Open iT CFG Directives
This contains the list of directives in the openit.cfg
file, which is by default in /etc/opt/openit
on Unix and in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\
on Windows.
There is no openit.cfg
file in Windows clients.
Server Directives
Directive | Description |
SERVER | This refers to the name of the Core Server instance. |
ARCHIVE_DIR | This refers to the directory of the archive data. |
ROOT_DIR | This refers to the path to the Core Server or Client directory. This must be /opt/openit for Unix installations. |
ROOT_DATA_DIR | This refers to the main data directory in the Core Server. In Unix systems, this is defined upon installation. |
ROOT_HTML_DIR | This refers to the main HTML directory. |
HTTPD_DIR | This refers to the directory containing the Perl configuration files used by the Open iT Core Server web interface. |
INCOMING_DIR | This refers to the directory containing the incoming data from the client. |
DATA_DIR | This refers to the directory containing the processed data. |
CRON_DIR | This refers to the directory containing periodic report definitions. Each night, the server runs the periodic reports stored here and places the results in the RESULTS_DIR. |
POWERBI_CUTOFF_AGE | This directive's value is deducted from the current year, and then the difference will become the starting date of processing. The starting date of processing will be January 1st of that year (e.g., Current year is 2022, and the directive value is 2. The start date of processing will be 1/1/2020). The default value is 2. |
POWERBI_DATATYPES | This lists the data types to be processed. They can either be listed one by one, separated by commas (e.g., 94,95,102), or just have a value of "all" (including the double quotes; this will process all data types present in the database). The default values are 75,94,95, and 102. |
SERVER_CRONJOB_OFFSET | This refers to the offset time (in seconds) of the periodic reports. |
RESULTS_DIR | This refers to the directory that will contain results from interactive or periodic queries. You can find the generated reports here. |
PRIMETIME_FILE | This refers to the primetime file used. This directive is not always included in the openit.cfg file by default. |
LICENSE_STATUS_ENABLED | This controls the presence of the License Monitor in the Core Server web interface. The default value is y. |
LICENSE_STATUS_DIR | This refers to the directory containing the status dump files. |
LICENSE_STATUS_MAX_AGE | This controls when the old status files will be deleted. If this directive is not present, the server will remove files older than one day (86400 seconds). The default value is 172800. |
LICENSE_STATUS_PROCESS_INTERVAL | This refers to the interval (in seconds) of license status processing. |
LICENSE_DATABASE_REPLACEABLE | This refers to the file containing data type name: classification entries for psm files. It describes the classifications of the data types that should be used when merging the data files. The classifications constitute a key specifying the fields to use for replacement. A typical application may merge data from licpoll and samcollector. For raw files, the entries are raw data name: field number . |
LICENSE_STATUS_MAX_EXPIRY | This is used to check whether the licenses are permanent or not. The default value is 2147483647 (integer). |
ACCOUNTING_LICENSE | This refers to the file containing the software license key for Open iT. |
ACCOUNTING_INFO | This refers to the acc_types file. |
MODULES | This refers to the module files on the server. |
REPORT_DATATYPE_CONFIG | This refers to files configuring data types that need exception handling in the report generation back-end. |
CLIENT_INFO | This directive can have a file or off value. The default value is file, which means, the client info details will be written into a file. To skip updating the file, set it to off. |
SUBSTITUTION_SPECS | This refers to the configuration file that allows classification values in the Core Server report output to be modified to upper- or lowercase. |
CLASSVAR_MAPPING_CONF | This refers to the file containing the configuration settings used by the Core Server when generating the list of classification values and maps. |
CLASSVAR_MAPPING | This refers to the file containing the list of classification values and maps extracted from the database. |
SIMPLE_REPORTS | This refers to the directory containing the report templates. |
REPORTS_DECIMAL_DIGITS | This refers to the number or decimal values that will be displayed in the Core Server reports. The default value is 2. |
REPORT_LOCATION | This refers to the header that appears in the generated Open iT reports. |
CLASSVAR_CUTOFF_AGE | This refers to the maximum age of the classification values to extract from the database. The default value is three, meaning it will not include data older than three years. |
