# Sentinel HASP License Manager

# Introduction

Open iT supports Sentinel HASP usage reporting by polling the license servers at regular intervals to get the current status of its license use and availability.

For this collection, the data source is through an API. The data collector/preprocessor initiates the license status utility every hour using a 5-minute sample interval, triggering the data collection process. The license status utility requests the current license usage data from the license manager portal. After the license manager portal provides the requested data, the license status utility passes this information to the data collector/preprocessor. The data collector/preprocessor processes the data, preparing it for transmission. Finally, the preprocessed data is sent to the Core Server every night, according to the client's timezone, for further storage, completing the license usage data collection and processing.

License Manager Utility Polling Workflow through API

License Manager Utility Polling Workflow through API

This will produce the following aggregated data types used for historical reporting:

The following sections will guide you in setting up the necessary configuration to collect and send the required data to the server.

# Requirements

# Configuring Data Collection

These are the required steps to activate and configure collection of Sentinel HASP usage data.

  1. Go to the Components directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\Components, and back up the licpoll.xml configuration file.

  2. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  3. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin
  4. Once in the directory, copy the object node genericlicense-sample and rename it to your desired name. In this example, we will use sentinelhasp. Run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_confinit -c "licpoll.license-types.genericlicense-sample=>licpoll.license-types.sentinelhasp"
  5. Activate the collection of Sentinel HASP data, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_confinit -c "licpoll.license-types.sentinelhasp.active=true"
  6. Set the arguments to the status command, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_confinit -c "licpoll.license-types.sentinelhasp.status-command.arguments=SentinelHASP <api_url>"

    where <api_url> is the corresponding valid URL with the port number of the Sentinel HASP API.

     openit_confinit -c "licpoll.license-types.sentinelhasp.status-command.arguments=SentinelHASP http://localhost:1947"
  7. Update the configuration file, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_confbuilder --client

    Make sure no errors are encountered.

Refer to the Sentinel HASP Data Collection Configuration table to learn more about Sentinel HASP configuration in licpoll.xml.

Object Name Accepted Value Description
active Boolean (true or false) Setting this to true activates Sentinel HASP usage data collection.
type String (e.g., GenericLicense) The license manager type.
interval Timespan (e.g., P30S, P5M, P1H) The span of time between each polling round (it is recommended to set a value no less than P1M).
offset Timespan (e.g., P30S, P5M, P1H) The span of time the aligned poll time decided by interval is shifted.
product-name String (e.g., server;daemon) This object is defined if a vendor license name other than the default GenericLicense=%hosttype% will be used.
license-server String (e.g., hou105win) The License Server name.
status-command FileName (i.e., ${OpeniT.directories.bin}/genlicutil) The binary used to obtain status from the license manager.
status-command.arguments String (e.g., SentinelHASP http://localhost:1947) The arguments used for the status command. Use the format SentinelHASP <api_url>.
Sentinel HASP Data Collection Configuration

# Verifying Data Collection

After configuration, you can verify that the data is collected by following these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  2. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin
  3. Run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_licpoll -# 1
  4. Verify that the temp directory, which is by default in C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\temp, contains a LicPoll directory containing .data and status-*.log files.

# Next Steps?

   Renaming Vendor License    Renaming Features    Create and Add Report    License Monitor

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