# Open iT Data Monitor and Alerts

The Open iT Data Monitor and Alerts allows the user to monitor and evaluate the data situation and stability processed in the Core Server. It evaluates the archived data and records each vendor license's daily life count and size. It also processes the license status files to get the number of registered vendor licenses that will be the baseline for sending email alerts.

# Data Monitor Processing

The openit_datamonitor binary processes the data used by the Data Monitor. It processes the archive and license status directories to get the file count and size as a basis for data stability.

# Configuring Open iT Data Monitor and Alerts

  1. Open process_datamonitor.oconf in the scheduler directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\scheduler.

  2. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.process_licpoll2_monitoring.general.active to true to activate the processing of licpoll2 archived data.

     3|  scheduler
     4|  {
    14|  general
    15|  { 
    16|     active
    17|     {
    18|        type=bool
    19|        value=true
  3. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.process_licpoll2_monitoring.general.jumpstart to true to activate the processing of licpoll2 archived data.

     3|  scheduler
     4|  {
    14|  general
    15|  { 
    21|     jumpstart
    22|     {
    23|        description=Run as part of startup       
    24|        type=bool
    25|        value=true
  4. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.process_licpoll2_monitoring.operations.arguments to various parameters that define what the binary will do.


    Name Description
    --dir archive This will point to the archive directory, which is by default in C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\archive.
    --dir licstat This will point to the license status directory, which is by default in C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\license_status.
    -a | --archtype The archive type of the data that the binary will create.
    --utc The date configuration to use (utc or gmt).
    Optional Parameters defining Binary Behavior

  5. Save the changes.

  1. Open process_datamonitor.oconf in the scheduler directory, which is by default in /var/opt/openit/etc/scheduler.

  2. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.process_licpoll2_monitoring.general.active to true to activate the processing of licpoll2 archived data.

     3|  scheduler
     4|  {
    14|  general
    15|  { 
    16|     active
    17|     {
    18|        type=bool
    19|        value=true
  3. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.process_licpoll2_monitoring.general.jumpstart to true to activate the processing of licpoll2 archived data upon restart (jumpstart) of Open iT services.

     3|  scheduler
     4|  {
    14|  general
    15|  { 
    21|     jumpstart
    22|     {
    23|        description=Run as part of startup       
    24|        type=bool
    25|        value=true
  4. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.process_licpoll2_monitoring.operations.arguments to various parameters that define what the binary will do.


    Name Description
    --dir archive This will point to the archive directory in the data-dir defined upon installation.
    --dir licstat This will point to the license status directory in the data-dir defined upon installation.
    -a | --archtype The archive type of the data that the binary will create.
    --utc The date configuration to use (utc or gmt).
    Optional Parameters defining Binary Behavior

  5. Save the changes.

# Configuring License Status Data for Data Monitor Processing

  1. Open process_datamonitor.oconf in the scheduler directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\scheduler.

  2. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.process_licenstatus_monitoring.general.active to true to activate the processing of license status data.

      106|  process_licensestatus_monitoring
      107|  { 
      108|     about
      109|     {
      110|        type=string
      111|        value=Run DataMonitor for license_status dir
      112|    }
      113|    general
      114|    {
      115|        active
      116|        {
      117|            type=bool
      118|            value=true
  3. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.process_licpoll2_monitoring.general.jumpstart to true to activate the processing of license status data upon restart (jumpstart) of Open iT services.

      106|  process_licensestatus_monitoring
      107|  { 
      108|     about
      109|     {
      110|        type=string
      111|        value=Run DataMonitor for license_status dir
      112|    }
      113|    general
      114|    {
      120|        jumpstart
      121|        {
      122|            description=Run as part of startup
      123|            type=bool
      124|            value=true
  4. Save the changes.

  1. Open process_datamonitor.oconf in the scheduler directory, which is by default in /var/opt/openit/etc/scheduler.

  2. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.process_licenstatus_monitoring.general.active to true to activate the processing of license status data.

      106|  process_licensestatus_monitoring
      107|  { 
      108|     about
      109|     {
      110|        type=string
      111|        value=Run DataMonitor for license_status dir
      112|    }
      113|    general
      114|    {
      115|        active
      116|        {
      117|            type=bool
      118|            value=true
  3. Locate and set root.scheduler.jobs.process_licpoll2_monitoring.general.jumpstart to true to activate the processing of license status data upon restart (jumpstart) of Open iT services.

      106|  process_licensestatus_monitoring
      107|  { 
      108|     about
      109|     {
      110|        type=string
      111|        value=Run DataMonitor for license_status dir
      112|    }
      113|    general
      114|    {
      120|        jumpstart
      121|        {
      122|            description=Run as part of startup
      123|            type=bool
      124|            value=true
  4. Save the changes.

# Executing Data Monitor Manually

  1. Open the command prompt with Administrator level priivileges.

  2. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
    cd $BIN_DIR
    cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\bin"
  3. Once in the directory, execute the following command.

    Command Syntax
    openit_datamonitor [start-date] [end-date]


    Name Description
    start-date The start of the included dates to process YYYY-MM-DD; if not specified, the default value is the day before the binary execution.
    end-date The end of the included date to process YYYY-MM-DD; if not specified, the default value is the day of the binary execution.
    Required Parameters for Data Monitor Execution

    openit_datamonitor 2022-01-01 2023-01-01

    This will get data from January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2023.

    To further customize the command, use the optional parameters.

    Command Syntax
    openit_datamonitor [options] [start-date] [end-date]


    Name Description
    --dir archive This will point to the archive directory, which is by default in C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\archive.
    --dir licstat This will point to the license status directory, which is by default in C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\license_status.
    -a | --archtype The archive type of the data that the binary will create.
    --utc The date configuration to use (utc or gmt). If not specified, gmt will be used.
    Optional Parameters defining Binary Behavior

    Combine or use optional parameters at the same time to achieve necessary capabilities.

    Command Syntax
    openit_datamonitor -dir archive --archtype licpoll2 --utc 2022-01-01 2023-01-01
  4. Verify that the AlertMonitoring.db is created in the admin directory, which is by default in C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\admin. This is the default output of the binary.

  1. Go to the bin directory, which is by default in /opt/openit/bin, run the command:

    Command Syntax
    cd $BIN_DIR
    cd /opt/openit/bin
  2. Once in the directory, execute the following command.

    Command Syntax
    ./openit_datamonitor [start-date] [end-date]


    Name Description
    start-date The start of the included dates to process YYYY-MM-DD; if not specified, the default value is the day before the binary execution.
    end-date The end of the included date to process YYYY-MM-DD; if not specified, the default value is the day of the binary execution.
    Required Parameters for Data Monitor Execution

    ./openit_datamonitor 2022-01-01 2023-01-01

    This will get data from January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2023.

    To further customize the command, use the optional parameters.

    Command Syntax
    ./openit_datamonitor [options] [start-date] [end-date]


    Name Description
    --dir archive This will point to the archive directory in the data-dir defined upon installation.
    --dir licstat This will point to the license status directory in the data-dir defined upon installation.
    -a | --archtype The archive type of the data that the binary will create.
    --utc The date configuration to use (utc or gmt). If not specified, gmt will be used.
    Optional Parameters defining Binary Behavior

    Combine or use optional parameters at the same time to achieve necessary capabilities.

    ./openit_datamonitor -dir archive --archtype licpoll2 --utc 2022-01-01 2023-01-01
  3. Verify that the AlertMonitoring.db is created in the admin directory in your defined data_dir ($ROOT_DATA_DIR) upon Open iT server installation. This is the default output of the binary.

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