# Post-Migration Procedures

This guide provides instructions on what to do after a successful software migration. Follow the sequence of procedures to apply the updates in the Core Server setup.

   Verifying Core Server Installation

If the previous Core Server operates via HTTPS and you prefer to maintain the same protocol, refer to the Configuring HTTPS in Ingress section for instructions.

# Reapplying Core Server Web Interface Settings/Customizations

  1. In the new Core Server web interface, go to Administration > Settings > General.

  2. Using the old Core Server web interface General page as reference, reapply the server settings.

  3. Click the Save button.

  4. On the same page, go to the Registry tab.

  5. Using the old Core Server web interface Registry page as reference, reapply the page settings.

  6. Click the Save Changes button.

  7. Go to the Administration > Data Generation, then click Automatic Generation Config.

  8. Using the old Core Server web interface Data Generation > Automatic Generation Config page as reference, reapply the page settings.

  9. Click the Save Config button.

# Migrating Generated Reports

This applies solely to setups that utilize generated reports in the Core Server and wish to retain identical reports on the newly migrated server.

  1. On the old Core Server, go to C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\ReportingServer\html\OpeniT\results.

  2. Copy the folders from the old server directory to the corresponding directory in the new server installation.

  3. In the new Core Server web interface, go to Reporting > Generated Reports.

  4. Verify that the reports from the previous Core Server are available on the new Core Server.

  1. On the old Core Server, go to $ROOT_DATA_DIR/results.

  2. Copy the folders from the old server directory to the corresponding directory in the new server installation.

  3. In the new Core Server web interface, go to Reporting > Generated Reports.

  4. Verify that the reports from the previous Core Server are available on the new Core Server.

# Reapplying Core Server Configurations

  1. Check for the customizations applied in the configuration files in the C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\Components folder on the old server. Apply the customizations from the files on the old server to the corresponding files on the new server.

  2. Check the files in the C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\dist-config folder on the old server. These are the files distributed to clients periodically. Copy these files to the dist-config directory on the new server.

  3. Check for the customizations applied in the httpd.conf file in the C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\httpd. Apply the customization in the corresponding httpd.conf file on the new server.

  4. Copy the configuration files from the module-activation directory on the old server at C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\module-activation to the corresponding module-activation folder on the new server.

  5. Copy the mapping files from the old server directory at C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\ to the corresponding directory in the new server installation. Here are the list of the most commonly used mapping files:

    • feature-mapping
    • product-mapping
    • package-mapping
    • feature-rename.map
    • product-rename.map
    • package-rename.map

    • available-licenses.map
    • bentley_feature_rename.map
    • bentley-available-licenses.map
    • create-product-from-features.map
    • daemon-rename.map
    • featureset.map
    • host-rename.map
    • host-to-groups.map
    • ip-to-hostname.map
    • product-remove.map
    • project_name.map
    • rlm-shared-licenses.map
    • sentinel-products.map
    • softwareid-to-feature_name.map
    • timeout-per-app.map
    • url-to-app.map
    • user-name-to-email.map
    • user-rename.map
    • user-to-groups.map
    • webdata-to-app.map

    Aside from the mapping files in the Configuration directory, copy the host-config.map, which is in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\dist-config by default.

  1. Check for the customizations applied in the configuration files in /var/opt/openit/etc/Components folder on the old server. Apply the customizations from the files on the old server to the corresponding files on the new server.

  2. Check the files in /var/opt/openit/etc/dist-config folder on the old server. These are the files distributed to clients periodically. Copy these files to the dist-config directory on the new server.

  3. Check for the customizations applied in the httpd.conf file in /var/opt/openit/etc/httpd. Apply the customization in the corresponding httpd.conf file on the new server.

  4. Copy the configuration files from the module-activation directory on the old server at /var/opt/openit/etc/module-activation to the corresponding module-activation folder on the new server.

