# Release Notes for Version 9.17

Product: Open iT Software
Release Date: 2022-May-16

# Introduction

Open iT Software Suite is further improved in this release, including new features, improvements, and bug fixes.

# New Features

This release includes the support for Adobe Creative Cloud (CC).

The following reports are available for Adobe CC:

  • License Product Assignment
  • Total License Usage Reporting
  • User Level License Usage Reporting
  • User Group Level License Usage Reporting
  • Host Level License Usage Reporting
  • Host Group Level License Usage Reporting

This is achieved by combining Adobe application data from the following sources: Adobe Admin Console, Adobe UXP logs, Adobe License Toolkit output, and Adobe application usage.

This release adds support for the TASKING License Manager (TLM). The following reports are available for TLM:

  • Support in License Monitor
  • Total License Usage Reporting
  • Group Level License Usage Reporting
  • User Level License Usage Reporting
  • Host Level License Usage Reporting
  • Host Group Level License Usage Reporting
  • License Denial Reporting

The TASKING License Manager is supported by license polling and collecting debug log files containing license information and usage.

This release includes the support for Autodesk FLEX. The following reports are available for AutodeskFLEX:

  • User Level License Usage Reporting
  • User Compliance Checking
  • License Product Assignment
  • License Subscription Inventory

Autodesk FLEX can now be reported along with the Autodesk named-user subscription licenses. This is achieved by combining Autodesk data from various sources. The primary data source for Autodesk FLEX support is from the Autodesk accounts (Autodesk Portal) and user workstations. This release also includes the collection and reporting of Autodesk groups from Autodesk Admin Portal which can be seen on data types 49 (Host User License Use) and 136 (License Product Assignment).

This release also updates the:

  • Autodesk product hierarchy to use the Open iT standard format: <SourceHost>;autodeskcloud. This will be seen on data types 49 (Host User License Use), 93 (OLAP Raw Hourly), and 94 (OLAP User Concurrency). For the old Autodesk inventory data without a source host, the value would be UnknownHost;autodeskcloud.
  • UnknownProduct values to UnmappedProduct for usage records without license assignment in the Autodesk Admin Portal.

This release expands the collection and reporting support for Olicense License Manager. The following reports are available for Olicense:

  • Support in License Monitor
  • Total License Usage Reporting
  • User Group License Usage Reporting
  • User Level License Usage Reporting
  • Host Level License Usage Reporting
  • Host Group Level License Usage Reporting

The Olicense License Manager is supported by license polling and collecting debug log files containing license information and usage.

This release includes updating the term Product to Vendor License in Open iT Analysis Server. This should bring a more suitable term to what the classification refers to.

This release includes a new report that will distribute the total cost of the feature to user groups according to their usage.

Open iT Canned Reports are Analysis Server-like reports without an actual Analysis Server installation. This also connects directly to Open iT Core Server flat data files for report creation to avoid loading massive amounts of data in the SQL server, which may cause delays.

Open iT Data Monitor and Alerts enables the user to monitor and evaluate the current data situation and stability in the Core Server. It evaluates the archived data and records each vendor license’s daily file count and size. It also processes the license status files to get the number of registered vendor licenses that will be the baseline for sending email alerts.

The Open iT Module Activator enables the activation and deactivation of data collection across connected Open iT Clients through a centralized dashboard in the Admin Portal web interface. This feature allows for the configuration of connected clients without the need to manually modify configuration files within each machine.

The Product Mapping Interface enables product mapping configurations through the Admin Portal web interface. This feature allows adding, editing, deleting, and viewing product maps without manually accessing and modifying the product-mapping file in the Core Server.

