Since the migration of the Open iT Core Server can be difficult in a very customized setup, please seek professional assistance from OpeniT.
It is required to have Open iT Ingress installed and the URI ready when migrating to Open iT Version 10. Otherwise, manual configuration is necessary for the two components to communicate. Use the instructions in the Manually Configuring the Core Server Connection to Ingress section if manual configuration is necessary.
Accomplish the following items before migrating the Core Server:
Coordinate with the Open iT Delivery or Support team and ask for the list of custom configurations, scripts or binaries deployed in your setup.
Make sure you back up all the critical folders before initiating migration; this includes:
Windows - Core Folder (default location:
C:\Program Files\OpeniT
) - Data Folder (default location:
Unix - Core Folder (default location:
) - Data Folder (this is your specified data_dir (
) during Open iT server installation)
Please note that the directories location may vary based on the installation directory specified.
- Core Folder (default location:
Verify whether the setup is using HTTPS or not. Take note of the SSL certificate directory.
Gather screenshots of the following pages:
Once all the items are accomplished, you may now proceed to install the Core Server in the new machine.