# Sentinel HASP License Manager

# Introduction

Open iT supports Sentinel HASP usage reporting by polling the license servers at regular intervals to get the current status of its license use and availability.

# Configuring License Manager Utility Polling

Open iT polls the license servers at regular intervals to get the current status of its license use and availability.

An Open iT client is installed on your license server for this collection. The data collector/preprocessor gathers the current license usage information from the license manager every hour using a 5-minute sample interval, triggering the data collection process. It also processes the gathered license usage. Once the data is preprocessed, it is transmitted to the Core Server, according to the client's timezone, for further storage, completing the license usage data collection and processing.

License Manager Utility Polling Workflow

License Manager Utility Polling Workflow

This will produce the following aggregated data types used for historical reporting:

The following sections will guide you in setting up the necessary configuration to collect and send the required data to the server.

# Requirements

# Configuring Data Collection

These are the required steps to activate and configure collection of Sentinel HASP usage data.

  1. Go to the Components directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\Components, and back up the licpoll.xml configuration file.

  2. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  3. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin
  4. Once in the directory, copy the object node genericlicense-sample and rename it to your desired name. In this example, we will use sentinelhasp. Run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_confinit -c "licpoll.license-types.genericlicense-sample=>licpoll.license-types.sentinelhasp"
  5. Activate the collection of Sentinel HASP data, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_confinit -c "licpoll.license-types.sentinelhasp.active=true"
  6. Set the arguments to the status command, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_confinit -c "licpoll.license-types.sentinelhasp.status-command.arguments=SentinelHASP <api_url>"

    where <api_url> is the corresponding valid URL with the port number of the Sentinel HASP API.

     openit_confinit -c "licpoll.license-types.sentinelhasp.status-command.arguments=SentinelHASP http://localhost:1947"
  7. Update the configuration file, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_confbuilder --client

    Make sure no errors are encountered.

Refer to the Sentinel HASP Data Collection Configuration table to learn more about Sentinel HASP configuration in licpoll.xml.

Object Name Accepted Value Description
active Boolean (true or false) Setting this to true activates Sentinel HASP usage data collection.
type String (e.g., GenericLicense) The license manager type.
interval Timespan (e.g., P30S, P5M, P1H) The span of time between each polling round (it is recommended to set a value no less than P1M).
offset Timespan (e.g., P30S, P5M, P1H) The span of time the aligned poll time decided by interval is shifted.
product-name String (e.g., server;daemon) This object is defined if a vendor license name other than the default GenericLicense=%hosttype% will be used.
license-server String (e.g., hou105win) The License Server name.
status-command FileName (i.e., ${OpeniT.directories.bin}/genlicutil) The binary used to obtain status from the license manager.
status-command.arguments String (e.g., SentinelHASP http://localhost:1947) The arguments used for the status command. Use the format SentinelHASP <api_url>.
Sentinel HASP Data Collection Configuration

# Verifying Data Collection

After configuration, you can verify that the data is collected by following these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  2. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin
  3. Run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_licpoll -# 1
  4. Verify that the temp directory, which is by default in C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\temp, contains a LicPoll directory containing .data and status-*.log files.

# Configuring Log File Parsing

Open iT collects log files and converts them to Open iT format.

An Open iT client is installed on your license server for this collection. The data collector monitors and gathers the license usage history logs from the license manager every 5 minutes. Once the logs are collected, the data collection process triggers and the logs are passed to the data preprocessor. After the data is preprocessed, it is transferred to the Core Server for further storage, completing the history logs collection and processing.

Log File Parsing Workflow

Log File Parsing Workflow

This will produce the following aggregated data types used for historical reporting:

Record Log Data:

Event Log Data:

The following sections will guide you in setting up the necessary configuration to collect and send the required data to the server.

# Requirements

  • An Open iT Client connected to an Open iT Server or a coexistent Open iT setup
  • License server administrative rights
  • Full path to the access log files

# Specifying Sentinel HASP Log File Path and Pattern

These are the required steps to specify the path and pattern of the Sentinel HASP log files.

  1. Go to the Components directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\Components, and open logfilecollector-sentinelhasp.xml.

