# LicenseAnalyzer™ - Level 0 (Inventory) Data Types

# Windows Inventory [33]

This data type gives an overview of the installed application in a Windows host.

# Classifications

Name Description
Domain The domain of the host.
Host The host where the application is installed.
Architecture The architecture of the host.
OS The operating system of the host.
Application The name of the application.
Executable The name of the binary of the installed application.
Path The full path to the executable of the installed application.
Vendor The name of the company or person that owns or develops the application. Started support in v10.2.
Windows Inventory Classifications

# Measurements

Name Description Unit of Measurement
Count The sum of the number of inventory scans. Number
Distinct The virtual value for every extracted unique classification. The value is always one (1). Number
Windows Inventory Measurements

# Dongle Data Inventory [117]

This data type provides an overview of the accounted information of the dongle. This includes the specific user, host, and serial number of the dongle accounted with the duration of how long the dongle is attached.

# Classifications

Name Description
Serial number The serial number of the dongle.
Vendor The name of the vendor (firmname of the dongle).
Vendor code The code of the vendor (firmcode of the dongle).
Feature The name of the licensed feature used.
Feature version The version of the feature used.
Host The host name where the dongle is installed.
User The user of the dongle.
Dongle Data Inventory Classifications

# Measurements

Name Description Unit of Measurement
Count The number of accumulated records. Number
Duration The duration of license usage. Hours
Dongle Data Inventory Measurements

# Product Inventory [118]

This data type is used to identify the host names with the vendor license applications and licensed used.

# Classifications

Name Description
Vendor License The vendor license name. For Autodesk, vendor license IDs are renamed to their vendor license name using the autodesk-product-id-rename.map file.
Vendor License ID The vendor license ID of the software.
Feature name The name of the licensed feature.
Serial number The license serial number.
Release number The release number of the software.
License type The license type.
  • 0 = Free
  • 1 = Network
  • 2 = Stand-alone
  • 3 = Multiseat Stand-alone
  • 4 = Free Trial
  • 5 = Named User
  • 6 = Shared Device
  • Domain The name of the domain.
    Host The name of the host.
    OS The operating system of the host.
    Installed The installation status of the application. Possible values are yes or no.
    Location The location of the executable.
    Product Inventory Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of accumulated records. Number
    Product Inventory Measurements

    # License Subscription Inventory [135]

    This data type provides an overview of the total number of licenses used based on type and subscription. This supports Autodesk licensing model and reports an inventory of the company's Autodesk license subscriptions. Data are fetched from Autodesk's admin portal.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Time The start time of the work period.
    Vendor The name of the vendor of the vendor license.
    Contract The unique identifier of the contract.
    Subscription The number of the subscription used.
    Vendor License The offering name in the contract.
    License type The type of the licenses used.
    Max available licenses The maximum number of licenses available for use.
    Start The start date of the subscription.
    End The end date of the subscription.
    License Subscription Inventory Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Record Count The number of accumulated records. Number
    License Subscription Inventory Measurements

    # License Product Assignment [136]

    This data type provides the group and user-oriented overview of the licenses used based on the license type assignment.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Time The start time of the work period.
    Vendor The name of the vendor of the vendor license.
    Vendor License The offering name in the contract.
    License type The type of the licenses used.
  • undef
  • online
  • standalone
  • named user
  • User group The name of the group, project, or department where the user belongs at the time of monitoring. If autodesk-email-to-user.map, autodesk-email-to-user-name-ad.map, or user-rename.map is unavailable (missing file or no map for user), the value will be undef.
    User The name of the user assigned to the vendor license.
    License Product Assignment Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Record count The number of aggregated records. Number
    License Product Assignment Measurements

    # License Subscription Inventory v2 [139]

    This data type provides an overview of the total number of licenses used, categorized by type and subscription. It supports licensing models and reports an organization's license subscription inventory. Data is retrieved from the vendor's administrative portal. The v2 data type includes an updated format for the vendor license names.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Time The start time of the work period.
    Vendor License The <Source Host>;<Vendor Name> where Source Host is where cloud data collection is configured. If no vendor exists in the license, the daemon name will be utilized instead.
    Package The offering name in the contract.
    Contract The unique identifier of the contract.
    Subscription The number of the subscription used.
    License type The type of the licenses used.
    Max available licenses The maximum number of licenses available for use.
    Start The start date of the subscription.
    End The end date of the subscription.
    License Subscription Inventory v2 Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Record Count The number of accumulated records. Number
    License Subscription Inventory v2 Measurements

    # License Product Assignment v2 [140]

    This data type provides the group and user-oriented overview of the licenses used based on the license type assignment. The v2 data type has the updated format of the vendor license name.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Time The start time of the work period.
    Vendor License The <Source Host>;<Vendor Name> where Source Host is where cloud data collection is configured. If no vendor exists in the license, the daemon name will be utilized instead.
    Package The offering name in the contract.
    License type The type of the licenses used.
  • undef
  • online
  • standalone
  • named user
  • User group The name of the group, project, or department where the user belongs at the time of monitoring. If user-to-usergroup.map mapping is unavailable (missing file or no map for user), the value will be undef.
    User The name of the user assigned to the product.
    License Product Assignment v2 Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Record count The number of aggregated records. Number
    License Product Assignment v2 Measurements

    # Software Catalog Query Info [142]

    This data type provides an overview of the number of licenses available in the software catalog.

    # Classifications

    Name Description
    Package The package where a component belongs (for FlexNet packages). For normal features not belonging to any package, this will be <none>.
    Feature The name of the licensed feature.
    Feature version The version of the feature.
    Daemon The daemon of the the license manager. If the license manager does not have a daemon, the license manager name will be utilized instead.
    License manager The name of the license manager where the data is collected.
    Software Catalog Query Info Classifications

    # Measurements

    Name Description Unit of Measurement
    Count The number of records produced by filtrator from licpoll logs. There will be one record for each unique combination of classifications within each hour. Number
    Software Catalog Query Info Measurements

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