# Release Notes for Version 10

Product: Open iT Software
Release Date: 2024-March-15

# Introduction

Open iT Software Suite is further improved in this release, including new features, improvements, and bug fixes.

# New Features


Open iT Ingress is a new tool that streamlines navigation and enhances user experience by consolidating access to the Open iT's suite of applications through a single, unified web address.


Open iT expands its report anonymization features to support anonymizing historical report fields of the following data types:

  • (49) Host User License Use
  • (93) OLAP Raw Hourly
  • (94) OLAP User Concurrency
  • (95) Usergroup License Use v3.0
  • (102) OLAP Total Use
  • (124) License Model User Concurrency
  • (125) License Model Total Use


This feature automatically tracks configuration revision periodically, then creates a backup of the modified or new files and a text file containing the changes made in the configurations.


Open iT supports EPLAN usage reporting by collecting log files and converting them to Open iT format.

The historical data is built from the samples collected and real-time usage monitoring is supported via the License Monitor.

The following are available for historical reporting:

  • (89) Total License Use Licenseevents
  • (90) Individual License Use Licenseevents
  • (91) Usergroup License Use Licenseevents
  • (108) Host License Use Licenseevents
  • (109) Hostgroup License Use Licenseevents
  • (104) License Logfile Events v2.0
  • (107) Denied License Use Licenseevents


Open iT introduces this feature to allow users to include or exclude vendors in the license collection configurations automatically detected by scanning process arguments through Open iT Autodetect.


This feature allows regeneration of data for specific vendor licenses, features, daemons, applications, or license managers.


This feature reduces archiver jobs to prevent possible bottlenecks in data processing.


Disabler for LicenseAnalyzer Level 2 is updated in this release to notify users by a pop-up when an application is inactive.


The users can make use of the LSF_JOB_STARTER variable in this release to execute FreezeMonitor with the correct self-termination criteria by adding a function that checks whether FreezeMonitor can safely exit or keep running as a daemon.


This feature enables scheduled license harvesting from a specified list of users at designated times, supporting the management of vendors such as Bentley e365, which bill usages based on calendar day intervals.


Open iT enables the switching and utilization of Columnstore indexes in SQL Server database tables, offering advanced data compression that substantially decreases the storage costs of data warehouses.


CLIMS supports the following functionalities for PetEx:

  • Displays general information about the installed license, i.e., license manager path, license files, log files, configuration file, and features
  • Allows the user to start and stop the license daemon
  • Allows the user to monitor the license daemon (info, status, etc.)
  • Shows the user all server commands executed in the client through the Console tab
  • Allows the user to see a rundown of the debug log through the Debug tab
  • Shows the user the number of combined usages of each feature as well as checkout details
  • Allows the user to manage (view, edit, and upload) license files


CLIMS supports the following functionalities for BetaLM:

  • Displays general information about the installed license, i.e., license manager path, license files, log files, configuration file, and features
  • Allows the user to start and stop the license daemon
  • Allows the user to monitor the license daemon (info, status, etc.)
  • Shows the user all server commands executed in the client through the Console tab
  • Allows the user to see a rundown of the debug log through the Debug tab
  • Allows the user to manage (view and edit) license and options files

#32623, #35217

The CLIMS interface displays an intuitive view of the changes within RLM and LMX license files. CLIMS compares the local and GUI copies of the file, then summarizes the changes per line, which are categorized as:

  • No Changes
  • Added
  • Modified
  • Inactive
  • Deleted

Aside from the summary, CLIMS also gives insights or warnings about syntax errors that may be introduced to the license file.


CLIMS sends email notifications containing the summarized semantic changes in a license file. This is available for FlexLM, LMX, and RLM (license managers supported with Semantic License Comparison).