  2. Locate object node dir and set its value to the location of the Sentinel HASP log files. The log file is usually stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\HASP\log.

     14|	<Object>
     15|		<Name>dir</Name>
     16|		<Description>Directory containing the log files</Description>
     17|		<Value type="DirName">%SENTINELHASPLOGDIR%</Value>
     18|	</Object>
    Example: logfilecollector-sentinelhasp.xml
     14|	<Object>
     15|		<Name>dir</Name>
     16|		<Description>Directory containing the log files</Description>
     17|		<Value type="DirName">C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\logs</Value>
     18|	</Object>
     2020-10-21 12:43:25 hwilson@HOSTNAME-D POST /api/loginex LOGIN_EX(lm=,haspid=568858667279908878,productid=0,feat=1,sess=00000000,api<7.103) result(38)
     2020-10-21 12:43:25 hwilson@HOSTNAME-D POST /api/loginex LOGIN_EX(lm=,haspid=844567040191256625,productid=0,feat=1,sess=00000000,api<7.103) result(41)
     2020-10-21 12:43:57 jcruz@HOSTNAME-A POST /api/loginex LOGIN_EX(lm=local,haspid=568858667279908878,productid=1007,feat=1,sess=00004B6F,api<7.103) result(0)
     2020-10-21 12:43:56 jcruz@HOSTNAME-A POST /api/logout LOGOUT(lm=local,haspid=568858667279908878,productid=1007,feat=1,sess=00004B67,duration=300) result(0)
     Timestamp = 2022-07-01 10:26:10 UserDetails = John.Garcia@HOST-Z-14149 UserIP-PortDetails = SessionDurationHMS = 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds Result= (0) Method =POST:1947 URL = /api/loginex APIFunction = LOGIN_EX FunctionParameters = lm=local,haspid=496308208903686471,productid=60,feat=40,sess=0000F9E9,api=8.11,span=3,sesscount=7,logincount=7,maxlogins=10} 
     Timestamp = 2022-07-01 10:26:10 UserDetails = John.Garcia@HOST-Z-14149 UserIP-PortDetails = SessionDurationHMS = 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds Result= (0) Method =POST:1947 URL = /api/loginex APIFunction = LOGIN_EX FunctionParameters = lm=local,haspid=496308208903686471,productid=60,feat=40,sess=0000F9EA,api=8.11,span=2,sesscount=8,logincount=8,maxlogins=10} 
     Timestamp = 2022-07-01 10:26:12 UserDetails = John.Garcia@HOST-Z-14149 UserIP-PortDetails = SessionDurationHMS = 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 2 seconds Result= (0) Method =POST:1947 URL = /api/logout APIFunction = LOGOUT FunctionParameters = lm=local,haspid=496308208903686471,productid=60,feat=40,sess=0000F9E9,duration=2,span=1,sesscount=8,logincount=8,maxlogins=10} 
     Timestamp = 2022-07-01 10:26:12 UserDetails = John.Garcia@HOST-Z-14149 UserIP-PortDetails = SessionDurationHMS = 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 2 seconds Result= (0) Method =POST:1947 URL = /api/logout APIFunction = LOGOUT FunctionParameters = lm=local,haspid=496308208903686471,productid=60,feat=40,sess=0000F9EA,duration=2,span=1,sesscount=7,logincount=7,maxlogins=10}
  3. Locate object node pattern and update its value to accommodate other log file patterns.

     19|	<Object>
     20|		<Name>pattern</Name>
     21|		<Description>Glob identifying log files</Description>
     22|		<Value type="DirName">access*.log</Value>
     23|	</Object>

    If collecting Sentinel LDK data, make sure to use the following log file pattern:

    Example: logfilecollector-sentinelhasp.xml
     19|	<Object>
     20|		<Name>pattern</Name>
     21|		<Description>Glob identifying log files</Description>
     22|		<Value type="DirName">*access*.log</Value>
     23|	</Object>
  4. Save the changes.

  5. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  6. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin
  7. Update the configuration file, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_confbuilder --client

    Make sure no errors are encountered.

