# Software Upgrade

# Upgrading through the Windows Installer Interface

  1. Right-click the openit_[version]_server_windows ISO image and choose Mount.

    A new file explorer will appear containing the openit_[version]_server_windows_[architecture].msi and clients folder.

  2. Double-click the openit_[version]_server_windows_[architecture].msi installer file to begin upgrade.

  3. The installer will notify that there is an older version already installed on the machine. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel.

    WCS Upgrade: Confirm Upgrade

    WCS Upgrade: Confirm Upgrade

  4. The setup wizard will be displayed. Click Next.

    WCS Upgrade: Welcome Screen

    WCS Upgrade: Welcome Screen

  5. Read the License Agreement before accepting the terms. Click Next.

    WCS Upgrade: End-user License Agreement

    WCS Upgrade: End-user License Agreement

  6. Specify the Open iT Ingress URI that the Open iT Server will use. This will trigger the Open iT Core Server to establish a connection with Ingress and to access the Open iT web application using the address http://<hostname>:<port_number>. The default value of 27893 will be supplied if Ingress is not yet installed. Click Next.

    WCS Installation: Ingress Instance

    WCS Installation: Ingress Instance

    If Ingress is not installed yet, a pop-up warning will display. Skip this by clicking Yes to continue with the installation.

    WCS Installation: Ingress Warning

    WCS Installation: Ingress Warning

  7. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret credentials provided by the Open iT Account Manager or Delivery/Support Team.

    Skip this step by clicking Next. However, if skipped, this can be configured post-installation.

    WCS Installation: Product License Key

    WCS Installation: SSAD Access Configuration

  8. Specify, or browse for, the directory containing a valid Open iT Core Server license key, then click Next.

    Skip this step by clicking Next without specifying the path to the license key. If this step is skipped, the included license key in the Configuration folder will be used.

    WCS Installation: Product License Key

    WCS Installation: Product License Key

  9. Click Install.

    To generate a desktop shortcut for the Core Reporter URI, select the Create a shortcut to the Core Reporter URI on the Desktop.. The Run LicenseAnalyzer Auto Configurators option will be automatically selected. Deselect this option as needed.

    WCS Upgrade: Ready to Install

    WCS Upgrade: Ready to Install

  10. After the upgrade, the View Release Notes option will be automatically selected. This option will show a list of updates and fixes included on the installer through a web browser. Deselect this option as needed.

    Click Finish to complete the installation.

    WCS Upgrade: Installation Complete

    WCS Upgrade: Installation Complete

# Upgrading through the Command Line

  1. Open a command prompt with Administrative level privileges.

  2. Execute the following command:

    msiexec /i [msi_file] /l*v [log_file] [options] INSTALLDIR=$ROOT_DIR


    Name Description
    /i [msi_file] The path of the Windows installer file, openit_[version]_client_windows_[architecture].msi. This should be the path to the mounted ISO image.
    /l*v [log_file] The path of the installation log file that will be created during installation.


    Name Description
    /quiet Run the command in silent mode.
    /passive Run the command in unattended mode - progress bar only.


    Name Description
    INSTALLDIR=$ROOT_DIR Use this to specify the path where the Open iT files will be installed. If not specified, the default value is C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core.
    UPGRADECONFIGDIR=[path_to_dir] Use this to specify the path where the UpgradeAssistant will store the installation upgrade files and changelogs. If not specified, the default value is C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\UpgradeConfigFiles.
    CONFIGDIR=[path_to_dir] Use this to specify the path where the UpgradeAssistant will store the configuration files to be modified. If not specified, the default value is C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration.
    INGRESS-URI=$ingress_uri Use this to specify the Ingress installation hostname and port http(s)://<ingress_hostname>:<ingress_port_number>.
    SSAD_ID=<client_id> Use this to input the SSAD Client ID during installation. Coordinate with the Open iT Account Manager or Delivery/Support Team regarding the SSAD Access Credentials.
    SSAD_SECRET=<client_secret> Use this to input the SSAD Client Secret during installation. Coordinate with the Open iT Account Manager or Delivery/Support Team regarding the SSAD Access Credentials.

    msiexec /i openit_10_0_0_server_windows_x64 /l*v upgrade_log.txt  /passive INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files"
  3. When using the passive mode, wait until the process bar dialog disappears. When using the quiet mode, verify if the installation is complete by opening the Task Manager and checking in the Details tab if the msiexec process is still running.

# Upgrading the Software

  1. Create a directory for the new installer file.

  2. Extract the archived contents of the installer using the following command:

    tar -xvpf openit_[version]_server_[platform]_[architecture].tar
    tar -xvpf openit_10_0_0_server_linux_x86_64.tar
  3. The directory dist will appear in the current directory after archive extraction. Go to this directory.

  4. Execute the install script. You can opt not to use the installation parameters for the upgrade if the parameters from the previous installation will be used. To check the list of parameters, see step number 3 of the section called “Installing the Software”, but for the upgrade, all of the parameters are optional.


    If new value(s) for the parameter(s) will be used, include the parameters for the upgrade. For example, a new data directory will be used for the upgrade:

    ./install.sh data-dir=/opt/openit_data2024
  5. The install script will notify that there is an existing server on the machine and will ask to allow an upgrade. Type y, then press Enter.

    Version: 10.0.0
    Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux
    Installer package directory: /root/new/dist
    Host type: server
    Open iT Server (9.19.440) is already installed.
    Proceed with the upgrade to Open iT Server (10.0.0)? [y/N]: y

    After allowing the upgrade, the install script will display the following:

    Creating a backup of the current installation.
    Copying /var/opt/openit/etc to /var/opt/openit_persistent.
    Please do not cancel the installation during the backup creation.
    Please wait...
    Backup created. Uninstalling Open iT Server.
    Open iT Server uninstalled. Proceeding with the upgrade.
    Data directory: /opt/openit_data2024
    Installation Directory: /opt/openit
    Root Temporary Directory: /var/opt/openit
    Service Account Name: openit
    Service Account Group: openit
    Checking for OpeniT Ingress accessibility ...
    Ingress is neither detected on this host nor is supplied. Using default value.
    Checking minimum OS requirement ...
    Minimum OS requirement met.
    Verifying the directories that will be used by Open iT ...
    Trying to add domain to server, using 'http://mnl892lin.svg.openit.local'   
    Installing Open iT Server files...
    Installing crontab jobs, startup scripts, and boot runlevel links...
    Creating an archive of the backup files...
    Archive created. This archive can be found in /var/opt/openit/inst.
    Upgrading Open iT from 9.19.440 to 10.0.0...
    Upgrade complete.
    Setting the service account as the owner of the installation files...
    File ownership setup complete.
    Setting up configuration files...
    Configuration file setup complete.
    Installation complete. The URL for the Open iT web interface is:
    Setting up git and bare repositories of configuration files.
    Installation successful.

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