# Improvements

Ticket Description
34345 Improves the Olicense usage reporting support
34836 Level 3 health info on application status
34836 Reinforces collection for better real-time session monitoring
34129 Allows sending of miscellaneous files using API Controller to the Core Server
34352 More comprehensive status values in Level 2 and Level 3 data types
34538 New data source for quick creation of feature-level reports
34591 Creates a new binary that will handle the creation of compressed distributable files
35328 Adds Open iT Online Documentation link on the Documentation page
Release Version 10 Core Server Improvements
Ticket Description
34345 Improves the Olicense usage reporting support
34836 Level 3 health info on application status
34836 Reinforces collection for better real-time session monitoring
32889 New handling of checkout race condition during application resume; deprecation of “require-same-licenses”
33141 New auto-close function in pop-up after application termination
33246 Improves Pop-up Design for Level 3
33451 Supported dedicated pop-ups per Unix application instance with child processes
34137 Coherent terminologies between Level 3 pop-up and data type reports
34315 Better accuracy in calculating CPU utilization on Unix; Conversion of UoM to percent utilization
35539 New attribute option in rules configuration: time (<hh>:<mm><tz>)
Release Version 10 Client Improvements
Ticket Description
29916 Adds warning messages when updating a non-existing configuration key using command prompt
34400 Introduces a new parameter, "/shrink", within the "truncatefacts" command to facilitate the reclamation of actual SQL database storage space on the disk
35551 Optimization on SSAS OLAP Cube processing duration
35553 Improves error logging when validating license file in DeploySQL
36253 Adds more security headers
35327 Adds Open iT Online Documentation link on the Resources page
Release Version 10 Analysis Server Improvements
Ticket Description
523 Support for remote export of collections from RavenDB
878 Highlights license and options keywords for BetaLM in the text editor
881 Skips VENDOR_STRING when detecting vendor line
882 Adds -all argument for lmdown by default
Release Version 10 CLIMS Improvements