Refer to the Sentinel HASP Log File Collection Configuration table to learn more about Sentinel HASP configuration in logfilecollector-sentinelhasp.xml.

Object Name Accepted Value Description
source.dir DirName (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\logs) Location of the Sentinel HASP log files.
source.pattern String (i.e., *.log) The glob pattern identifying source files in the source directory.
source.seen String (collect, ignore, or tail) Seen files are the previously collected source files.
  • collect - Specify this option to collect from the start each time.
  • ignore - Specify this option to skip collecting from the same file again.
  • tail - Specify this option to continue collection from the end of the file last time (i.e., collect the ones added since last time).
source.cmplines Integer (e.g., 6, 10, 20) This is required if the value of source.seen is tail. This is the number of lines compared to source files collected before to determine where to start the collection.

Note: If this number is too low, you can end up with an incorrect position, and duplicate data may be in the log files. Usually, it is better to have a few lines more than strictly necessary than even a single line too little.
target.dir DirName (i.e., ${OpeniT.directories.temp}/LogFileCollector) This is the location of the directory containing the collected log data.
target.module String (i.e., license) The target type of module (in general).
target.datatype String (i.e., sentinelhasp) The specific type of target data.
target.interval Timespan (e.g., P30S, P5M, P1D) The span of time between collector runs.
target.rotation-size Integer (e.g., 6, 10, 20) The log file rotates if it goes beyond the number (in mb) defined.
target.rotation-glob String (e.g., *) The glob pattern to match before the log file rotates.
Sentinel HASP Log File Collection Configuration
  1. Go to the Components directory, which is by default in /var/opt/openit/etc/Components, and open logfilecollector-sentinelhasp.xml.

  2. Locate object node dir and set its value to the location of the Sentinel HASP log files. The log file is usually stored in /var/hasplm/.

     14|	<Object>
     15|		<Name>dir</Name>
     16|		<Description>Directory containing the log files</Description>
     17|		<Value type="DirName">%SENTINELHASPLOGDIR%</Value>
     18|	</Object>
    Example: logfilecollector-sentinelhasp.xml
     14|	<Object>
     15|		<Name>dir</Name>
     16|		<Description>Directory containing the log files</Description>
     17|		<Value type="DirName">/var/hasplm/</Value>
     18|	</Object>
     2020-10-21 12:43:25 hwilson@HOSTNAME-D POST /api/loginex LOGIN_EX(lm=,haspid=568858667279908878,productid=0,feat=1,sess=00000000,api<7.103) result(38)
     2020-10-21 12:43:25 hwilson@HOSTNAME-D POST /api/loginex LOGIN_EX(lm=,haspid=844567040191256625,productid=0,feat=1,sess=00000000,api<7.103) result(41)
     2020-10-21 12:43:57 jcruz@HOSTNAME-A POST /api/loginex LOGIN_EX(lm=local,haspid=568858667279908878,productid=1007,feat=1,sess=00004B6F,api<7.103) result(0)
     2020-10-21 12:43:56 jcruz@HOSTNAME-A POST /api/logout LOGOUT(lm=local,haspid=568858667279908878,productid=1007,feat=1,sess=00004B67,duration=300) result(0)
     Timestamp = 2022-07-01 10:26:10 UserDetails = John.Garcia@HOST-Z-14149 UserIP-PortDetails = SessionDurationHMS = 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds Result= (0) Method =POST:1947 URL = /api/loginex APIFunction = LOGIN_EX FunctionParameters = lm=local,haspid=496308208903686471,productid=60,feat=40,sess=0000F9E9,api=8.11,span=3,sesscount=7,logincount=7,maxlogins=10} 
     Timestamp = 2022-07-01 10:26:10 UserDetails = John.Garcia@HOST-Z-14149 UserIP-PortDetails = SessionDurationHMS = 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds Result= (0) Method =POST:1947 URL = /api/loginex APIFunction = LOGIN_EX FunctionParameters = lm=local,haspid=496308208903686471,productid=60,feat=40,sess=0000F9EA,api=8.11,span=2,sesscount=8,logincount=8,maxlogins=10} 
     Timestamp = 2022-07-01 10:26:12 UserDetails = John.Garcia@HOST-Z-14149 UserIP-PortDetails = SessionDurationHMS = 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 2 seconds Result= (0) Method =POST:1947 URL = /api/logout APIFunction = LOGOUT FunctionParameters = lm=local,haspid=496308208903686471,productid=60,feat=40,sess=0000F9E9,duration=2,span=1,sesscount=8,logincount=8,maxlogins=10} 
     Timestamp = 2022-07-01 10:26:12 UserDetails = John.Garcia@HOST-Z-14149 UserIP-PortDetails = SessionDurationHMS = 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 2 seconds Result= (0) Method =POST:1947 URL = /api/logout APIFunction = LOGOUT FunctionParameters = lm=local,haspid=496308208903686471,productid=60,feat=40,sess=0000F9EA,duration=2,span=1,sesscount=7,logincount=7,maxlogins=10}
  3. Locate object node pattern and update its value to accommodate other log file patterns.

