# Using Custom Software Information for Data Normalization

# Overview

Recommended reading: Shared Software Assets Directory (SSAD)

By default, the Core Server downloads featureset.map files from the Shared Software Assets Directory (SSAD) in the Customer Portal for data normalization.

The featureset.map files from SSAD are saved in the Catalog folder within the Core Server's Configuration directory. The files follow the directory structure: $CONFIG_DIR/Catalog/<License Manager>/<Vendor Daemon>/featureset.map.

For example, the mapping file for Flex license from MathWorks will be saved to:

  • C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\Catalog\Flex\mlm\featureset.map in Windows
  • /var/opt/openit/etc/Catalog/Flex/mlm/featureset.map in Unix

Starting version 10.1.140, Open iT supports maintaining customized featureset.map files based on your specific software information.

# Disabling Download of Mapping Files from the Open iT SSAD

You need to create a corresponding lock file for each featureset.map file you want to customize. The lock file is the bookmark indicating that the Core Server will not download the respective featureset.map file from SSAD. This ensures that your custom featureset.map file will not be overridden.

  1. Go to the target $CONFIG_DIR/Catalog/<License Manager>/<Vendor Daemon>/ directory, which is by default C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\Catalog\<License Manager>\<Vendor Daemon>\.

    Create the directory if it does not exist yet.

  2. Create a featureset.map.lock file in the same directory.

    This can be an empty file or copied then renamed from the original map file.

    Sample Lock File

    Sample Lock File

  1. Go to the target $CONFIG_DIR/Catalog/<License Manager>/<Vendor Daemon>/ directory, which is by default /var/opt/openit/etc/Catalog/<License Manager>/<Vendor Daemon>/.

    Create the directory if it does not exist yet.

  2. Create a featureset.map.lock file in the same directory.

    This can be an empty file or copied then renamed from the original map file.

# Feature Set Configuration for ServiceNow

The feature set configuration consists of two main parts: the DEFAULT and GROUP blocks.

Sample featureset.map
	    ignore used_licenses < 1
	    count used_licenses

GROUP "ANSYS BladeModeler"
        featureset="ANSYS BladeModeler"
        feature="acfx_bldmdlr" feature_version="all"
        feature="agppi" feature_version="all"
        feature="rdpara" feature_version="all"


Use the DEFAULT block to set common attributes, rules, and general assignments. There should only be one DEFAULT block in a featureset.map file, and it should be identical to all such files:

		ignore used_licenses < 1
		count used_licenses

As you noticed, the DEFAULT block consists of two sections: rules and general.

Specify the rules as methods with additional details.

	ignore used_licenses < 1
	count used_licenses
Example Description
ignore used_licenses < 1 This rule indicates that any record without actual license use will be ignored. Other available operators are <=, >, >=, ==, and !=.
count used_licenses Since one GROUP may include several instances of a single feature, count is used to specify the record field that holds the feature count.

The general sub-block lists a set of assignments of values to record fields. There should only be one assignment of value per line, and it should follow the format <name>=<value>


The record fields are indexed by the following names:

Name Description
used_licenses This specifies the licenses in use.
licenses This specifies the maximum available licenses.
DEFAULT: General Assignments

A value can either be a fixed value or a variable. Variable names must be enclosed in %.

Example Description
%count% The number of instances of the group in the current combination.
%totalcount% The count value defined for each group (i.e., maximum possible group instances).
DEFAULT: Possible Values for General Assignments


GROUP blocks are the definition of each feature set.

GROUP "ANSYS BladeModeler"
	    featureset="ANSYS BladeModeler"
	    feature="acfx_bldmdlr" feature_version="all"
	    feature="agppi" feature_version="all"
	    feature="rdpara" feature_version="all"

This is where you define the specific count and cost of the feature set; general details, such as the product ID and featureset name; and the elements which lists the individual features.

  • 143 - Normalized License Total Concurrency
  • 144 - Normalized License User Host Concurrency
  • 145 - Normalized License Maxed Out

# Updating an Existing Mapping File

A featureset.map file should already exist in its respective $CONFIG_DIR/Catalog/<License Manager>/<Vendor Daemon>/ directory if you set up a connection to SSAD during Core Server installation.

Make sure that a corresponding lock file is already created before proceeding.

  1. Open the target mapping file you want to customize.

  2. Modify the configuration as needed. You can directly change values of an existing GROUP or add a new GROUP block.

    Sample featureset.map
    	    ignore used_licenses < 1
    	    count used_licenses
    GROUP "ANSYS BladeModeler"
            featureset="ANSYS BladeModeler"
            feature="acfx_bldmdlr" feature_version="all"
            feature="agppi" feature_version="all"
            feature="rdpara" feature_version="all"
    GROUP "ANSYS Mechanical Pro"
    	    featureset="ANSYS Mechanical Pro"
    	    feature="advanced_meshing" feature_version="all"
    	    feature="dsdxm" feature_version="all"
    	    feature="mech_1" feature_version="all"
    GROUP "Custom ANSYS Mechanical Premium"
    	    featureset="ANSYS Mechanical Premium"
    	    feature="advanced_meshing" feature_version="all"
    	    feature="dsdxm" feature_version="all"
    	    feature="ice_translator" feature_version="all"

    In a GROUP, the product_id and featureset defined under general shows as the Software ID and Software Title in the Open iT reports, respectively. These details are initially from the SSAD catalog, so when adding a new GROUP, you may set the product_id to any random number and the featureset to your preferred software title.

    All individual elements should have a corresponding feature_version in addition to the feature name.

    Also, if a software vendor uses packages, add package to match lines for that, even if it has to be set to empty ("").

    package="" feature="acfx_bldmdlr" feature_version="all"

    Empty lines are allowed — any line beginning with # as the first non-white character is considered a comment.

  3. Save the changes.

# Creating a New Feature Set Mapping File

Start by creating the Catalog directories and subdirectories where you'll save the featureset.map files. Follow the directory format, $CONFIG_DIR/Catalog/<License Manager>/<Vendor Daemon>/.

Make sure that a corresponding lock file is already created before proceeding.

  1. Create an empty featureset.map file in the respective directory.

  2. Follow the sample format. Learn more about feature set mapping here.

    Sample featureset.map
    	    ignore used_licenses < 1
    	    count used_licenses
    GROUP "ANSYS BladeModeler"
            featureset="ANSYS BladeModeler"
            feature="acfx_bldmdlr" feature_version="all"
            feature="agppi" feature_version="all"
            feature="rdpara" feature_version="all"

    In a GROUP, the product_id and featureset defined under general shows as the Software ID and Software Title in the Open iT reports, respectively. These details are initially from the SSAD catalog, so when adding a new GROUP, you may set the product_id to any random number and the featureset to your preferred software title.

    All individual elements should have a corresponding feature_version in addition to the feature name.

    Also, if a software vendor uses packages, add package to match lines for that, even if it has to be set to empty ("").

    package="" feature="acfx_bldmdlr" feature_version="all"

    Empty lines are allowed — any line beginning with # as the first non-white character is considered a comment.

  3. Save the changes.

# Next Steps?

Proceed with data regeneration after configuring the necessary mapping files to apply the changes in the historical reports.

   Data Generation  

After this, run the RunEtl subcommand using the Analysis Server Console Application to load and process data from the Core Server.

You also need to run the RunAdapter command using the ServiceNow Adapter Console Application to process and send data to the ServiceNow instance.

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