# Improvements

No. Description
1 Add a standard value for empty group and group types
2 Add debug log for missing or bad signature in incoming file
3 Improve handling of output files from LicenseStatusConverter
4 Improve layout and descriptions of measurements for generated reports
5 Improve parsing of Apache logs in Unix Core Server
6 Update Apache to version 2.4.53
7 Improve Core Reporter Landing Page
8 Reduce unnecessary application logs
9 Enable Primetime support
10 Improve handling of dongle data in filtrator
11 Limit apicontroller tasks to their supported platforms
12 Create ISO image for Windows installers
13 Autodesk user name mapping
14 Use replace.cfg for autodeskapp data types
15 Create contrib script for reparsing Autodesk Cloud raw data
16 Create contrib script for easy enabling/disabling Autodesk jobs on the server
17 Update openit_collectautodeskrates to collect Autodesk Flex burn rate from the new API
18 Update 7z version to 22.1
19 Updated Apache to 2.4.55
20 Support for Olicense license usage historical reporting
21 Support Autodesk Flex token usage
22 Add creation of crash reports in Disabler
23 Add new method of suspending applications for LicenseOptimizer
24 Add Petrel save-script
Release Version 9.17 Core Server Improvements
No. Description
1 Add configuration for maximum data age to be processed by FLAB
2 Add offset to transfer AppUsage data
3 Add option to use which tar to use in upgradeassistant
4 Add triad server support Altair/LM-X
5 Support other Sentinel RMS log transaction types
6 Support splitting of rlmstat output per vendor
7 Support for getting lmservers from process env variable in freezemonitor
8 Update LogFileCollector to skip files already processed
9 Add a short resume in LicenseOptimizer
10 Support collection by serial number in Genlicutil
11 Support dongles in moduleactivatorClient
12 Support for getting lmservers from process env variable in freezemonitor
13 Upgrade Curl to version 7.82
14 Support for Olicense license usage historical reporting
15 Support Autodesk Flex token usage
16 Add creation of crash reports in Disabler
17 Add new method of suspending applications for LicenseOptimizer
18 Add Petrel save-script
Release Version 9.17 Client Improvements
No. Description
1 Add delete custom field button to Contract Management pages
2 Add data source for denials for packages
3 Improve License Monitor Portal user search
4 Add search functionality in SSRS templates
5 Allow only administrators to edit content on Wiki pages
6 Add option for restricting user roles to create public folders in Dashboard creation
7 Add Business Unit attribute for all user groups
8 Update factory file for feature labelling
9 Improve Application cost page
10 Support "equal to" threshold in License Expiration portlet
11 Separate Cost pages from Administration tab
12 Disable Subscriptions in Alerting
13 SSRS template for Autodesk named user
Release Version 9.17 Analysis Server Improvements
No. Description
1 Add a way to determine if a machine is triad in the Monitor page
2 Show license manager version
3 Add acknowledgement when the working copy is no longer sync to the local copy
4 Add configuration to turn on/off include Windows Active Directory groups
5 Handle RLM with inactive ISV
6 Register RavenDB as a service during installation
7 Add option to mute alerts
8 Add an ability to execute Publish only
Release Version 9.17 CLIMS Improvements
No. Description
1 Add field for project description
2 Add search functionality in Project dropdown and ability to search using Project description
3 Add automatic import of project and application
Release Version 9.17 Application Launcher Improvements
No. Description
1 Bootstrapper that includes Admin Portal, Identity Server, CLIMS, App Launcher, and Analysis Server
No. Description
1 Add inbound rule for IIS port during installation
2 Switch to RavenDB as Admin Portal’s database
3 Add JSON Configuration GUI
Release Version 9.17 Admin Portal Improvements

