# Configuring Open iT FileCleaner

The Open iT Filecleaner binary prevents the accumulation of old and outdated files in Open iT installations, ensuring less clutter on the Open iT environment.

# Enabling FileCleaner

  1. Open core_filecleaner.oconf in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\scheduler.

  2. Locate and set scheduler.active to true to activate FileCleaner.

     3|  scheduler
     4|  {
    16|  general
    17|  { 
    18|     active
    19|     {
    20|        type=bool
    21|        value=true
  3. Save the changes.

  1. Open core_filecleaner.oconf in /var/opt/openit/etc/scheduler.

  2. Locate and set scheduler.active to true to activate FileCleaner.

     3|  scheduler
     4|  {
    16|  general
    17|  { 
    18|     active
    19|     {
    20|        type=bool
    21|        value=true
  3. Save the changes.

# FileCleaner Functions

  • Removes old logs and reports saved in the following directories:

    • {Trash} and {Temporary} directories on the server found in the directory specified in the C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\openit_html_data\results directive on the openit.cfg configuration file.

      The reports within follow these glob formats:

      Periodic Reports:
      top_*_*_*.csv, top_*_*_*.vbs, top_*_*_*.rep, top_*_*_*.seek,
      top_*_*_*.data, top_*_*_*.desc, top_*_*_*.ps, top_*_*_*.conf, top_*_*_*.conf.shtml,
      top_*_*_*.pres, top_*_*_*.shtml, top_*_*_*.json, top_*_*_*.sel, top_*_*_*.txt
      Instant Reports:
      top_0_*.csv, top_0_*.vbs, top_0_*.rep, top_0_*.seek, top_0_*.data,
      top_0_*.desc, top_0_*.ps, top_0_*.conf, top_0_*.conf.shtml, top_0_*.pres, top_0_*.shtml,
      top_0_*.json, top_0_*.sel, top_0_*.txt
      Temporary Files

      By default, periodic and instant reports that are not modified for more than a day are deleted; and, temporary files that are not accessed for more than a day are deleted.

    • httpd directory specified in the C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\httpd directive on the openit.cfg configuration file.

      The filename of the reports within follow these glob formats:


      By default, files that follow the specified glob format are deleted if they are not accessed after 15 days.

    • SimpleReports directory specified in the C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\openit_html_data\simpleReports directive on the openit.cfg configuration file.

      The filename of the reports within follow these glob formats:


      By default, files that follow the specified glob format are deleted if they are not accessed after 8 hours.

    • Temp directory specified in the C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Log\temp directive on the openit.cfg configuration file.

      The filename of the reports within follow these glob formats:

      *.temp, flist*, *.lock, cgisess_*
      • *temp - files that follow this glob format are deleted if not modified after seven days

      • flist* - files that follow this glob format are deleted if they are not accessed after two days

      • *.lock - files that follow this glob format are deleted if they are not accessed after two days

      • cgisess_* - files that follow this glob format are deleted if they are not modified after 14 days

    • Log directory. This folder is in the directory specified in the C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Log directive on the openit.cfg configuration file and the filename of the reports within follow these glob formats:


      By default, files that follow the specified glob format are deleted if they are not modified after the value specified by the $DebugCleanupDays directive on the openit.cfg configuration file, which is set to 14 days by default.

    • license_status directory. This folder is in the directory specified in the C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\license_status directive on the openit.cfg configuration file and the filename of the reports within follow these glob formats:


      By default, files that follow the specified glob format are deleted if they are not modified after the value specified by the $LICENSE_STATUS_MAX_AGE directive on the openit.cfg configuration file.

  • Remove expired clients in the client_info.json file

  • Performs log rotation on the secured_file_transfer.log file once it reaches a specified size threshold. Once the 10MB threshold is reached, the current log file is renamed by appending the date to its name and then creating a new log file. This prevents the creation of bulky log files.

  • Removes licpollcomplete.gz files in C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\temp\LicPoll that are more than 1 year old.

  • Removes old logs and reports saved in the following directories:

    • {Trash} and {Temporary} directories on the server found in the directory specified in the /data/results directive on the openit.cfg configuration file.

      The reports within follow these glob formats:

      Periodic Reports:
      top_*_*_*.csv, top_*_*_*.vbs, top_*_*_*.rep, top_*_*_*.seek,
      top_*_*_*.data, top_*_*_*.desc, top_*_*_*.ps, top_*_*_*.conf, top_*_*_*.conf.shtml,
      top_*_*_*.pres, top_*_*_*.shtml, top_*_*_*.json, top_*_*_*.sel, top_*_*_*.txt
      Instant Reports:
      top_0_*.csv, top_0_*.vbs, top_0_*.rep, top_0_*.seek, top_0_*.data,
      top_0_*.desc, top_0_*.ps, top_0_*.conf, top_0_*.conf.shtml, top_0_*.pres, top_0_*.shtml,
      top_0_*.json, top_0_*.sel, top_0_*.txt
      Temporary Files

      By default, periodic and instant reports that are not modified for more than a day are deleted; and, temporary files that are not accessed for more than a day are deleted.