     19|	<Object>
     20|		<Name>pattern</Name>
     21|		<Description>Glob identifying log files</Description>
     22|		<Value type="DirName">access*.log</Value>
     23|	</Object>

    If collecting Sentinel LDK data, make sure to use the following log file pattern:

    Example: logfilecollector-sentinelhasp.xml
     19|	<Object>
     20|		<Name>pattern</Name>
     21|		<Description>Glob identifying log files</Description>
     22|		<Value type="DirName">*access*.log</Value>
     23|	</Object>
  4. Save the changes.

  5. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in /opt/openit/bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd /opt/openit/bin
  6. Update the configuration file, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     ./openit_confbuilder --client

    Make sure no errors are encountered.

Refer to the Sentinel HASP Log File Collection Configuration table to learn more about Sentinel HASP configuration in logfilecollector-sentinelhasp.xml.

Object Name Accepted Value Description
source.dir DirName (e.g., /var/hasplm/) Location of the Sentinel HASP log files.
source.pattern String (i.e., *.log) The glob pattern identifying source files in the source directory.
source.seen String (collect, ignore, or tail) Seen files are the previously collected source files.
  • collect - Specify this option to collect from the start each time.
  • ignore - Specify this option to skip collecting from the same file again.
  • tail - Specify this option to continue collection from the end of the file last time (i.e., collect the ones added since last time).
source.cmplines Integer (e.g., 6, 10, 20) This is required if the value of source.seen is tail. This is the number of lines compared to source files collected before to determine where to start the collection.

Note: If this number is too low, you can end up with an incorrect position, and duplicate data may be in the log files. Usually, it is better to have a few lines more than strictly necessary than even a single line too little.
target.dir DirName (i.e., ${OpeniT.directories.temp}/LogFileCollector) This is the location of the directory containing the collected log data.
target.module String (i.e., license) The target type of module (in general).
target.datatype String (i.e., sentinel_hasp) The specific type of target data.
target.interval Timespan (e.g., P30S, P5M, P1D) The span of time between collector runs.
target.rotation-size Integer (e.g., 6, 10, 20) The log file rotates if it goes beyond the number (in mb) defined.
target.rotation-glob String (e.g., *) The glob pattern to match before the log file rotates.
Sentinel HASP Log File Collection Configuration

# Sentinel HASP Events Log File Collection Configuration

# Activating Event Log Data Collection

These are the required steps to activate collection of the Sentinel HASP log file for events.

  1. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  2. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin
  3. Once in the directory, activate the collection of Sentinel HASP log events data, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_oconfinit -u "collect_license_sentinelhasp_event-logs.root.scheduler.jobs.collect_sentinelhasp_licenselogs-events.general.active=true"
  1. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in /opt/openit/bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd /opt/openit/bin
  2. Once in the directory, activate the collection of Sentinel HASP log data, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     ./openit_oconfinit -u "collect_license_sentinelhasp_event-logs.root.scheduler.jobs.collect_sentinelhasp_licenselogs-events.general.active=true"

The collection runs every five minutes by default, which triggers the data collection process. To configure the intervals, locate the instances attribute under collect_sentinelhasp_licenselogs-events, preprocess_sentinelhasp_licenselogs-eventsor transfer_sentinelhasp_licenselogs-events in the same file and configure the attributes.