# Bug Fixes

Ticket Description
-- Activate the CollapseEvents:false_denials by default
-- Change the time-window-size from P5S to P5M for denials
-- Remove execution of old module_activation
4891 Fixes computation of total reserved licenses in summary file
18765 Extends wait time on locking mutex/monopoly object
20766 Adds Power BI data generation in data processing scheduler job
21940 Fixes wrong username used in lmremove backup command
22751 Fixes failure to save configuration after removing server and client uri in the Admin page
24835 Supports other LogFileCollector archives in rawarchiveregenerator
26280 Removes _pull_dist and _process_raw_data from cron jobs
26424 Handles spaces in naming licensetypes in licpoll.xml
27235 Sets merge-vendors default value to false
27259 Fixes proper handling of triad server in Beta LM
27407 Fixes License Monitor mapping overlay inconsistencies across browsers
27431 Prevents SAR collection to be added in crontab if SAR binary is not configured
27589 Adds validation for Mapping page
27592 Adjusts Sources container size and adds tool tip on Mapping page
27603 Fixes null pointer when EventTracer thread restarts
27617 Prevents process_ps script from getting stuck in case it hangs
27619 Fixes template access role in Core Reporter
27694 Accepts new value of parameters during upgrade
28008 Fixes missing data in Icarus LM reports due to time zone
28077 Fixes empty exepath in Appusage
28132 Adds script to start freezemon for new user sessions in Unix
28135 Fixes AutodetectFlexNet detection of foster vendor
28138 Fixes proper handling of token-cost in DSLS
28142 Fixes epoch mismatch between client_info and expire_threshold
28147 Fixes scheduler crashing because of bad signature
28151 Adds database_cleanup.conf to Windows server installer
28185 Fixes do load warning due to slow machine
28350 Handles multiple options sources in optparserflex
28366 Fixes access issue on ApiController on sending Autodetect files
28377 Adds missing path nodes in licenseconfigbuilder.xml
28379 Corrects data logging bug that would cause crash
28397 Fixes error when running openit_audit
28407 Fixes scheduler adding “.exe” suffix to batch scripts
28427 Prevents scheduler to log warning if exit value is 10
28428 Fixes fatal exit value when there are no files to load in PollParserWeblog
28438 Prevents executor from reading non-oconf file to avoid adding duplicate file extension
28439 Fixes bad_audit.zip being created every time openit_audit runs
28446 Fixes scheduler killing unfinished transfer and preprocess jobs
28448 Compresses the LicPollComplete logs before sending
28450 Fixes incompatible history database path for Chrome, Mozilla, and Opera
28452 Fixes crashing disabler due to thread race condition
28453 Improves AutodetectRLM on detecting ISV option file location
28454 Adds first_seen and last_seen to client_info
28455 Fixes handling of appusage *.make files after restart
28496 Fixes ApiController error due to timeout
28563 Allows multiple instances of openit_executor
28594 Fixes the issue on setting offset through Admin Portal
28595 Fixes “Unable to configure” error when processing Azure data types
28598 Fixes collection settings in multivendor RLM
28616 Fixes debug message in freezemonitor when status command binary is missing
28621 Fixes the inconsistency in RLM product name
28629 Fixes crashing disabler in Unix
28649 Adds ApiController task on upgrading URIs
28656 Fixes ApiController data race condition
28665 Adds core_licenseconfigbuilder for coexistence setup
28676 Adds handling of data type 129 when updating automatic data generation configuration
28692 Fixes issue on creating licpoll configuration for Materialise and Sentinel
28700 Fixes filtrator .tmp files filling up disk
28713 Removes deletion of apache logs during uninstall
28739 Fixes LMX utility args for HAL
28846 Supports other Sentinel RMS log transaction types
28850 Adds missing WibuCm64.dll for codemeterstat binary
28854 Aggregates available licenses in RLM logs with different pools
28871 Fixes mishandled package lines in AutodetectFlexnet
28879 Uses file pattern in getting autoconfig files
28899 Updates flexlogcollector to remove warning strings with special characters
28906 Changes instances.max-handling to end-oldest for the transfer jobs for licpoll transfer jobs
28907 Fixes proper handling of (none) domain from domain name command
28909 Fixes unable to build data structure for LM-X
28933 Adds missing classification descriptions for data types 135 and 136
28935 Fixes failing confbuilder due to missing files
28947 Fixes JobMonitor bad allocation error
29005 Fixes date conversion for values not in table header
