# Confbackup

The confbackup (openit_confbackup) is an application that periodically tracks configuration revisions in the Configuration directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration in Windows and /var/opt/openit/etc in Unix. It then creates a backup of the modified or new files and a text file containing the changes.

# Requirements

  • Open iT Core Server version 10
  • Python version 3.1 or later
  • Portable Git version 2.0 or later
  • Open iT Core Server version 10
  • Python version 3.1 or later
  • Git version 2.0 or later

# Activating Configuration Revision Tracking and Backup

These are the required steps to activate openit_confbackup:

  1. Open core_config_backup.oconf in the scheduler directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\scheduler.

  2. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.core_config_backup.general.active and set its value to true.

     14|	general
     15|		{
     16|			active
     17|			{
     18|				type=bool
     19|				value=true
     20|			}
  3. Save the changes.

These are the required steps to activate openit_confbackup:

  1. Open core_config_backup.oconf in the scheduler directory, which is by default in /var/opt/openit/etc/scheduler.

  2. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.core_config_backup.general.active and set its value to true.

     14|	general
     15|		{
     16|			active
     17|			{
     18|				type=bool
     19|				value=true
     20|			}
  3. Save the changes.

# Changing the Interval of Revision Tracking

This application tracks revisions every 3 hours by default. If you want to change the interval, follow these steps:

  1. Open core_config_backup.oconf in the scheduler directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\scheduler.

  2. Locate the period attribute and change its value to your desired interval based on the ISO-8601 duration format PnDTnHnMn.nS.

     65|	}
     66|		period
     67|		{
     68|			type=timespan
     69|			value=PT3H
     70|		}
  3. Save the changes.

  1. Open core_config_backup.oconf in the scheduler directory, which is by default in /var/opt/openit/etc/scheduler.

  2. Locate the period attribute and change its value to your desired interval based on the ISO-8601 duration format PnDTnHnMn.nS.

     65|	}
     66|		period
     67|		{
     68|			type=timespan
     69|			value=PT3H
     70|		}
  3. Save the changes.

# Locating the Backup Files

This application creates a backup of the modified or new files and a text file containing the changes made in the configurations. New directories are created in the configchanges directory, which is by default in C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\confbackupfiles\configchanges.

Sample Backup

Sample Backup

This application creates a backup of the modified or new files and a text file containing the changes made in the configurations. New directories are created in the configchanges directory in your defined data_dir ($ROOT_DATA_DIR) upon Open iT server installation.

Sample Backup

Sample Backup

# Troubleshooting

This section lists the errors you may encounter when running openit_confbackup; and the suggested solutions. You can find the error logs in ConfBackup.log in the debug directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Log on Windows and /var/opt/openit/debug/ on Unix.

# Cannot Find Git

openit_confbackup requires git to function correctly. You may encounter this on a Windows machine if portable git is not installed, showing the error, [Winerror 2] Cannot find file specified in the debug logs.

Install portable git in the External directory, which is by default in C:/Program Files/OpeniT/Core.

# Git-backup Content Not Updating after Reinstallation

You may encounter this when you uninstall then reinstall an Open iT server and use the same location for data storage; either on a Windows or Unix machine.

Delete git-backup.zip in the configbackup directory, which is by default in C:/ProgramData/OpeniT/Data/confbackupfiles/ on Windows and in the confbackupfiles directory in your defined data_dir ($ROOT_DATA_DIR) upon Open iT server installation on Unix; then wait for the next scheduled run of openit_confbackup.

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