# Bug Fixes

Ticket Description
29982, 34855 Fixes the issue of the license feature expiration date not matching the time zone from the license server.
31560 Fixes Autodesk Parser that cannot parse new FlexAccess data without valid contract.
32371 Fixes duplicate reports caused by process_periodic-reports_win running twice.
32871 Fixes the issue where the Autodesk Civil3D usage data is being collected and reported as AutoCAD.
34117 Fixes the issue of jobs run by the scheduler not ending as intended.
34136 Fixes incomplete data for Autodesk in data type 139 (License Subscription Inventory v2).
34190 Supports the FALSE DENIALS event in Olicense Licenseevents2 data types.
34293 Fixes the unexpected termination error of Open iT job scheduler and the issue of multiple loadmanagers, queryaccelerators, and streamlit instances.
34439 Fixes incomplete Autodesk user data in data type 140 (License Product Assignment v2) report.
34441 Fixes parsing of Autodesk subscriptions-contract data without contract number.
34520, 35371 Fixes the issue of crashing jobs blocked permanently due to the mishandling of crash limits.
34738 Adds a new "suspend-timeout-license" attribute to prevent applications from being stuck in suspended status after an upgrade.
35127 Adds a new "show-debug-section" attribute in the cold configuration file.
35195 Fixes the issue of reporting a successful core_heartbeat scheduler job as a failure.
35268 Fixes the Autodesk parser's failure to create assignment data in instances where the “offeringExternalKey” is missing.
35673 Fixes the doubled amount of core in the system information due to model names containing "processor."
25699 Improves the message to give the user more clues as to what happened to the mapping source.
30365 Fixes undefined keys and unknown symbols in UsageAnalyzer reports when using Japanese keyboard mapping.
30881 Fixes the issue on incorrect URI when creating a Template Generated Report.
31279 Fixes unknown data types in the incoming files when regenerating the raw archive.
31571 Fixes Autodesk Cloud slow data processing.
31613 Adds vendor license correction for Adobe Cloud data.
31889 Fixes the issue in Complete Selection that does not have Last 4 weeks enabled for 1 week resolution reporting the period list.
32504 Fixes hanging API Controller processes.
32799 Fixes the issue in Denial of Service.
32818 Fixes duplicate feature entries in the license status converter.
33133 Fixes the missing incoming HASP events, Vray, and Azure data.
33308 Adds support for processing token pool licenses.
33387 Fixes inconsistent Autodesk usage data when multiple assignments are assigned to users.
33409 Fixes the multiple job instances run by the scheduler.
33533 Fixes the Deselect/Select All buttons issue in Complete Selection.
33702 Adds indicator if feature is token or package based in Feature Expiry page.
33847 Fixes the issue wherein the Page component settings accepts values outside disk usage threshold min-max.
33956 Fixes the inconsistent opacity of Registry Keys on the Administration page.
33971 Fixes data type 139 (License Subscription Inventory v2) not being loaded in Analysis Server.
34093 Fixes overflowing pagination from the table container in Usage Audit.
34112 Fixes the Action classification values shown in data type 92 (License Optimizer Actions).
34142 Allows users to limit FlexNet data to process for historical and real-time reporting.
34148 Fixes the issue wherein the License Monitor will be redirected to the disabled page after the license has expired.
34149 Fixes the issue in changing its directory in Log file directory.
34153 Fixes the inability to create a product from features using the create-product-from-features mapping file.
34161 Fixes the issue of the missing setReload to access the Generated Reports tab.
34176 Fixes the issue of not finding patches by correcting the path provided in the license files.
34206 Fixes the issue in displaying “Realtime Reporting” to User1 GUI if it was enabled.
34243 Fixes the missing automatic upper date limit in Generation page.
34253 Fixes the error when getting Reporting Access data for Vendor License and Features in Edit Group.
34305 Fixes the crashing FLAB when reading an input that reduces the event stream to zero.
34440 Correcting wrong spelling in Data Generation page.
34489 Fixes the issue to display Download in nav bar if the toggle is turned on in registry.
34497 Fixes the issue in generating a chart type of report using top_by filter.
34581 Fixes the incorrect calculation of the sum of the max available licenses for the 'all' feature version.
34587 Fixes LicenseConfigBuilder issue trying to back up non-existing XML file on the client setup.