CLASSVAR_REGEXP_FILTER | This refers to the classvar_regexp_filter file containing regular expressions for cleaning garbage from the classification lists. |
SQLITE_DIR | This refers to the directory containing the SQLite files used by the Core Server web interface. |
LDAPS_VERIFY | This specifies how the LDAPS certificate will be verified. This can be none, optional, or require. |
LDAPS_CA_FILE | This refers to the server certificate. |
LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT | This refers to the maximum response time (in seconds) when connecting to the LDAP server. |
REPORT_RENDERER | This refers to the report renderer used by the Core Server. |
DEBUG_DIR | This refers to the directory containing the debug logs. |
CLIENT_INFO_MAX_DAYS | This refers to the maximum number of days a client information will be kept in the client info file on the Core Server. The default value is 0. |
XPANDION_DIR | This refers to the directory containing the Xpandion data. |
LSB_ACCT_DIR | This refers to the directory containing the LSF batch logs. |
PBS_ACCT_DIR | This refers to the directory containing the PBS accounting logs. It has no default value and is also used to activate PBS accounting log collection in the client. You can set its value during the installation or add it manually later. |
LSF_DIR | This refers to the directory containing the data converted from LSF to PSM/Open iT format. |
SGE_ROOT_DIR | This refers to the directory containing the Sun Grid Engine logs. |
DIST_CONFIG_MAX_AGE | This refers to the maximum age (in seconds) of the dist-config distributable. The default value is 86400. |
APPUSAGE_ARCHIVE_ONLY | This indicates whether data type 31 (Windows Periodic Summary App Usage) will be generated or not. The default value is true, which means only data type 130 (Windows Application Usage) will be generated. |
Core Server openit.cfg Directives
Client Only
Directive | Description |
STORAGE_FILE_SYSTEMS_FILE | This refers to the configuration file for file systems. |
STORAGE_FILE_SPACE_CONF | This refers to the full path to the configuration file that tells which clients account for file space and which file systems and directories should be accounted. |
STORAGE_FILENAME_TYPE_MAP | This refers to the configuration file used for looking up file type from file name. |
STORAGE_FILE_TEMPERATURE | This refers to the name of the configuration file used for specifying temperature intervals in file space accounting and disk utilization. |
STORAGE_FILE_SPACE_PERIOD | This refers to the frequency of the file space accounting. However in large installations, file space accounting may take more than 24 hours. Therefore, it is advisable to run it once a week. Enter the weekday name to do file space accounting. Only the first two letters are used to identify the weekday. |
STORAGE_FILE_SPACE_OFFSET | This specifies the file space accounting's delay (in seconds) after midnight. Values between 0 and 85000 are accepted. The default value is 400. |
STORAGE_FILE_SPACE_LEVEL | This specifies how file space accounting determines the file type of files. If the value is 0, the file type of all files is set to undef. At level 1, the file name is used to detect the file type. Level 2 uses the content of the file to detect the file type, the program file is used for this purpose. Level 0 is relatively fast compared to the other two. The speeds of level 1 and level 2 depend on the size of the mapping file or the magic file used. |
STORAGE_FILE_SYSTEMS_PERIOD | This refers to the frequency of the local systems accounting. The job is very lightweight and is run quickly. However, polling this information on many clients often will produce a lot of data, and the data stays mostly the same. Therefore, setting this to 3600 seconds (every hour) is more than enough. A value of 86400 (once a day) is recommended and proves sufficient in most cases. |
RECORDER_PROCESS_INTERVAL | This directive refers to how frequently the active status of the recorder binary is verified. |
LICENSE_STATUS_INTERVAL | This directive refers to how frequently license status data is sent to the License Monitor. |
CLIENT_INFO_SEND_INTERVAL | This refers to the interval (in seconds) when the client should send_hello_server . |
CLIENT_INFO_SEND_OFFSET | This refers to the offset (in seconds) when the client should send_hello_server . |
CLIENT_INFO_CREATION | This specifies whether the old Unix client will send client info. The default value is false. |
PULL_CONFIG_INTERVAL | This refers to how frequently the configuration is fetched from the server. It also specifies how often the client activates or deactivates its collectors, which happens after the configuration has been fetched. |
Core Client openit.cfg Directives
Unix Directives
These are the directives that are only available on Unix server and clients.