29006 Fixes matching of features in LicPoll
29009 Supports lmswitch rotation in FlexNet debug log
29037 Fixes wrong ApiController task for Wibukey transfer
29127 Fixes race condition issue causing incomplete path for operation
29136 Fixes crashing LogParserHasp2 when reading long status file
29139 Cleans license usage directory when app status has no input
29183 Adds options to disable license status data and temp files of log parsers separately
29221 Fixes parsing of LogparserRLM with different feature versions
29222 Aggregates available licenses in RLM logs with different pools
29236 Updates microclient to check connection before sending
29249 Supports upgrade_uri on macOS
29253 Improves descriptions of classifications
29259 Improves data accuracy of Application Monitor
29263 Adds moduleactivator on macOS
29267 Disables PollCollector from creating empty inventories
29283 Handles when archive file is not in signature file
29296 Fixes case-sensitive node issue on Unix module_activation
29305 Updates JobMonitor to track scheduler_heartbeat
29342 Fixes missing usage from token pool in flexlog reports
29360 Removes desktop script of freezemonitor on uninstall
29373 Fixes configuration files being overwritten during upgrade
29403 Supports updated format of License line in CodeMeter log file
29405 Fixes wrong FlexLogCollector timestamp when crossing DST
29406 Fixes issue in matching of feature with outdated expiry date
29409 Fixes scanning of multiple LGS data dirs with dirs not containing LGS.data file
29411 Fixes handling of year of LogparserRLM event type
29434 Fixes LicenseConfigBuilder on modifying trigger intervals using user configuration
29436 Fixes moduleactivator not running on schedule
29459 Fixes incomplete reporting on DSLS data
29469 Fixes incomplete Autodesk features on autodeskapp archive
29513 Renames caddy.exe to openit_caddy.exe
29526 Supports relative paths in CMD and ISV lines in AutodetectRLM
29558 Adds handling of future timestamped flexlog2 data
29559 Improves logparsercodemtr runtime on event type of parsing
29560 Fixes proper handling of empty data in PollParserVRay
29571 Modifies “WARNING” to “NOTICE” for LoadManager Status Message
29573 Adds missing .platform node in apicontroller-one tasks
29578 Turns off product rename in FLAB by default
29608 Prevents LicenseConfigBuilder from patching illegal/non-printable characters
29616 Fixes proper handling of incomplete or empty data with valid JSON format in PollParserVRay
29662 Updates LicenseConfigBuilder not to delete expired sources
29663 Updates handling of multiple increments with different expiration dates in Flex
29673 Fixes Licpoll RLM handling of feature version with comma
29721 Fixes adding extra spaces on map creation
29793, 29794 Fixes disabler pop-up issues and messages
29788 Supports parsing of ssl_request.log* for Apache Parser
29814 Improves Flab performance
29816 Fixes missing pricing structure in DSLS data
29818 Adds configuration for limiting exhaustive search to prevent CPU exhaustion
29819 Fixes LogparserEA to ignore data with invalid duration when computing expired license
29830 Fixes handling of 2-part server daemons
29840 Handles re-running of same client installer version
29843 Prevents job names from being patched with reserved characters
29849 Adds placeholder for websocket port to avoid replacing of configured SSL certificate path during upgrade
29884 Allows client installation even with inaccessible server-uri
29892 Fixes php*.temp files filling up disk
29896 Handles user role on Autodesk cloud collection
28129, 28222 Fixes parsing of Peloton logoff logs with negative duration
28270, 28653 Prevents LicPoll from hanging when reading output from pollers
30063 Fixes multiple license files not showing in status output and data in RLM
30090 Supports for user profile parsing for Autodesk Product version 2019 below
30127 Supports implicit license request and release entry event types in logparsersentinel
30143 Fixes AutodeskCloud issue on distinct assigned users greater than owned licenses
30146 Fixes issue on saving a test file source on Mapping page
30367 Adds exception for bad polls with usable data
30401 Adds removing of $TEMP_DIR/dist-config to avoid leftover files
30449 Fixes upgrade removing existing overrides in module-activation oconfs
Release Version 9.17 Core Server and Client Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
23160 Fixes processing error due to unsupported language
23431 Fixes LMP exportCSV wrong value for License Model column
24210 Fixes SAPOptimizer menu’s scroll down
25752 Fixes unformatted pop-up occurs in Analysis Console
26441 Fixes issue on restricting pages
