# Software Post-Installation Configuration

# Establishing Connection to the Server

This section shows the required configuration to utilize the Open iT software in a macOS machine.

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Execute the following command:

    sudo /usr/local/openit/bin/serverurl <server url>

    where server URL is the Open iT Core Reporter Uniform Resource Locator following the format: http(s)://<servername>:<port_number>.

    • <servername> - hostname of the machine with Core Server installation
    • <port_number> - port number used by the Apache web service; this is specified upon Core Server installation

    sudo /usr/local/openit/bin/serverurl https://hostname:8080

# Next Steps?

The post-installation configurations are a set of procedures that need to be performed after the installation. The following recommended procedures may only apply to some setups since, by default, most configurations are already set up upon installation.

  1. License manager collection configuration. Set up the poll collection, log file collection or optimization on specific license manager(s) or application(s).

  2. Configuring LDAP Collector. This allows the server installation in the cloud to integrate the Active Directory to their reports.

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