Directive | Description |
SEND_DIR | This refers to the directory containing the raw data and vendor license information to send. |
SEND_DIR_INTERVAL | This specifies how frequently data is sent to the server. |
SEND_DIR_OFFSET | This defines how often raw data collected is sent to the server. |
Core Server & Client openit.cfg Directives
Directive | Description |
REPORTS_APPLET_HEIGHT | This contains the initial height set in the applet for presenting chart reports. This can be changed dynamically for each report later on. |
REPORTS_EXCEL_CHART_TEXT | This enforces text formatting of timestamps in Excel chart reports. It helps to override the standard date/time formatting, because this often does not work properly across locales. Permitted values are year, month, week, day, and hms. By default, this is set to hms. To use several values, separate them by comma (e.g., REPORTS_EXCEL_CHART_TEXT week,day). |
REPORTS_CSV_DECIMAL_DIGITS | This specifies the number of decimal values that will be used on the CSV output. This is applicable when generating CSV output from the database (through database extraction) or when exporting data from the report (through Download CSV file). |
UID_CHECK | This confirms whether to check the UID of server. The possible values are: skip, scan, and full. |
LICENSEANALYZER_AUTOCONF_ACTIVE | This activates the collection of license product information. It is set to yes or no. By default, it is not active. |
LICENSEANALYZER_AUTOCONF_INTERVAL | This specifies how often the license product information should be collected if it is activated. This is the interval between each polling in seconds. Default is 3600 (one hour). The configuration is collected 5 minutes before each aligned hour. |
BLOCK_SYSLOG_LOGGING | This specifies whether messages will be logged in Windows Event Log. This directive applies to Perl programs only. |
SYSLOG_LEVEL_THRESHOLD | This defines the minimum level of logging in Windows Event Log. Can be one of: notice, warning, error, fatal, or none. This is set to fatal by default. This directive applies to Perl programs only. |
SAVE_INCOMING_HOST_LIST | This refers to a file containing a list of clients from which the incoming files should be copied and saved into another folder in addition to the incoming files. |
SAVE_INCOMING_DIR | This refers to the location where incoming files are saved. |
CLIENT_LIST | This refers to the directory where the file containing the client names and IPs is located. |
DIST_REPLACE | This contains the list of files that are distributed from the server to the clients. |
ACCOUNTING_INFO | This refers to the acc_types files. |
SORT_SPECS | This points to the configuration file that specifies the order of classifications in the report if it is not the default order made by the Core Server reporting tool. |
DEBUG_CLEANUP_DAYS | This contains the age limit for deletion of debug logs. |
DEBUG_ROTATION_DAYS | This contains the age limit for rotation. |
DEBUG_ROTATION_SIZE | This specifies the size limit for rotation int kilobytes. |
DAEMON_CLEANUP | This verifies and cleans Open iT daemons. When set to true, the Open iT daemons are checked to verify that they belong to one process tree. Processes with parent PID 1 and no child will be killed. |
DBCLEAN_ENABLE | This identifies whether to enable the database cleanup or not. |
DBCLEAN_INTERVAL | This specifies the interval for cleanup. It could, be daily, or a specific weekday, for example, Sunday. |
DBCLEAN_TIME_OFFSET | This specifies the exact time, in seconds after midnight, at which the cleanup should be started. The time ranges from 0 to 86400. |
LOG_CLEANUP_DAYS | This refers to the age of the transfer log files before they are deleted. |
ARCHIVER_BIN | This points to the archiver binary. |
ARCHIVER_CONFIG | This specifies where the configuration files for archiver are found. |
LICENSE_REPORT_WAIT_DAYS | This delays the generation of yearly, quarterly, and monthly by the specified number of days. For instance, by setting this to 2 , a monthly report will be generated on the 3rd of the month instead of the 1st. |
WEEKLY_REPORT_WAIT_DAYS | This delays the generation of weekly reports by the specified number of days. For instance, by setting this to 2 , the weekly report will be generated on the 3rd weekday instead of the 1st. |
ARCHIVE_DATA_INTERVAL | This sets the interval for archive data processing. Defining this will override the default interval of 86400 seconds. |
ARCHIVE_DATA_OFFSET | This sets the offset time for archive data processing. The default value is 15000 seconds, which means that the process will start around 4:10 if the interval is set for 1 day. This must be lower than the value of the archive interval. |
SERVER_CRONJOB_OFFSET | This specifies the offset time for periodic reports. Put an entry in the openit.cfg file for this directive with a number of seconds to be delayed (after midnight). This may be necessary when the data to the server is delayed for one reason or another, leading to postponed report generation. |
