# Data Generation

This section describes the instant data generation, periodic data generation, and raw data generation configuration. This option helps regenerate archive data instantly, and for any specific period.

Possible reasons to regenerate data:

  • Lost or removed data

  • New Open iT binaries/filters/upgrades for more accurate data

  • To filter out data

  • To group data

Before proceeding, make sure the Data Generation page is activated.

# Regeneration of Data

  1. Go to Administration > Data Generation.

  2. Tick the checkbox(es) beside the data type(s) to regenerate or click Pick Defaults on the group of data types. For easy access, use the Search bar above the list of data types. To view all of the data types, click the Expand All button beside the Search.

    For this example, the Dongle data are selected.

  3. Set the date range of the data to regenerate. The date selection can be found both at the top and bottom of the page.

    If the date range is selected before clicking Pick Defaults, the selected date range will be reset to the latest date.

  4. Click Regenerate.

    Regeneration of Data

    Regeneration of Data

    Ensure successful data regeneration by checking if there are .in files created in the incoming directory. On Windows Core Server this is by default in C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\incoming and /[database_directory]/incoming on Unix Core Server.

# Configuring Periodically Regenerated Data

  1. Go to Administration > Data Generation.

  2. On the right side of the screen, click Automatic Generation Config.

  3. Select which data types to include in the periodic automatic data processing.

  4. Click Save Config.

    Periodically Regenerated Data

    Periodically Regenerated Data

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