34600 Fixes the elapsed time of "All" disable status when utilizing the alert method.
34607 Updates the elapsed time of "Running" disable status to include inactive usages.
34640 Fixes the issue where the “Realtime Reporting” role is automatically checked when creating a new User.
34641 Fixes the issue in Creating new user without forcing to check the “View Settings” role.
34669 Fixes the issue in Selection tab “No Rowspan” checkbox to not reset the session.
34687 Fixes the incorrect description of user and host to group mapping in some data types in the documentation.
34760 Fixes missing records on the user map files.
34851 Fixes the issue in Feature Version to display in Home and License Monitor upon login.
34862 Fixes the issue where the data processing cannot handle configured daemon filters.
35051 Fixes the License Details hover popup being triggered by other columns other than the Expiry column.
35075 Fixes the issue in generating Excel reports in Unix Core Server.
35076 Fixes the issue to display “Report Title” for Generated Reports in Home page.
35077 Fixes the issue in upgrading the GUI from 9.17 to 9.19 that breaks 9.17 generated reports display.
35081 Fixes the issue in the License Monitor to convert ampersand correctly.
35094 Fixes the issue on PHP where Updating Database Jobs were being skipped.
35115 Fixes Data In Transit (DIT) vulnerability on LicenseAnalyzer.
35119 Fixes the issue in redoing report from a Generated Periodic Report.
35121 Fixes the resizing issue causing the save button in the Mapping Sources page to disappear.
35196 Updates wrong calling of “logDebugStatic” in DatabaseManager.
35197 Fixes the issue in the Home page to open generated periodic reports.
35199 Fixes the issue in the Login page to access the page.
35206 Fixes issue in Core Server quick session expiry.
35208 Fixes API Controller to append "--cacert" to Curl parameters.
35238 Updates the license status converter to be configurable when the expiry date received from the license poller is beyond January 19, 2038.
35297 Fixes the issue in Mapping Overlay to display correct LDAP Attributes.
35298 Fixes the issue in Mapping Sources that shows an error when deleting Text File.
35310 Fixes the issue in Curl vulnerabilities.
35339 Fixes aborting job creator.
35356 Fixes the issue of crashing process incoming data jobs due to the mishandling of crash triggers.
35368 Fixes the issue in clicking “Check All” under Reporting Access that causes an error when there are no vendor licenses.
35370 Adds Sqlite3 binary in Core Server installations.
35404 Fixes the issue in License Monitor page that does not show red flag message.
35494 Fixes the issue in Discovery page of delete button that does not reliably enable when selecting items to delete.
35495 Fixes the issue in Map Maintainer that fails to process succeeding maps due to the errors encountered on previous maps.
35498 Fixes the issue in Audit Filter using v6 and v9 modules with other filters.
35498 Fixes the issue where the Audit filter for Open iT versions fails to function properly when used alongside other filters.
35559 Fixes the crashing archiver caused by the old LicPoll2 archiver file.
35563 Fixes the issue of improper merging of default roles from external authentication when linking an old account.
35564 Fixes the issue where accessing data from Perl fails when using external authentication.
35567 Fixes the issue of overwritten Username and Displayname when editing a user under external authentication.
35585 Fixes the issue of unable to show the unmapped products even when "Use Vendor License Mapping" is disabled.
35586 Upgrades Apache version to 2.4.58.
35600 Fixes the issue in Mapping overlay to display Field 3 after saving it using text-file.
35601 Fixes the incorrect expired features in Feature Expiry page.
35602 Fixes inconsistent data for data type 97 (OLAP Freeze Raw Hourly) report.
35778 Fixes the internal server error returns when accessing Data Monitor API with filters.
35733 Improves the performance of the Core Server’s License Monitor Portal.
35916, 35998 Fixes the encountered internal error wherein the archiver does not include some archives in their respective data group.
35926, 34477 Fixes the issue in reports where max in use is greater than max available.
36062 Rebuilds Autodesk parser binary to run properly on Unix.
36083 Fixes the hovering Core Server menu issue from Documentation page.
36090 Fixes OLAP Freeze Raw Hourly filter file.
36098 Fixes mishandling of error logs.
36114 Fixes the archiver application’s inability to handle periods(.) in vendor license names.
36180 Fixes issues in the scheduler wherein the jobs are not running sequentially.