  5. Copy the mapping files from the old server directory at /var/opt/openit/etc/ to the corresponding directory in the new server installation. Here are the list of the most commonly used mapping files:

    • feature-mapping
    • product-mapping
    • package-mapping
    • feature-rename.map
    • product-rename.map
    • package-rename.map

    • available-licenses.map
    • bentley_feature_rename.map
    • bentley-available-licenses.map
    • create-product-from-features.map
    • daemon-rename.map
    • featureset.map
    • host-rename.map
    • host-to-groups.map
    • ip-to-hostname.map
    • product-remove.map
    • project_name.map
    • rlm-shared-licenses.map
    • sentinel-products.map
    • softwareid-to-feature_name.map
    • timeout-per-app.map
    • url-to-app.map
    • user-name-to-email.map
    • user-rename.map
    • user-to-groups.map
    • webdata-to-app.map

    Aside from the mapping files in the etc directory, copy the host-config.map, which is by default in /var/opt/openit/etc/dist-config.

  6. After copying the files, run the following command to change the ownership of the files:

    chown openit:openit /var/opt/openit/etc/*
  7. Check for the customizations applied in the openit.cfg file in /etc/opt/openit. Apply the customization in the corresponding openit.cfg file on the new server.

For any other custom configurations, scripts, or binaries deployed in your previous setup, feel free to reach out to the Open iT Support Team at support@openit.com for assistance in integrating the changes into your migrated software.

# Migrating SQLite Databases

There are two database files that need to be migrated in this section: system.s3db and map.dbl. Migrating these two database files guarantees that all the users, groups, folders, and mapping configurations from the old server are preserved on the newly migrated server.

# Migrating system.s3db

  1. Verify the revision of the old database by checking the highest file number in the sql subdirectory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\ReportingServer\db\general\sql.

  2. Copy the system.s3db from the old server directory at C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\ReportingServer\db\general\ to the corresponding directory in the new server installation.

  3. Verify the revision of the new database by checking the highest file number in the sql subdirectory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\ReportingServer\db\general\sql.

  4. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  5. Go the directory of the system.s3db database file, run the following:

    cd C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\ReportingServer\db\general\
  6. Run each missing sql file to migrate the system.s3db.

    In this example scenario, the old server has 13.sql as highest file number, while the new server has 15.sql. To migrate the old database file, you need to run 14.sql and 15.sql.

    sqlite3 system.s3db < ./sql/14.sql


    sqlite3 system.s3db < ./sql/15.sql

    Make sure there are no errors encountered after running the commands.

  1. Verify the revision of the old database by checking the highest file number in the sql subdirectory, which is by default in /opt/openit/db/general/sql/.

  2. Copy the system.s3db from the old server directory at /opt/openit/db/general/ to the corresponding directory in the new server installation.

  3. Check if the owner of the newly copied system.s3db is openit by running this command:

    ls -l
    Command Output
    drwxrwxrwx. 2 openit openit     19 Feb 20 00:36 migrate
    drwxrwxrwx. 3 openit openit    221 Feb 20 00:36 sql
    -rw-rw-r--. 1 openit openit 118784 Feb 22 17:28 system.s3db

    If the owner of system.s3db file is not openit. Run the following command:

    chown openit:openit system.s3db
  4. Verify the revision of the new database by checking the highest file number in the sql subdirectory, which is by default in /opt/openit/db/general/sql/.

  5. Go the directory of the system.s3db database file, run the following:

    cd /opt/openit/db/general/
  6. Run each missing sql file to migrate the system.s3db.

    In this example scenario, the old server has 13.sql as highest file number, while the new server has 15.sql. To migrate the old database file, you need to run 14.sql and 15.sql.

    sqlite3 system.s3db < ./sql/14.sql


    sqlite3 system.s3db < ./sql/15.sql

    Make sure there are no errors encountered after running the commands.

# Migrating map.dbl

  1. Verify the revision of the old database by checking the highest file number in the sql subdirectory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\ReportingServer\db\map\sql.

  2. Copy the map.dbl from the old server directory at C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\ReportingServer\db\map\ to the corresponding directory in the new server installation.

  3. Verify the revision of the new database by checking the highest file number in the sql subdirectory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\ReportingServer\db\map\sql.

