# Adobe Creative Cloud

# Introduction

Open iT supports Adobe Creative Cloud usage reporting by collecting application usage and logs from Adobe applications and user information from the Adobe Admin Console via the User Management API (UM API). These will produce the following aggregated data types used for historical reporting:

The following sections will guide you in setting up the necessary configuration to collect and send the required data to the server.

# Requirements

# Obtaining the Adobe API Access Credentials

You need the following credentials to access the UM API:

  • Scope
  • Organization ID
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

To get these access credentials, create a project in the Adobe Developer Console that integrates with the UM API.

  1. Log in to the Adobe Developer Console using an account with administrative rights.

  2. Create an empty project.

  3. Add and configure an API to your project. Select User Management API from the list of Adobe services.

  4. After configuring UM API to your project, go to the Project overview page to view the API credential details.

# Migrating to OAuth Server-to-Server Credentials

Adobe is moving from Service Account (JWT) credentials to OAuth Server-to-Server credentials.

Starting from Open iT version 10.2, necessary updates to fully support Adobe's migration to the OAuth model have been implemented. These updates require the following steps to ensure continuous Open iT integration with Adobe's new credential system.

  1. Add the new credential to your existing project that uses Service Account (JWT) credentials.

  2. Reconfigure the Adobe Cloud data collection to update the API access credentials.

# Configuring Cloud Data Collection

These are the required steps to configure collection of Adobe Cloud data.

  1. Go to the Components directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\Components.

  2. Open adobecloudcollector.xml.

  3. Input the API access credentials in their respective value attribute.

    10|		<Object>
    11|			<Name>scope</Name>
    12|         <Description>This is required for OAuth Server-to-Server Credentials</Description>
    13|	   		<Value type="String">Insert string of scopes here (Comma-separated)</Value>
    14|  	</Object>
    16|		<Object>
    17|			<Name>org_id</Name>
    18|	   		<Description>This is required for OAuth Server-to-Server and JWT Credentials</Description>
    19|			<Value type="String">Insert the organization ID (IMS_ORG_ID or ORG_ID) here</Value>
    20|  	</Object>
    22|    	<Object>
    23|	   		<Name>client_id</Name>
    24|  		<Description>This is required for OAuth Server-to-Server and JWT Credentials</Description>
    25|			<Value type="String">Insert the client ID (CLIENT_ID) here</Value>
    26|  	</Object>
    28|	   	<Object>
    29|  		<Name>client_secret</Name>
    30|			<Description>This is required for OAuth Server-to-Server and JWT Credentials</Description>
    31|  		<Value type="String">Insert the client secret (CLIENT_SECRET) here</Value>
    32|    	</Object>
  4. Save the changes.

# Activating Cloud Data Collection

These are the required steps to activate collection of Adobe Cloud data.

  1. Go to the scheduler directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\scheduler, and open collect_license_adobe-cloud.oconf.

  2. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.collect_adobe_cloud.general.active to true to activate the collection of Adobe Cloud data.

    13|	}
    14|		general
    15|		{
    16|			active
    17|			{
    18|				type=bool
    19|				value=true
  3. Save the changes.

Refer to the Adobe Cloud Data Job Scheduler Instances Configuration table to learn the attributes used to configure Adobe Cloud data collection.

Attribute Name Accepted Value Description
max-instances Uint (e.g., 5, 8, 9) The number of instances allowed to run at the same time.
max-handling String (end-oldest, end-all-old, or end-new) The action done upon reaching the maximum number of instances. Specify end-oldest to stop/kill the oldest instance and then start the new, specify end-all-old to stop/kill all running instances and then start the new, or specify end-new to not start the new instance.
end-timeout Timespan (e.g., P30S, P5M, P1H) The maximum waiting time before terminating a running instance.
quarantine Timespan (e.g., P30S, P5M, P1H) The waiting time before starting a new instance after a previous one.
Adobe Cloud Data Job Scheduler Instances Configuration

# Configuring Application Usage Tracking in the Workstations

These are the required steps to monitor Adobe application usage in the workstations.

  1. Go to the Configuration directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration.

  2. Open appusage_process_rules-adobe.conf.

  3. Copy the file contents.

  4. From the same directory, open appusage_process_rules_master.conf.

  5. Paste the copied contents.

  6. Save the changes.

# Distributing Files to the Clients

Files from the server automatically reflect on the client after restarting the client service or every 6 hours, which is the default schedule for file distribution. However, you can manually trigger the file distribution:

   Manual File Distribution to a Client

# Next Steps?

   Mapping Adobe Username to Email Address    Renaming Vendor License    Renaming Features    Create and Add Report    License Monitor

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