36326 Removes the prompt that appears when changing Min and Max values for the Y-Axis in the Presentation Tab of Complete Selection.
36384 Fixes the missing “health-dir” error.
36385 Fixes the outdated username in the License Monitor despite containing mapping overlay data.
36460 Fixes issue in displaying the “Remove the Configuration for Mapping Overlay” option.
36514 Fixes incompletely processed data type 141 (Freeze Feature Usage).
36556 Updates the default value of the License Type for the Adobe Cloud application from "Perpetual" to "Named User" in data type 139 (License Subscription Inventory v2).
36627 Fixes the issue where Active/Inactive usage data is not displayed in the License Monitor Portal.
35354, 37004 Fixes invalid license error.
36604, 36614 Optimizes AppStatusConverter historical data processing and improvements on StatusAggregator.
36668 Fixes issue on openit_dist overwriting dist-config.tar.gz made by PHP RestAPI.
36808 Fixes RestAPI to upload temporary files in $TEMP_DIR\PHP_TEMP.
36910 Fixes AppUsage issue on getting a new line in the client output.
Release Version 10 Core Server Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
29982, 34855 Fixes the issue of the license feature expiration date not matching the time zone from the license server.
31560 Fixes Autodesk Parser that cannot parse new FlexAccess data without valid contract.
32371 Fixes duplicate reports caused by process_periodic-reports_win running twice.
32871 Fixes the issue where the Autodesk Civil3D usage data is being collected and reported as AutoCAD.
34117 Fixes the issue of jobs run by the scheduler not ending as intended.
34136 Fixes incomplete data for Autodesk in data type 139 (License Subscription Inventory v2).
34190 Supports the FALSE DENIALS event in Olicense Licenseevents2 data types.
34293 Fixes the unexpected termination error of Open iT job scheduler and the issue of multiple loadmanagers, queryaccelerators, and streamlit instances.
34439 Fixes incomplete Autodesk user data in data type 140 (License Product Assignment v2) report.
34441 Fixes parsing of Autodesk subscriptions-contract data without contract number.
34520, 35371 Fixes the issue of crashing jobs blocked permanently due to the mishandling of crash limits.
34738 Adds a new "suspend-timeout-license" attribute to prevent applications from being stuck in suspended status after an upgrade.
35127 Adds a new "show-debug-section" attribute in the cold configuration file.
35195 Fixes the issue of reporting a successful core_heartbeat scheduler job as a failure.
35268 Fixes the Autodesk parser's failure to create assignment data in instances where the “offeringExternalKey” is missing.
35673 Fixes the doubled amount of core in the system information due to model names containing "processor."
31146 Fixes missing feature usage caused by incorrect handling of license expiry dates later than 2037.
31508 Fixes autoconfigured products that are not returning any usage.
31625 Fixes the inability to collect data due to permission issues for autodetectrlm and autodetectlmx.
31923 Fixes Autodesk Cloud login issue.
32014 Fixes the fluctuating number of maximum available licenses when, in fact, there is no usage.
32319 Adds log messages when missorted log parser entries are skipped from parsing.
32330 Fixes Disabler to detect checked-out licenses during suspend timeout when using timestamp matching attribute.
32477 Fixes the error in FLAB.log, saying it can't open a specific file.
32511 Removes Autodesk Cloud collector’s browser storage when loading the existing browser storage fails.
32569 Fixes the issue of reports having incorrect event type values due to the DSLS log parser's reparsing.
32612 Fixes the issue of DSLS feature versions showing up as license IDs in the License Monitor Portal.
32888 Fixes Autodesk Cloud collector to handle the API updates.
32983 Fixes the autoconfigurator application’s inability to automatically configure products on a triad setup.
33022 Fixes the issue of hanging Disabler when checking license availability upon application termination.
33114 Fixes the issue where the Autodesk Cloud collector continues running indefinitely when the response status expires.
33189 Adds "Removing License" message in Disabler when suspending applications.
33231 Updates UA log messages.
33404 Fixes failing Autodesk cloud collection due to changes in API endpoints.
33456 Fixes the issue with the Autodesk Cloud collector unable to collect Autodesk Flex data and export data from Autodesk Portal.
33639 Fixes the missing dates in the archive and data in data type 89 (Total License Use Licenseevents) reports.
33692 Fixes the inability of autodetect to get the license server port of LS-DYNA.
33694 Fixes the issue where the license poller shows the wrong number of available licenses for some Beta LM packages.
