# General Settings

This tab contains the configuration options to set up the environment for the web interface.

# Updating the Open iT Server Page Title

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > General.

  2. Under Server Settings, edit the text in the text box corresponding to Page Title.

Updating the Open iT Server Page Title

Updating the Open iT Server Page Title

  1. Click Save.

# Changing the Security Banner Header and Footer

The Core Server interface's floating security banner is a configurable text on top and bottom of each web page to assert ownership and rights, informing the user of the system and what expectation of privacy they should have. The text fields are empty or disabled by default.

Follow these steps to enable security banner statement as header and footer:

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > General.

  2. Under Server Settings, edit the text in the text box corresponding to Security Banner Header. Leave the field empty to turn it off.

    Under Server Settings, edit the text box in line with the Security Banner Footer. Leave the field empty to turn it off.

Changing the Security Banners

Changing the Security Banners

  1. Click Save.
# Changing the GUI Log Level
  1. Go to Administration > Settings > General.

  2. Under Server Settings, select from the drop-down corresponding to the Log Level.

    Changing the Log Level

    Changing the Log Level

    Log Description
    Debug select to log all debug messages including messages with Info, Warning, Error, and Critical
    Info select to log informational messages including which user(s) is/are logged in
    Warning select to log messages showing operations that can continue though limited
    Error select to log messages showing operations that could not continue
    Critical select to log messages showing errors that affect the overall functionality of the GUI; this is mostly related to the database
    Log Levels

  3. Click Save.

# Specifying the GUI Log File

Follow these steps to specify the location where the logs from the GUI will be saved:

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > General.

  2. Under Server Settings, edit the text in the text box corresponding to Logfile. By default, the log will be in $DEBUG_DIR as configured in openit.cfg.

Specify GUI Log File Location

Specify GUI Log File Location

  1. Click Save.

# Specifying the GUI Charset

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > General.

  2. Under Server Settings, select the suitable charset for the data files.

    Charset Description
    EUC-JP A variable width encoding used to represent the elements of three Japanese character set standards, namely JIS X 0208, JIS X 0212, and JIS X 0201
    UTF-8 A variable-length 8-bit (1-byte) Unicode character encoding which is compatible with ASCII encoding. This encoding is very efficient for Western language characters.
    ISO-8859-1 An 8-bit single-byte coded character set known as "Latin alphabet no. 1," consisting of 191 characters from the Latin script.
    SJIS A character encoding for the Japanese language based on character sets defined within JIS standards: JIS X 0201:1997 (for single-byte characters) and JIS X 0208:1997 (for double-byte characters).
    WINDOWS-1251 An 8-bit character encoding designed to cover languages that use the Cyrillic script, such as Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian Cyrillic, and other languages.
    GUI Charsets

Specifying the GUI Charset

Specifying the GUI Charset

  1. Click Save.

# Changing the Default GUI Language

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > General.

  2. Under Server Settings, select from the drop-down corresponding to Default Language.

Changing the Default GUI Language

Changing the Default GUI Language

  1. Click Save.

# Changing the Date Format used on Generated Reports

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > General.

  2. Under Server Settings, select from the drop-down corresponding to Date format.

Changing the Date Format used on Generated Reports

Changing the Date Format used on Generated Reports

  • Week numbers - shows week numbers on reports; week numbers will only reflect on the report when the resolution is weekly; otherwise. it will show the selected resolution.

    Filespace Report with Week Numbers Date Format

    Filespace Report with Week Numbers Date Format

  • Date ranges - shows the date ranges on reports; date ranges will only reflect on the report when the resolution is weekly; otherwise, it will show the selected resolution.

    Filespace Report with Date Ranges Date Format

    Filespace Report with Date Ranges Date Format

  1. Click Save.

# Changing the Report Window Settings

Follow these steps to update how the generated reports will be displayed in Complete Selection:

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > General.

  2. Under Server Settings, select from the drop-down corresponding to Report Window.

Changing the Report Window Settings

Changing the Report Window Settings

  1. Click Save.

# Refreshing the Database

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > General.

  2. Click Execute.

Refreshing the Database

Refreshing the Database

  1. Click OK on the prompt then wait for the confirmation that the process is done.

# Configuring Email Settings

Enabling LicensePredictor alerts sends emails when anomalies are detected. Follow these steps to configure LicensePredictor email settings.

LicensePredictor Email Settings

LicensePredictor Email Settings

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > General.

  2. Under Email settings, set the email sender.

  3. List the email recipients separated by comma.

  4. Provide the SMTP server and port.

  5. Choose the SMTP connection. It could be unsecured, ssl, or tls.

  6. Provide the SMTP username and password.

  7. Set the SMTP timeout. This is in seconds.

  8. Tick the checkbox to enable the anomaly alert.

  9. Click Save.

# Configuring LDAPS Settings

LDAPS Settings

LDAPS Settings

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > General.

  2. Under LDAPS Settings, choose the verify option. It could be none, optional, or require.

  3. Set the location of the certification authority file for verifying the connectivity to the LDAPS server.

  4. Click Save.

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