PROCESS_INCOMING_INTERVAL | This specifies how often the server processes the incoming data and saves the data to the database. Defined as a number of seconds between each processing. |
PROCESS_INCOMING_OFFSET | This adjusts the time for processing the incoming data. The adjustment is defined in seconds. |
LOGGER_DUMP_INTERVAL | This specifies how often logger daemon will dump its data to the debug log file. |
MAP_MAINTENANCE_ENABLED | This enables or disables map maintenance. |
MAP_MAINTAINER_UPDATE_ALL_HOOK | This refers to the location of the script that can be run between update all and map all functions of the map maintainer. For example, if additional scripting or loading is required in the map maintainer database between AD/file update and generation of mapping files are needed, it can be hooked in with this. |
Unused Core Server openit.cfg Directives
Directive | Description |
LICPOLL | This refers to the path of the licpoll binary. |
LICPOLL_RESTART | This specifies how frequently licpoll is restarted. |
LICPOLL_SEND_INTERVAL | This specifies how frequently licpoll data is sent to the server. |
LICPOLL_SEND_OFFSET | This specifies the offset for sending licpoll data to the server. |
PRODUCT_TRANSFER_PERIOD | This specifies the period of transfer of vendor license info to the server. |
PRODUCT_TRANSFER_OFFSET | This specifies the offset of transfer of vendor license info to the server. |
FLEXPOLLER_PROCESS_INTERVAL | This activates the collection of lmstat data to be used with the debug log data. The value specifies how often the data will be collected. |
FLEXPOLLER_PROCESS_OFFSET | This specifies the offset for sending flexpoller data. |
FLEXLOG_PROCESS_INTERVAL | This activates the collection of FlexNet debug log data. The value specifies how often the data will be collected. |
FLEXLOG_TRANSFER_INTERVAL | This activates the transfer of collected data from the sources to the server. The value specifies how often data is transferred. |
FLEXLOG_TRANSFER_OFFSET | This specifies the time delay in transferring the Flex log data. |
IOSTAT | This specifies the location of teh iostat binary. |
IOSTAT_INTERVAL | This specifies the frequency of iostat data collection. |
IOSTAT_RESTART | This specifies the offset in the frequency of iostat data collection. |
EXTPACCT_INTERVAL | This specifies the interval between which the monips program invokes ps . |
EXTPACCT_PS_OPTIONS | This refers to a file ps_options that contains platform specific command-line parameters of ps command that are needed for monips program. |
EXTPACCT_AGE | This specifies the minimum time for a process to be accounted by the accwrapper . The value is given in seconds. |
EXTPACCT_WITHPACCT | This specifies whether the Pacct data has to be merged with Expacct data or not. |
EXTPACCT_ARCHIVE_DIR | This specifies the directory where the raw Extpacct data are to be archived. If this directive is not set, the raw data are not archived. The directory will eventually contain the output from the monips program, and the output from pacct_to_psm . |
PACCT_DIR | This refers to the directory where the Unix kernel stores its process accounting file (Pacct). |
PACCT_ARCHIVE_DIR | This refers to the directory where successfully processed Pacct files are moved. It may be another file system. If not set, the Pacct files will be deleted after Open iT processes them. |
ACCTON | This contains the complete path to the binary file that turns Unix accounting on or off. It is usually called accton . |
PACCT_RESTART | This specifies how often the Pacct executable is restarted. When the Pacct executable is restarted, the resulting log file is processed by the client and sent to the server. |
PACCT_OFFSET | This tunes the Pacct transfer timing, and is used in association with PACCT_RESTART. That is, the value specified for this directive is added with the value of the Pacct restart parameter to shift the transfer time. |
PACCT_TICKS | This converts elapsed time and CPU time. |
PACCT_CHECK_ERROR | This specifies whether there will be error checking during parsing of Pacct records. |
SGE_CELLS | This specifies which Sun Grid Engine cells to account. |
SGE_RESOLUTION | This specifies the resolution of SGE data in the database. |
VMSTAT | This contains the full path to the native Unix vmstat executable. |
VMSTAT_INTERVAL | This specifies how frequent vmstat checks the status of the client. The value is given in seconds. |
VMSTAT_RESTART | This specifies how often the vmstat executable should be restarted. When the vmstat executable is restarted, the log file it made is processed by the client and sent to the server. This value must be multiples of VMSTAT_INTERVAL. |
SAR | This contains the full path to the native Unix SAR executable. |
SAR_INTERVAL | This specifies how often SAR checks the status of a client. The value is given in seconds. |
