# Syncing Configuration Files

The Open iT Core Server distributes configuration files upon periodic client requests. The distributed files include those listed in distreplace.xml and the files within the dist-config directory of the Core Server.

# File Distribution

The Core Server reads distreplace.xml in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\Components and copies the configuration files list to C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\dist-config. All the included XML configuration files are validated before being compressed into a file named dist-config.[platform].tar.gz and saved to the temp directory for distribution, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Log\temp. This will prevent collection errors if a malformed XML file is sent to the client. The compressed distributable file is then sent to the clients every 6 hours by default and saved to C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Log\temp.

The distributable file has a default maximum age of 24-hours before creating a new one. Changes made on the dist-config directory or the distreplace.xml file within this period will reflect on the following distributable file created.

To manually create a distributable file before the maximum age expires, delete the current dist-config.[platform].tar.gz file and run the download_dist command on the client.

The Core Server reads distreplace.xml in /var/opt/openit/etc/Components and copies the configuration files list to /var/opt/openit/etc/dist-config. All the included XML configuration files are validated before being compressed into a file named dist-config.[platform].tar.gz and saved to the temp directory for distribution, which is by default in /var/opt/openit/temp. This will prevent collection errors if a malformed XML file is sent to the client. The compressed distributable file is then sent to the clients every 6 hours by default and saved to /var/opt/openit/temp.

The distributable file has a default maximum age of 24-hours before creating a new one. Changes made on the dist-config directory or the distreplace.xml file within this period will reflect on the following distributable file created.

To manually create a distributable file before the maximum age expires, delete the current dist-config.[platform].tar.gz file and run the download_dist command on the client.

# Adding Files on the dist-config.[platform].tar.gz Distributable

Copy a file, following the directory structure on the client, to C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\dist-config to add it to the distributable.

For example, save a file in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\dist-config\scheduler and it will be included in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\scheduler.

Copy a file, following the directory structure on the client, to /var/opt/openit/etc/dist-config to add it to the distributable.

For example, save a file in /var/opt/openit/etc/dist-config/scheduler and it will be included in /var/opt/openit/etc/scheduler.

# Manual File Distribution to a Client

To immediately send a dist-config.[platform].tar.gz distributable, open a command prompt on the client machine and run the following command as an Administrator:

openit_apicontroller.exe -t download_dist

This process automatically runs after the client restarts, then every 6 hours by default after. It also creates a new dist-config.[platform].tar.gz file if it was manually removed prior.

To immediately send a dist-config.[platform].tar.gz distributable, go to /opt/openit/bin and run the following command:

openit_apicontroller -t download_dist

This process automatically runs after the client restarts, then every 6 hours by default after. It also creates a new dist-config.[platform].tar.gz file if it was manually removed prior.

Files can also be distributed to specific client(s):

   File Distribution via host-config.map  

# Changing the Maximum Age of the dist-config Distributable

  1. Open the openit.cfg configuration file in the C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\ of the Open iT Server.

  2. Locate DIST_CONFIG_MAX_AGE and change the value in seconds.

  3. Save the file.

  1. Open the openit.cfg configuration file in the /var/opt/openit/etc of the Open iT Server.

  2. Locate DIST_CONFIG_MAX_AGE and change the value in seconds.

  3. Save the file.

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