# Patch System

Before version 9, Open iT used a patch system to fix issues encountered in its released version. The system involves releasing of patches (fixes) for a specific issue and will only replace or modify the important files to solve the encountered issue.

# Cause of Deprecation

The patch system requires tedious and intensive testing to ensure the effectiveness of the released patch. Before the patches are released, they should be tested on different scenarios to ensure they will not introduce more issues in the installation. Hence, fixing the problem is compromised since the patch needs more testing time.

Moreover, supporting many Open iT customers with different sets of installed patches is challenging.

Open iT wants to eliminate these scenarios and decided to deprecate and find a newer and more effective way to deliver fixes to issues encountered.

# Effects of Deprecation

There will be no patches for Open iT version 9. The patch system will only be available for customers with Open iT version 6.x installed.

# New Approach

In Open iT version 9.x, a linear approach to updating customer installations called Upgrade System was introduced. This system involves releasing hotfixes for officially released versions. The hotfix is a complete installation containing the fixes for encountered issues. In this case, Open iT controls what changes to perform and tests the whole installation.

# End of Life

Starting Open iT version 9.x.

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