# Renaming Application Name for Collected URLs/ Page Titles

# Introduction

Configure webdata-to-app.map to map an application name for collected URLs and/or page titles to make reports more readable.

# Configuring webdata-to-app.map

  1. Open the webdata-to-app.map in the Configuration directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration.

  2. Use the following format to map a URL or a web page title substring:

    MAP: <application name>
    *<URL substring>*\*<Title substring>\*

    Empty lines are allowed — any line beginning with # as the first non-white character is considered a comment. Globbing is also supported.

    On the example, any URL with autodesk and autodesk360 on it and any page title with A360 on it will be mapped to Autodesk.

    MAP: Autodesk
    # https://a360.autodesk.com/drive/

    All the titles that contain LinkedIn with camel case, linkedin with small case, linkedIn with capital letter ‘I’, and Linkedin with capital letter ‘L’ with any URL will be mapped to LinkedIn.

    MAP: LinkedIn
  3. Save the changes.

  1. Open the webdata-to-app.map in the etc directory, which is by default in /var/opt/openit/etc.

  2. Use the following format to map a URL or a web page title substring:

    MAP: <application name>
    *<URL substring>*\*<Title substring>\*

    Empty lines are allowed — any line beginning with # as the first non-white character is considered a comment. Globbing is also supported.

    On the example, any URL with autodesk and autodesk360 on it and any page title with A360 on it will be mapped to Autodesk.

    MAP: Autodesk
    # https://a360.autodesk.com/drive/

    All the titles that contain LinkedIn with camel case, linkedin with small case, linkedIn with capital letter ‘I’, and Linkedin with capital letter ‘L’ with any URL will be mapped to LinkedIn.

    MAP: LinkedIn
  3. Save the changes.


# Next Steps?

Proceed with data regeneration after configuring all the necessary mapping files to apply the changes in the real-time and historical reports.

For real-time reports:

   Generating License Status Data  

For historical reports:

   Data Generation  

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