Refer to the Sentinel HASP Log Job Scheduler Instances Configuration table to learn the attributes used to configure Sentinel HASP event data collection and transfer.

Attribute Name Accepted Value Description
max-instances Uint (e.g., 5, 8, 9) The number of instances allowed to run at the same time.
max-handling String (end-oldest, end-all-old, or end-new) The action done upon reaching the maximum number of instances:
  • end-oldest - Specify this option to stop/kill the oldest instance and start a new one.
  • end-all-old - Specify this option to stop/kill all running instances before starting the new one.
  • end-new - Specify this option to prevent a new instance from starting.
end-timeout Timespan (e.g., P30S, P5M, P1H) The maximum waiting time before terminating a running instance.
quarantine Timespan (e.g., P30S, P5M, P1H) The waiting time before starting a new instance after a previous one.
Sentinel HASP Log Job Scheduler Instances Configuration

# Verifying Log Data Collection

After configuration, you can verify that the data is collected and sent to the server by following these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  2. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin
  3. Run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_executor -r collect_license_sentinelhasp_event-logs
  4. Verify that there are archiver*.in files created in the server in the archiver directory, which is by default in C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\incoming\archiver.

  1. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in /opt/openit/bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd /opt/openit/bin
  2. Run the command:

    Command Syntax
     ./openit_executor -r collect_license_sentinelhasp_event-logs
  3. Verify that there are archiver*.in files created in the incoming directory in your defined data_dir ($ROOT_DATA_DIR) upon Open iT server installation.

# Sentinel HASP Records Log File Collection Configuration

# Activating Record Log Data Collection

These are the required steps to activate collection of the Sentinel HASP log file for records.

  1. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  2. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin
  3. Once in the directory, activate the collection of Sentinel HASP log record data, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_oconfinit -u "collect_license_sentinelhasp_record-logs.root.scheduler.jobs.collect_sentinelhasp_licenselogs-records.general.active=true"
  1. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in /opt/openit/bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd /opt/openit/bin
  2. Once in the directory, activate the collection of Sentinel HASP log data, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     ./openit_oconfinit -u "collect_license_sentinelhasp_record-logs.root.scheduler.jobs.collect_sentinelhasp_licenselogs-records.general.active=true"

The collection runs every five minutes by default, which triggers the data collection process. To configure the intervals, locate the instances attribute under collect_sentinelhasp_licenselogs-records, preprocess_sentinelhasp_licenselogs-recordsor transfer_sentinelhasp_licenselogs-records in the same file and configure the attributes.

Refer to the Sentinel HASP Log Job Scheduler Instances Configuration table to learn the attributes used to configure Sentinel HASP record data collection and transfer.

Attribute Name Accepted Value Description
max-instances Uint (e.g., 5, 8, 9) The number of instances allowed to run at the same time.
max-handling String (end-oldest, end-all-old, or end-new) The action done upon reaching the maximum number of instances:
  • end-oldest - Specify this option to stop/kill the oldest instance and start a new one.
  • end-all-old - Specify this option to stop/kill all running instances before starting the new one.
  • end-new - Specify this option to prevent a new instance from starting.
end-timeout Timespan (e.g., P30S, P5M, P1H) The maximum waiting time before terminating a running instance.
quarantine Timespan (e.g., P30S, P5M, P1H) The waiting time before starting a new instance after a previous one.
Sentinel HASP Log Job Scheduler Instances Configuration

# Verifying Log Data Collection

After configuration, you can verify that the data is collected by following these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  2. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin
  3. Run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_executor -r collect_license_sentinelhasp_record-logs
  4. Verify that there are archiver*.in files created in the server in the archiver directory, which is by default in C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\incoming\archiver.

  1. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in /opt/openit/bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd /opt/openit/bin
  2. Run the command:

    Command Syntax
     ./openit_executor -r collect_license_sentinelhasp_record-logs
  3. Verify that there are archiver*.in files created in the incoming directory in your defined data_dir ($ROOT_DATA_DIR) upon Open iT server installation.

# Next Steps?

   Create and Add Report    License Monitor

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