33695 Fixes the wrong number of licenses available shown in the License Monitor.
33708 Fixes the issue of FreezeMonitor failing to execute Disabler intermittently.
33760 Prevents UA from crashing.
33764 Fixes Altair's overuse of the GlobalZoneEU and HyperWorks features caused by duplicate entries in the status output.
33801 Fixes the issue with the Autodesk Cloud collector due to pagination limit.
33840 Fixes the issue with the Autodesk Cloud collector failing to retrieve all export data from the Autodesk Portal when there are more than a thousand users.
33869 Fixes data type 92 (License Optimizer Actions) high suspend count.
33937 Fixes the issue of RLM products showing as undef in the Analysis Server caused by missing information blocks from the status output.
33969 Fixes the issue of LicPoll crashing due to missing hosts in the Matlab output.
34081 Updates logs to show warnings when the user resumes the application even when there's no available license and when the user bypasses the license availability check.
34110 Fixes AppUsage in Windows to always exit with an error code when it fails to start.
34113 Fixes the wrong max available and doubled usage for PetEx license poller collection.
34160 Fixes the corrupted configuration files on the client workstations.
34310 Fixes the issue where the RLM log parser consumes a lot of memory and CPU, affecting the server.
34396 Fixes AutodetectFlexnet’s inability to detect licenses due to the relative license file path.
34478 Fixes the inability of Olicense log parser to parse feature versions when parsing denied and false denials events.
34486 Fixes the incorrect spelling in the Disabler log message.
34507 Fixes the issue of FreezeMonitor overwriting the Disabler request file.
34551 Prevents the appearance of a secondary Disabler pop-up for the same suspended application.
34553 Adds binary version to Disabler log files.
34610 Allows users to compress large (greater than 500 MB) parsed DSLS and RLM data to resolve the problem of the client's inability to upload it to the server.
34671 Fixes the issue with FreezeMonitor not showing the Disabler pop-up for the second application.
34680 Fixes the inability to activate data collection caused by the failure of the module activator to run as scheduled.
34699 Fixes the missing Tebis data in the heatmap after restarting the license server.
34708 Fixes the issue of Flex log collector hanging and the license-file element missing.
34742 Fixes the inability of the Open iT file cleaner to delete all the files configured to remove.
34754 Fixes the issue of reports showing blank usage for RLM features instead of zero if there is no license checkout.
34819 Fixes the erroneous max available license reports due to Open iT's inability to sum up multiple expiry entries with the same expiry epochs.
34857 Adds LogParserHasp support for check-in, check-out, and records parsing events.
34950 Fixes fake vendor daemon features that supersede actual licenses.
34956 Fixes the wrong HoneywellULM usage output due to the unsupported check-in format.
34977 Fixes Python vulnerability issue on cloud collectors.
35087 Fixes issue of being unable to save Bentley Cloud credentials due to timeout error.
35114 Updates AppFrame to parse command line arguments from GUI types.
35129 Fixes the overuse reported in carmaker features.
35132 Fixes the issue with FreezeMonitor failing to read the cold status file, causing redundant recorded actions.
35145 Creates a better log message when performing a suspend timeout resume, and the licenses available are maxed out.
35290 Fixes the issue with FreezeMonitor failing to execute the license manager utility command.
35330 Fixes the wrong license status output shown in the License Monitor due to mishandled token-cost and token-pool properties from DSLS.
35334 Fixes the doubled or tripled number of max available licenses caused by a feature version element in SimpleFlex.
35337, 33824, 36051 Fixes how the license poller handles failed polling.
35340 Organizes the list of window titles in the Disabler pop-up to show the titled windows first.
35359 Fixes the Analysis Server, showing no license information caused by mishandling the license status converter.
35367 Fixes the issue of stopping debug file processing caused by mishandling of triggers.
35483 Fixes misaligned Disabler labels in Unix.
35505 Fixes issue with Autodesk Cloud collectors failing to collect data due to missing cookies.
35588 Fixes inconsistencies in handling the date and time in the license poller.
35680 Fixes wrong max in use and License Monitor Portal values.
35714 Fixes high memory usage of Recorder.