    • httpd directory specified in the /var/opt/openit/etc/httpd directive on the openit.cfg configuration file.

      The filename of the reports within follow these glob formats:


      By default, files that follow the specified glob format are deleted if they are not accessed after 15 days.

    • SimpleReports directory specified in the /data/simpleReports directive on the openit.cfg configuration file.

      The filename of the reports within follow these glob formats:


      By default, files that follow the specified glob format are deleted if they are not accessed after 8 hours.

    • Temp directory specified in the /var/opt/openit/temp directive on the openit.cfg configuration file.

      The filename of the reports within follow these glob formats:

      *.temp, flist*, *.lock, cgisess_*
      • *temp - files that follow this glob format are deleted if not modified after seven days

      • flist* - files that follow this glob format are deleted if they are not accessed after two days

      • *.lock - files that follow this glob format are deleted if they are not accessed after two days

      • cgisess_* - files that follow this glob format are deleted if they are not modified after 14 days

    • Log directory. This folder is in the directory specified in the /var/opt/openit/debug directive on the openit.cfg configuration file and the filename of the reports within follow these glob formats:


      By default, files that follow the specified glob format are deleted if they are not modified after the value specified by the $DebugCleanupDays directive on the openit.cfg configuration file, which is set to 14 days by default.

    • license_status directory. This folder is in the directory specified in the /data/license_status directive on the openit.cfg configuration file and the filename of the reports within follow these glob formats:


      By default, files that follow the specified glob format are deleted if they are not modified after the value specified by the $LICENSE_STATUS_MAX_AGE directive on the openit.cfg configuration file.

  • Remove expired clients in the client_info.json file

  • Performs log rotation on the secured_file_transfer.log file once it reaches a specified size threshold. Once the 10MB threshold is reached, the current log file is renamed by appending the date to its name and then creating a new log file. This prevents the creation of bulky log files.

  • Removes licpollcomplete.gz files in /data/temp/LicPoll that are more than 1 year old.

# Filecleaner Binary Configuration

The openit_filecleaner binary is automatically run based on core_filecleaner.oconf found in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\scheduler.

Run this binary using any of the following arguments:

  • --licpollcomplete-max-days [ARGUMENT] - This argument sets the maximum allowed age for licpollcomplete.gz files. [ARGUMENT] is the number of days before the file is removed.

  • --remove-expired-clients - Removes expired clients in the client_info.json file . Any client unresponsive for the amount of days specified in the CLIENT_INFO_MAX_DAYS directive in the openit.cfg file are considered expired.

  • --rotate-secured-file-log - Performs log file rotation on the secured_file_transfer.log file.

  • --remove-outdated-files [ARGUMENT] - Removes reports within the age threshold or date range specified by [ARGUMENT].

    Age threshold for files follows the Open iT format (i.e. PT[number]H for hours or P[number]D|M|Y for date, month, or year), while the date range follows the following format: Year-Month-Day Year-Month-Day, where the dates are separated by a space (e.g 2019-01-01 2019-01-10).

  • --period [ARGUMENT] - Performs every action that is listed. [ARGUMENT] can either specify the age threshold for files to delete or a date range wherein any file within the range is deleted. [ARGUMENT] format is similar to the arguments for --remove-outdated-files.

The openit_filecleaner binary is automatically run based on core_filecleaner.oconf found in /var/opt/openit/etc/scheduler.

Run this binary using any of the following arguments:

  • --licpollcomplete-max-days [ARGUMENT] - This argument sets the maximum allowed age for licpollcomplete.gz files. [ARGUMENT] is the number of days before the file is removed.

  • --remove-expired-clients - Removes expired clients in the client_info.json file . Any client unresponsive for the amount of days specified in the CLIENT_INFO_MAX_DAYS directive in the openit.cfg file are considered expired.

  • --rotate-secured-file-log - Performs log file rotation on the secured_file_transfer.log file.

  • --remove-outdated-files [ARGUMENT] - Removes reports within the age threshold or date range specified by [ARGUMENT].

    Age threshold for files follows the Open iT format (i.e. PT[number]H for hours or P[number]D|M|Y for date, month, or year), while the date range follows the following format: Year-Month-Day Year-Month-Day, where the dates are separated by a space (e.g 2019-01-01 2019-01-10).

  • --period [ARGUMENT] - Performs every action that is listed. [ARGUMENT] can either specify the age threshold for files to delete or a date range wherein any file within the range is deleted. [ARGUMENT] format is similar to the arguments for --remove-outdated-files.

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