26846 Includes image when exporting via HTML in Analysis tab
27048 Makes Roles configuration window not resizable
27072 Fixes Feature Labelling column selector reset issue
27377 Fixes overlapping value in "Product" column at License Metadata
27766 Adds details on RunETL email alert
28034 Handles when there’s no available values in IdentityField dropdown menu in Mapping Source page
28069 Updates log message when network is inaccessible during updaterolegroups command
28264 Adds validation for currency locale input in Allocations page
28433 Fixes Monthly Consumption Trend showing wrong data
28454 Fixes issue on Host Inventory template having no value on first seen and last seen column
28516 Fixes “#Error” fields on License Efficiency Chart - with Percentile template
28533 Fixes adding of duplicate entries in Contract Management
28557 Fixes sorting on months field on LA - Monthly Heatmap report template
28584 Fixes doubled usage report when products are labeled
28600 Fixes Mapping Sources Identity Field issue
28642 Fixes option to delete public dashboard of other users showing in Admin user
29083 Fixes misleading Report Builder installation hyperlink
29102 Fixes issue after saving custom email templates
29149 Fixes Web Log reporting issue in Analysis Console
29235 Fixes database cleanup configuration
29248 Fixes issue when deleting a custom field
29281 Fixes License Monitor page hierarchy restriction not working
29291 Fixes quick links not working
29313 Fixes date selection not working in Heatmap - Month hour template
29314 Fixes processing of null hostname
29438 Fixes unable to display features in License Monitor Portal
29439 Fixes collation error on the RunETL
29467 Fixes Feature Labeling’s uneditable blank feature label
29509 Fixes Dashboard filter and save issues
30020 Fixes Host Inventory template on SSRS 2012
30074 Fixes installation issue when service account is not administrator on the machine
30158 Fixes error on syncdatatype 91 after upgrade
30157 Fixes missing products after upgrade
30260 Fixes ETL Log page not showing log messages
30373 Fixes syncmapping not properly loading non-ascii characters
Release Version 9.17 Analysis Server Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
373 Hides vendor with expired or no features in License Monitor
420 Fixes issue when using the save icon
442 Handles RLM with inactive ISV
503 Adds acknowledgement when the working copy is no longer sync to the local copy
506 Fixes inability to detect triad setup with aliased hostnames
510 Fixes duplicated vendor entry when the license file was edited to use aliased server name through license file editor
538 Fixes inability to sync files to all members of triad
539 Fixes License Monitor page issue when there is a vendor that does not have a feature
544 Fixes license file editor causing line break issue
546 Registers RavenDB as a service during installation
555 Fixes client receiving a revision late from the latest revision
556 Fixes Role-based Access Control issue on Windows Authentication
562 Fixes detection of Sentinel features from lsmon v8.6
563 Removes logging of missing Main.json file
567 Fixes status update in the GUI when vendor starts
568 Fixes DSLS vendors not updating
569 Supports RLMs with the -dat argument
570 Fixes seesawing of client in different time zone between its own and the server’s local time
571 Supports for Windows Failover Clustering setups
572 Fixes serializing of Sentinel JSON file multiple times per run
577 Removes unnecessary checking of license file before saving
582 Makes vendor label searchable in the Monitor page
583 Fixes real-time usage in Sentinel support
Release Version 9.17 CLIMS Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
29497 Fixes non-admin user client download through GUI access
29250 Fixes launching application when logged in using Windows Authentication
29210 Fixes selecting a project that is bound to an app when using enterprise
29172 Fixes error when trying to bind 1019 projects to an application
29165 Fixes issue on launching an application not bound to a project
29157 Fixes issue on loading all projects when importing from an oconf file
Release Version 9.17 Application Launcher Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
-- Change “Push” button label to “Publish”
28672 Retains previous configuration values during upgrade in Admin Portal
28724 Removes WebDav module in IIS config
28743 Fixes minor issue in installer dialog description
28847 Removes application files during uninstall
29187 Fixes toggle token-related switches to retain value in FlexNet configuration
Release Version 9.17 Admin Portal Bug Fixes

