of Handlerd in openSUSE
32445 LogParser DSLS: Long runtime and large output data size from record parsing
38794 Scheduler does not run succeeding jobs after activating its preceding job upon installation
36843 PerformanceMonitor scheduler fails to run in macOS
36777 Unix client installer: Make the running of eventd and eventhandler optional during installation
35070 Deactivation of collect_matlab job is not yet supported
34753 Disabler shows removed licenses when the lmremove command is invalid
34275 Multiple license lines in Disabler request file for LM-X triad setup
34063 ApplicationMonitor is still running when upgrading
33130 Force Resume button doesn't show warning
33112 Resume button fails to disable when clicked while the custom script is executing
32731 Confbuilder doesn’t work in MacOS when ran manually with --client parameter

Note: Use the following command to run confbuilder on MacOS:
./openit_confbuilder /usr/local/openit/etc/Confbuilder-client.conf
32057 Client logs did not rotate every 10MB
32055 Monips to psm process concern
31930 licpoll - Autodesk reservation usages is not collected properly
30177 Missing recorder break after 12am
30105 APIController: Reading/loading end of config file errors and invalid configuration node definition
27210 Too many instance error in Windows Client
Release Version 10.2 Client Known Issues
Ticket Description
39898 Issue on reporting data type 127 in tabular cube
37792 404 error in web console when clicking Export button in Cost page
37749 AS repeatedly registers to Ingress
37539 Clicking the export button in the Storage Cost page leads to an error page
37008 Analysis Server with Single-Sign On not working with Ingress installation
36930 SAST Scan result show critical issues
36890 Rendered Core Server Status Monitor height is too long
36675 Configuring Mapping Sources without running DeployOlap throws an error
36649 ConfigurePolicies command in RS Console is not iterating through admin groups
36574 Previously added rules in Vendor License Labeling are not applied after deleting imported sources file
36567 Items within the filters of the Pivot Table on the Analysis page are highlighted with a background color
36558 Searched filter cannot be removed in Vendor License Labeling page
36557 Import Source File in Vendor License Labeling prompts to download a file
36549 No proxy for ASP.NET default error pages on Ingress setup
36396 Qualys web vulnerabilities
34219 Security: Cookies issued without user consent
33062 Analysis Console does not reflect configured roles
32255 TokenFlex (UserDays Cost) does not support feature labeling
31222 Export button is enabled even when the Application Cost table is empty
31202 Mapping inputs do not fit in cell size
30295 Changing service account doesn't retain its web admin rights
Release Version 10.2 Analysis Server Known Issues
Ticket Description
39973 Identity Server Qualys scan bug: cookie does not contain the "HTTPOnly" attribute
821 Rlmreread command could not start license server
741 Missing draft revisions in license/options files
679 Pushing changes to triad servers creates three revisions in the History tab
676 Triad servers with different options files only show the options file from master
675 License/options file is always showing “modified” for load balanced servers
639 Incorrect lsmon is used for Detective
551 Request too long when authenticating with Windows authentications with many Active Directory groups (66+)
Release Version 10.2 CLIMS Known Issues
Ticket Description
40674 Cert and Key in ingress installation is replaced on upgrade
40668 Ingress upgrade deletes default values for certificate in Sitebindings.json
Release Version 10.2 Ingress Known Issues
Ticket Description
40716 Open iT Autodesk Cloud Plugin Uninstall: Files Not Fully Removed, Dagster Binary Terminates Post-Uninstall
Release Version 10.2 Autodesk Cloud Plugin Known Issues
Ticket Description
39974 Unable to access Application Launcher through Ingress
Release Version 10.2 Application Launcher Known Issues

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