  4. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  5. Go the directory of the map.dbl database file, run the following:

    cd C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\ReportingServer\db\map\
  6. Run each missing sql file to migrate the map.dbl.

    In this example scenario, the old server has 13.sql as highest file number, while the new server has 14.sql. To migrate the old database file, you need to run 14.sql.

    sqlite3 system.s3db < ./sql/14.sql

    Make sure there are no errors encountered after running the command.

  1. Verify the revision of the old database by checking the highest file number in the sql subdirectory, which is by default in /opt/openit/db/map/sql/.

  2. Copy the map.dbl from the old server directory at /opt/openit/db/map/ to the corresponding directory in the new server installation.

  3. Check if the owner of the newly copied map.dbl is openit by running this command:

    ls -l
    Command Output
    -rw-r--r--. 1 openit openit 27648 Feb 21 15:22 map.dbl
    drwxr-xr-x. 2 openit openit   193 Feb 20 01:16 sql

    If the owner of map.dbl file is not openit. Run the following command:

    chown openit:openit map.dbl
  4. Verify the revision of the new database by checking the highest file number in the sql subdirectory, which is by default in /opt/openit/db/map/sql/.

  5. Go the directory of the map.dbl database file, run the following:

    cd /opt/openit/db/map/
  6. Run each missing sql file to migrate the mapd.dbl.

    In this example scenario, the old server has 13.sql as highest file number, while the new server has 14.sql. To migrate the old database file, you need to run 14.sql.

    sqlite3 system.s3db < ./sql/14.sql

    Make sure there are no errors encountered after running the command.

# Verifying SQLite Databases Migration

  1. In the new Core Server web interface, go to Administration > Users page and check if the created users from the old Core Server installation is present in the new server.

  2. Verify whether the contents of the Groups, Folders, and Mapping pages have been successfully transferred to the new server.

# Migrating Core Server Database

The clients will continue to send data to the old server until the clients are migrated. Before migrating the data, it is recommended to stop the services of both the new and old server.

Copy the data directory, which is by default in C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data for Windows Core Server or at your specified data_dir ($ROOT_DATA_DIR) during Open iT server installation for Unix Core Server, to the new server data directory.

Verify that all contents are successfully transferred to the data directory on the new server.

# Updating Folder or Files Permission and Ownership

For Unix Core Server, make sure that the owner of the data_dir ($ROOT_DATA_DIR) is openit and the permissions are drwxr-xr-x.

To change the ownership of the folder, say your database directory is in /data:

chown openit:openit /data

And, to change the permissions:

chmod 755 /data

# Updating Core Server Paths in the Analysis Server

Following the migration of the Core Server, it's necessary to update the database path and Mapping Source FilePath in the Analysis Server.

To update the Core Server database path, follow the instructions in the Setting a Configuration Key section and update the Root.Etl.CoreDatabasePath configuration key.

To update the Mapping Source FilePath, follow the instructions in the Editing a Mapping Source section.

# Updating the Client Connection to the Core Server

  1. In the client machine, open apicontroller.xml in the Components directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\Components.

  2. Locate and set the value of uri object with the new Core Server URI.

    30| <Object>
    31|     <Name>uri</Name>
    32|     <Description>URI of the API(required)</Description>
    33|     <Value type="String">http://mnl0007:8080</Value>
    34| </Object>
  3. Save the changes.

  4. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  5. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin
  6. Update the configuration file, run the command:

    Command Syntax
    openit_confbuilder --client

    Make sure that there are no errors encountered.

  1. In the client machine, open apicontroller.xml in the Components directory, which is by default in /var/opt/openit/etc.

  2. Locate and set the value of uri object with the new Core Server URI.

    30| <Object>
    31|     <Name>uri</Name>
    32|     <Description>URI of the API(required)</Description>
    33|     <Value type="String">http://mnl0007:8080</Value>
    34| </Object>
  3. Save the changes.

  4. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in /opt/openit/bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd /opt/openit/bin
  5. Update the configuration file, run the command:

    Command Syntax
    ./openit_confbuilder --client

    Make sure that there are no errors encountered.

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