# Discovery

# Using the Discovery Tool

Discovery Tab

Discovery Tab

  1. Go to Administration > Discovery.

  2. Set up the configuration or use the default values.

    • Targets (required) - the list of target IP addresses or hostnames for scanning; /<numbits> can be appended to an IPv4 address or hostname (e.g., to scan a whole network of adjacent hosts; the targets can be separated by comma.

    • Services (required) - the list of service names to discover, separated by comma

    • Ports (optional) - the ports to scan on every target; ports can be separated by comma while port ranges can be separated by a hyphen; if not specified, nmap scans the most common 1,000 ports for each protocol.

    • State (optional) - the state of the port of the service to discover; the following values are accepted:

      • open - means that an application on the target machine is listening for connections/packets on that port

      • closed - means that no application is listening on the port, though it could open up at any time

      • filtered - means that a firewall, filter, or other network obstacle is blocking the port so nmap cannot tell whether it is open or closed

      • unfiltered - means that the port is responsive to nmap probes but cannot be determined whether it is open or closed

    • Nmap args (optional) - nmap options to use in scanning the network; it is recommended to use the default value.

  3. Click Start. A notification will appear beside the Start button if the scan is still running or already finished.

  4. Click the link for the generated report beside the Latest Results.

    A table of the Previous Results will be available for a historical view of the generated reports.

# Discovery Tool Report

The report has two major parts, Scan Overview and Discovered Services.

  • Scan Overview - This shows the targets and the total number of hosts for each target scanned by the tool.

Discovery Tool Report Overview

Discovery Tool Report Overview

  • Discovered Services - This shows the report of the services discovered by the tool. On the left side is the summary of the discovered services and a button to export data. On the right side is the table containing the details where the services are running.

Discovered Services

Discovered Services

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