# Known Issues

Ticket Description
28466 Client Installer: Server URI always shows not accessible when trying to connect to Core Server running on HTTPS

Workaround: Continue installation while installer says Server URI is not accessible.
28607 Periodic Jobs' Classifications Arrangement changes after saving the template
29833 server_files_cleanup unable to stat browser-manage.autodesk.com.storage files
30444 DT135: Start and end date of subscription is in epoch format
30594 WCS upgrade https reverts httpd-ssl.conf to default

Workaround: Back up httpd-ssl.conf before upgrade and replace the installed file after upgrade.
31382 UpgradeAssistant failed to add #License Token Individual Usage:Product and #License Token Total Usage:Product in replace.cfg
31330 Contract details were not generated for Adobe CC
30881 Clicking the simple report template creation option link redirects to wrong page
32216 UCS: Displays wrong port on Server URL
30575 Filtrator is using too much memory due to excessive amount of archive records
30562 License Information does not display on UCS when license file is updated
30128 UCS: Server log error and warnings do not display in the Notification section
32573 LMP doesn't add duplicate licenses (licenses within the same feature with same epoch)
30614 Curl is not statically built; requiring libraries: libssl, libcrypto
32600 License Monitor: Wrong available licenses when feature has token
33108 License Monitor: Total licenses with same feature name and package in different product should be equal
33702 Feature Expiry does not have an indicator if feature is token-based or package-based
30614 Curl is not statically built and requires other libraries
Release Version 9.17 Core Server Known Issues
Ticket Description
30177 Missing recorder break after 12am
30478 LogparserEA max in use is greater than max available
30548 FlexLogCollector stops when debug log is changed in the options file and change it back to the previous file name
30552 Mac curl is using outdated system curl
30792 Installer does not get current apicontroller.uri value and overrides value into default server uri

Workaround: Update the URI value from the dialog or supply SERVERURI value on silent installation.
30781 LogparserEA max in use is greater than max available due to inconsistent raw logfile
31052 Missing usage in the report when there's no checkoutClient
31076 EA reports from collection differs from the generated reports using raw archive regenerated data
31326 AppUsage: Could not access appusage_counters config file ERROR
30105 ApiController : Reading /Loading end of config file errors and Invalid configuration node definition
29813 ApiController can't handle more than 2GB of data even when this is in multiple files
32215 LO - Application failed to connect to license server
32220 LO - License of an active application also removed
27431 SAR is being activated by moduleactivation even if it was not set by the installer
32970 L2: LO - Default Petrel save script missing
33094 L2: LO - No crash report created
33112 L2: LO - [GUI] Disabling of the resume button until Saving Session complete
33152 LicPoll still parsed usage for the Greenhill features even if it was already expired
32330 LO - Disabler cannot detect a checked-out license from suspend-timeout when using timestamp matching.
30614 Curl is not statically built and requires other libraries
31146 Unable to handle expiry dates later than year 2037

Note: Encountered on 32-bit clients only
33772 Unable to detect start of an application on Unix; affects timestamp-matching use
32242 Unable to match license checkout when timestamp-matching is enabled

Note: Encountered on 32-bit clients only
Release Version 9.17 Client Known Issues
Ticket Description
30295 AS: GUI - Changing service account doesn't retain it's web admin rights
30720 Cost page accepts invalid input
30730 Cost page could not update data fields if last entry is empty
30750 Vendors page is inaccessible for other users
30767 Data Monitor Portlet's Config Icon is hidden for local user
Release Version 9.17 Analysis Server Known Issues
Ticket Description
296 Inconsistent way of showing expiration date of permanent licenses
540 Previous Data Dir not detected upon upgrade
551 Request too long when authenticating with Windows authentications with many Active Directory groups (66+)
575 Unable to GetUsage() when version is null
578 Only master vendor is started when using CLIMS
579 Change "-z" to "&" when starting a Flex process in Unix
29897 Confusing selected tab on the GUI
30868 First login shows blank page
31603 Vendor expires not long after being detected
Release Version 9.17 CLIMS Known Issues
Ticket Description
31090 Handlejobs: Error upon fresh installation
31095 Module Activator: Adobe workstation and Autodesk workstation are not included in the groups

Workaround: Activate Adobe and Autodesk via the By Modules option.
31096 Module Activator: Hovering over the Active toggle shows the same message whether it is active or inactive
31097 Module Activator: Changes in the GUI are not displayed real-time

Workaround: Refresh the page to load and display the changes.
31112 Module Activator: Publish button’s popup message has a scroll bar under the text
31161 Module Activator: Wrong group content for ComputeAnalyzer
31162 Module Activator: LA Level 1 group should have Application Usage
Release Version 9.17 Admin Portal Known Issues

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