35720 Fixes mishandling of the LicPollComplete filename outputs.
35728 Fixes the issue with FreezeMonitor to manage multiple use of the same handle by the same user.
35738 Fixes false “License Daemon Down” alerts.
35742 Fixes the issue with FreezeMonitor not detecting features from an aliased server.
35743 Fixes the issue where Open iT can't collect DSLS data out of extracted DSLS CSV log file from the DSLS portal.
35745 Fixes failing autodetect tests in pipelines.
35786 Fixes the wrong auto configuration for DSLS.
35789 Fixes the issue of empty "End date" values in data type 139 (License Subscription Inventory v2) when reporting Autodesk Flex licenses.
35794 Fixes the issue with FreezeMonitor to get the license removal command correctly.
35882 Fixes the issue where the License Monitor shows feature version values for features without feature versions.
35912 Fixes the issue with FreezeMonitor to produce correct data when one of the executables is excluded.
35919 Fixes the issue with UA recording suspended applications as active every 12am.
35922 Fixes the issue where LicPoll fails to parse the Bentley Cloud output due to mishandling of Bentley Cloud error logs in Windows.
35984 Updates the Curl binary for Windows to include http2 support.
36025 Prevents slots from being blocked by concurrent LSF jobs.
36048 Fixes the incorrect values in generated heatmaps.
36084 Fixes resumption error when rebooting a workstation after suspending an application.
36113 Fixes max available and max in use license for Ansys features.
36150 Fixes issue with FreezeMonitor showing missing status data for process with 0 process ID.
36154 Fixes the Disabler crashing issue when the match-children attribute is set to “yes” for Firefox.
36178 Adds warning message when “exe” matches multiple handle names.
36179 Fixes the issue in reports where max in use is greater than max available for Olicense reports.
36196 Prevents the creation of StatusAggregator archives when data sources are empty.
36220 Fixes the issue with the Disabler, which continues to run even after uninstalling Open iT Client.
31913, 32808 Fixes failing Autodesk Cloud collector due to Autodesk API changes.
Release Version 10 Client Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
30140 Fixes the page loading timeouts when handling substantial data loads on the Feature Labeling page.
30786 Fixes the inability to delete default rules on the Vendor License Labeling page.
32337 Fixes the Web Vulnerability: DevExpress Vulnerability "JQuery 1.2 < 3.5.0 Multiple XSS".
32381 Fixes the issue where the navigation menu fails to close while browsing the page in medium media mode.
33174 Fixes the errors in ProcessOlap due to incompatible OLE DB Provider in SQL Server 2022.
33240 Fixes the quickly disappearing confirmation message when importing in the Vendor License Labeling page.
33254 Fixes the misleading message displayed in the Data Overview portlet in the Dashboard page.
33793 Fixes the error when updating NULL records on the License Metadata page.
34166 Fixes the issue when large values are hidden in Heatmap quick chart in License Monitor Portal due to chart cell size.
34166 Resolves the issue when the large values in Heatmap quick chart are hidden due to cell size limitations.
34175 Fixes the issue in ProcessOlapJob due to unhandled NULL values in 'User Days' measure group.
34220 Fixes the issue when filters are not inherited when a Dashboard is copied.
34265 Fixes the Web Vulnerability: Security: 150069 Static Session ID.
34266 Fixes the Web Vulnerability: Security: 150129 Insufficient Session Protection/Regeneration.
34442 Fixes the issue when unnecessary log messages in SyncMapping are filling up the log files.
35244 Fixes the issue of unhandled parsing of license file with "forever" validity.
35780 Fixes the issue when using the ps parameter in SyncDatatype command.
36075 Fixes the issue when saving a New User Attribute without details in the Mappings Sources page.
36203 Fixes the issue when Import Mapping Source button is not working properly in Feature Labeling page.
36203 Fixes the functionality issue in the Import Mapping Sources button in the Feature Labeling page.
36208 Fixes the issue when the Upload button is clickable without adding a file path in Contract Management pages.
36208 Fixes the validation issue on upload button in the Contract Management pages.
36379 Resolves errors occurring when deleting Time Zones with enabled partitioning in the ProcessOlap command.
Release Version 10 Analysis Server Bug Fixes
Ticket Description
838 Fixes incorrect semantic difference in FlexNet license files.
29897 Fixes confusing selected tab in the CLIMS GUI.
30868 Fixes blank CLIMS GUI on first login.
Release Version 10 CLIMS Bug Fixes

