# Generating Power BI Data Source

Open iT can extract the Core Server database into CSV files to be able to load it in Power BI.

# Activating Power BI Data Source Generation

These are the required steps to activate Power BI data source generation.

  1. Go to the scheduler directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\scheduler, and open process_powerbi.oconf.

  2. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.process_powerbi.general.active to true. If the scheduler is active, this job will run every day.

    13|	}
    14|		general
    15|		{
    16|			active
    17|			{
    18|				type=bool
    19|				value=true
  3. Save the changes.

  1. Go to the scheduler directory, which is by default in /var/opt/openit/etc/scheduler, and open process_powerbi.oconf.

  2. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.process_powerbi.general.active to true. If the scheduler is active, this job will run every day.

    13|	}
    14|		general
    15|		{
    16|			active
    17|			{
    18|				type=bool
    19|				value=true
  3. Save the changes.

# Verifying Power BI Data Source Generation

After configuration, you can verify that the Power BI data source is generated by following these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  2. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin
  3. Run the command:

    Command Syntax
     openit_executor -r process_powerbi
  4. Verify that there is a folder named powerbi present in $DATA_DIR, which is by default in C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\database, containing the folders of the configured data types.

    The output inside the data type directories are in the format year-month-date.csv. There should also be a cache file per data type.

    The output files are fixed to a daily resolution, and the delimiter is always colon.

  1. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in /opt/openit/bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
     cd $BIN_DIR
     cd /opt/openit/bin
  2. Run the command:

    Command Syntax
     ./openit_executor -r process_powerbi
  3. Verify that there is a folder named powerbi present in your defined $DATA_DIR upon Open iT server installation, containing the folders of the configured data types.

    The output inside the data type directories are in the format year-month-date.csv. There should also be a cache file per data type.

    The output files are fixed to a daily resolution, and the delimiter is always colon.

# Next Step?

   Configuring Power BI Cut-off Age and Data Types

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