SAR_RESTART | This specifies how often the SAR executable should be restarted. When the SAR executable is due to be restarted, the log file it made is finalized. The value must be a multiple of SAR_INTERVAL. |
SAR_SEND_INTERVAL | This specifies how often SAR data is sent from the client to the server. This directive is usually left empty, in which case, the SAR data is sent together with other data according to standard client behavior. |
UNIX_PROC | This specifies if Pacct data collection is required or not. |
UNIX_PROC_RESOLUTION | This specifies the resolution of the Pacct data in the database. The value is given as the number of seconds. |
UNIX_PROC_PACCTMEM | This uses memory values from Pacct data (if collected) to fill in memory data missing from the ps data. Note that the Pacct memory do not have standard definition across platform. |
STORAGE_QUOTA_PERIOD | This performs quota accounting each night if set to daily. To run it weekly, enter the name of the weekday on which the accounting should be performed. A value of Saturday will make Open iT perform quota accounting shortly after midnight on Saturday. Only the first two letters are needed to identify the weekday. |
STORAGE_QUOTA_CONF | This specifies the name of the configuration file used for the Quota data type. |
STORAGE_DISK_UTIL_PERIOD | This specifies the period for the Disk Utilization accounting, which could be either daily, or, Monday, Tuesday, etc. |
STORAGE_DISK_UTIL_TEMP | This identifies the temperature mode to be used when converting file space data to disk utilization. This could be any of read, modify, or newest. |
STORAGE_BACKUP_ADSM_CONF | This specifies the full path to the configuration file containing information on which TSM (ADSM) server to account and how to connect them. The file also contains include/exclude filters for TSM pools. |
STORAGE_BACKUP_ADSM_PERIOD | This specifies how often and when the client will perform TSM backup accounting. The possible values are exactly the same as STORAGE_FILE_SPACE_PERIOD. Due to the amount of data produced, running it once a week by specifying a weekday is sufficient. |
STORAGE_HA_CONF_SCRIPT | This refers to the configuration file used to enable High Availability (HA) support. |
STORAGE_FILE_SPACE_PARALLEL | This sets how many parallel file systems to run. |
STORAGE_FILE_SPACE_DUMP_LIMIT | This specifies how many different classifications will be stored in the file_space_account before the data is dumped to disk. |
STORAGE_AUTOEXCLUDE_LEVEL | This specifies how extensive file_space_account will test the directory structure for the auto-mounted file systems. Auto-mounted file systems are excluded by default. Directories below this level will not be tested and might be accounted if it happens to be mounted at the time file_space_account runs. |
ACCWRAPPER_DIR | This refers to the directory where acc-wrappers log application usage. If set, the client will rotate and process the log files in this directory each nigh, unless ACCWRAPPER_SEND_PERIOD is set. |
ACCWRAPPER_SEND_PERIOD | This defines how often the client should process and send the log files made by the accwrapper. If not set, a value of 86400 is used each night. The value is given in seconds. |
UPTIME_LOG_DIR | This specifies where the client should keep its uptime logs. This may be used to make reports on the uptime of hosts in addition to normal availability reports. This is usable if hosts go down and come up again within a short period of time (e.g., 5 minutes) wherein services become unavailable, causing users to complain, but the availability probes do not catch the down-time. |
UPTIME_INTERVAL | This specifies how frequent the status file should be updated. A value of 60 seconds means that Open iT updates the last seen record each minute. In case of an unplanned shutdown (e.g., power loss), the down-time can be determined within a 60-second margin. If normal shutdown is discovered, this variable has no effect. |
LICENSE_LOGS_DIR | This refers to the directory where licpoll stores its log files. The client takes these log files and transfers them to the accounting server. |
ACCOUNT_AT_STARTTIME | This specifies whether pacct data should be stored according to start time instead of end time. This also applies to Extended pacct . |
LSF_ACCT_DIR | This contains the raw LSF log files. |
LSB_ACCT_FILENAME_DELIMITER | This assigns a different delimiter to the file names for LSB accounting files. The file is usually named: lsb.acct[<delimiter><number>[.gz|.Z]] or lsb.acct<.gz|.Z>[<delimiter><number>] . The delimiter is by default a period (. ). To handle another delimiter, such as - , the LSB_ACCT_FILENAME_DELIMITER - directive is added in the openit.cfg file. |
LSF_BIN_DIR | This specifies the directory where the LSF programs are located. This is used to locate the bjobs binary when collecting LSF pending reason data. |
LSF_PEND_RESTART | This specifies how often LSF pending reason collector should be started. |
Unused Core Client openit.cfg Directives