# Known Issues

Ticket Description
30781 LogparserEA max in use is greater than max available due to inconsistent raw logfile
32445 LogParserDSLS: Long runtime and large output data size from record parsing
37054 Compatibility issue of handlerd in openSUSE
26696 UA reports Application Frame Host instead of One Note
30614 Curl is not statically built; requiring libraries: libssl, libcrypto
30926 Unknown symbols noticed in UA Report
32014 Max Available fluctuating using SimpleFlex when no usage
32275 Error on include-exclude.conf file access
33695 License Available for Beta LM Packages is incorrect
33839 Collactautodeskcloud cannot collect Flex usage data for Autodesk products and services charged per result
34826 Low elapsed time value when the optimization is aborted due to method or license removal failures
36251 ApiController cannot handle sending license file with spaces in the metadata line
36332 reparse_autodesk_raw.pl fails due to missing collect_license_autodesk-cloud scheduler file
36788 Data processing clarifications for Freeze data types
37156 Compatibility issue of httpd and openit_registrar in openSUSE 11
37161 License Monitor treats Feature as expired when one out of multiple license expiry is expired
Release Version 10 Core Server Known Issues
Ticket Description
30781 LogparserEA max in use is greater than max available due to inconsistent raw logfile
32445 LogParserDSLS: Long runtime and large output data size from record parsing
37054 Compatibility issue of handlerd in openSUSE
27210 Too many instance error in Windows Client
30105 ApiController: Reading/Loading end of config file errors and Invalid configuration node definition
30117 Missing recorder break after 1am
31326 AppUsage: Could not access appusage_counters config file ERROR
31930 licpoll - Autodesk reservation usages are not collected properly
32055 Monips to psm process concern
32057 Client logs did not rotate every 10MB
32117 Not matching usage hours in Open iT vs Honeywell reports
32533 Disabler creates crash report for one process only
32731 Confbuilder doesn’t work in MacOS when ran manually with --client parameter

Note: Use the following command to run confbuilder on MacOS: ./openit_confbuilder /usr/local/openit/etc/Confbuilder-client.conf
33112 "Resume" button fails to disable when clicked while the custom script is executing
33130 Force Resume button doesn't show warning
33282 Unsupported flex feature UPGRADE through feature versions in license file
33896 Bluebeamhistory: Incomplete data
33921 Incorrect macOS version in PerformanceMonitor logs
34063 ApplicationMonitor is still running when upgrading
34275 Multiple license lines in Disabler request file for LM-X triad setup
34753 Disabler shows removed licenses even if lmremove command is invalid
34801 Miscount of Max Used due to missing data when there is no information in between hours
35070 Deactivation of collect_matlab job is not yet supported
36518 L1 - 100% CPU usage of openit_logfilecollector
36777 Unix client installer: Make the running of eventd and eventhandler optional during installation
36843 PerformanceMonitor scheduler fails to run in macOS
36916 Timeout is not working on 9.17.600 Unix
Release Version 10 Client Known Issues
Ticket Description
30295 Changing service account doesn't retain its web admin rights
32255 TokenFlex (UserDays Cost) does not support feature labeling
33602 Analysis Console does not reflect configured roles
34219 Security: Cookies issued without user consent
35742 Unable to export pivot grid report in Analysis Console
36396 Qualys Web Vulnerabilities
36549 No proxy for ASP.NET default error pages on Ingress setup
36557 Import Source File in Vendor License Labeling prompts to download a file
36558 Searched filter cannot be removed in Vendor License Labeling page
36567 Items within the filters of the Pivot Table on the Analysis page are highlighted with a background color
36574 Previously added rules in Vendor License Labeling are not applied after deleting imported sources file
36649 ConfigurePolicies command in RS Console is not iterating through admin groups
36675 Configuring Mapping Sources without running DeployOlap throws an error
36890 Rendered Core Server Status Monitor height is too long
36930 SAST Scan result show critical issues
37008 Analysis Server with Single-Sign On not working with Ingress
Release Version 10 Analysis Server Known Issues
Ticket Description
551 Request too long when authenticating with Windows authentications with many Active Directory groups (66+)
639 Incorrect lsmon is used for Detective
675 License/options file is always showing “modified” for load balanced servers
676 Triad servers with different options files only show the options file from master
679 Pushing changes to triad servers creates three revisions in the History tab
741 Missing draft revisions in license/options files
821 Rlmreread command could not start license server
Release Version 10 CLIMS Known Issues

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