# Anonymizing Licpoll Data

You can anonymize sensitive information in the license file and lmstat by updating the subobject nodes username, hostname, and TTY/display under the object node anonymize in licpoll.xml.

These are the required steps to anonymize licpoll data.

  1. Open licpoll.xml in the Components directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\Components.

  2. Locate the object node anonymize. Notice its subobject nodes username, hostname, and TTY/display.

  3. Change the value of the subobject node method of the information you want to anonymize. Choose among the following values:

    • none - does not anonymize the information
    • clear - changes the information to _cleared_
    • hash - transforms the information into another value

  4. If you want to anonymize the corresponding information in the lmstat data, locate its subobject node realtime and set its value to true.

    For example, using the hash method, you want to anonymize usernames in the license file and lmstat.

    The configuration should look like this

    Example: Anonymize Username in the License File and lmstat using the Hash Method
     118|			<Name>username</Name>
     119|			<Description>Anonymize user name</Description>
     120|			<SubObjects>
     126|				<Object>
     127|					<Name>method</Name>
     128|					<Description>How to anonymize this field: none, clear, hash</Description>
     129|					<Value type="String">hash</Value>
     130|				</Object>
     131|				<Object>
     132|					<Name>realtime</Name>
     133|					<Description> Realtime anonymization?</Description>
     134|					<Value type="Bool">true</Value>
     135|				</Object>

    changing the license data from this

    before hash
     1:0:ukgw-lic-vp02;cdslmd:Concept_HDL_studio:17.4: :1:0:12:1:0:martili:0_0:cdslmd:ukgw-lic-cp02:5280:202:KDP00050571:1678337460:17.4:99:0:0:undef:4602240000

    to this

    after hash
     1:0:ukgw-lic-vp02;cdslmd:Concept_HDL_studio:17.4: :1:0:12:1:0:3142378822:0_0:cdslmd:ukgw-lic-cp02:5280:202:KDP00050571:1678337460:17.4:99:0:0:undef:4602240000

    and the lmstat data from this

    before hash

    to this

    after hash
  5. Once done, save the changes.

  6. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  7. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin
  8. Update the configuration file, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_confbuilder --client
  1. Open licpoll.xml in the Components directory, which is by default in /var/opt/openit/etc/Components.

  2. Locate the object node anonymize. Notice its subobject nodes username, hostname, and TTY/display.

  3. Change the value of the subobject node method of the information you want to anonymize. Choose among the following values:

    • none - does not anonymize the information
    • clear - changes the information to _cleared_
    • hash - transforms the information into another value

  4. If you want to anonymize the corresponding information in the lmstat data, locate its subobject node realtime and set its value to true.

    For example, using the hash method, you want to anonymize usernames in the license file and lmstat.

    The configuration should look like this

    Example: Anonymize Username in the License File and lmstat using the Hash Method
     118|			<Name>username</Name>
     119|			<Description>Anonymize user name</Description>
     120|			<SubObjects>
     126|				<Object>
     127|					<Name>method</Name>
     128|					<Description>How to anonymize this field: none, clear, hash</Description>
     129|					<Value type="String">hash</Value>
     130|				</Object>
     131|				<Object>
     132|					<Name>realtime</Name>
     133|					<Description> Realtime anonymization?</Description>
     134|					<Value type="Bool">true</Value>
     135|				</Object>

    changing the license data from this

    before hash
     1:0:ukgw-lic-vp02;cdslmd:Concept_HDL_studio:17.4: :1:0:12:1:0:martili:0_0:cdslmd:ukgw-lic-cp02:5280:202:KDP00050571:1678337460:17.4:99:0:0:undef:4602240000

    to this

    after hash
     1:0:ukgw-lic-vp02;cdslmd:Concept_HDL_studio:17.4: :1:0:12:1:0:3142378822:0_0:cdslmd:ukgw-lic-cp02:5280:202:KDP00050571:1678337460:17.4:99:0:0:undef:4602240000

    and the lmstat data from this

    before hash

    to this

    after hash
  5. Once done, save the changes.

  6. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  7. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in /opt/openit/bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd /opt/openit/bin
  8. Update the configuration file, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     ./openit_confbuilder --client

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