# LicensePlanner Configurations

# Requirements

  • Base Enterprise technology platform. LicensePlanner utilizes the components of the Base Enterprise platform for data collection, software contract management, and reporting. Make sure you have:
    • Open iT Client(s) connected to the Open iT Core Server with configured LicenseAnalyzer
    • Open iT Analysis Server

# Configuring User Mappings in Core Server

   Active Directory Mapping

# Normalizing the Usage Data

   Feature Set Mapping

   Vendor License Mapping

# Next Step?

Proceed with data regeneration after configuring all the necessary mapping files to apply the changes in the real-time and historical reports.

For real-time reports:

   Generating License Status Data  

For historical reports:

   Data Generation  

# Configuring User Mappings in Analysis Server

After setting up the Active Directory mapping in Core Server, it is necessary to configure it as well in the Analysis Server.

   Managing Mapping Sources

# Managing Application Cost Catalog using Analysis Server

The Application Cost Catalog in Analysis Server provides a centralized view to manage application cost for proper invoicing.

   Managing Application Cost Records

# Managing Contracts using Analysis Server

The Contract Management interface in Analysis Server manages contract information for chargeback. It has separate pages to manage vendors, contract under a specific vendor, allocations, and license cost.

   Activating the Contract Management Page

   Managing Vendors

   Managing Contracts

   Managing Allocations

   Managing License Cost

# Next Step?

After all necessary Analysis Server configurations, run the RunEtl command using the Analysis Server Console Application to immediately apply the updates. You may also wait for the next daily processing.

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