# License Expiration

The License Expiration contains the number of features per vendor license with date and time of license expiration.

 Analysis Server Home - License Expiration

Analysis Server Home - License Expiration

It has the following parts:

  1. Search
  2. Filters
  3. Details View

# Loading Data

The data displayed on the License Expiration page is loaded and refreshed every 5 minutes. This is embedded in the Open iT Alerts service, along with the sending of configured email alerts. If immediate loading is necessary, please use the instructions in the SyncLicenseStatus section to run the command SyncLicenseStatus /reload.

If data is still not showing, please use the instructions in the License Expiration - No data displayed section to troubleshoot the issue.

# Search

Use the search functionality to find specific item in the details view. Follow these steps to use the search functionality:

  1. Choose from the search criteria.

    License Expiration Search Filter

    License Expiration Search Filter

    • Vendor License - search by vendor license.
    • Feature - search by feature.
  2. Type the keyword to search in the provided textbox.

    An autocomplete should appear listing all the possible items.

  3. Click the desired item from the autocomplete options.

    License Expiration Search

    License Expiration Search

    The details view should be filtered accordingly.

# Filters

Use the filter functionality to refine the items displayed in the main table. Follow these steps to use the filter functionality:

  1. Click the filter icon beside the search functionality.

    License Expiration Filters

    License Expiration Filters

  2. Set following options:

    • Views - click the desired view of the items

    View Description
    All All items will be displayed.
    Expired Only items with expired license will be displayed.
    Valid Only items with valid license will be displayed.
    License Expiration - Views

    • Warning Threshold - number of days a license is considered expiring within. The default value is 30 days.

    • Display Time - will display the time component in the Expiry column.

    License Expiration Display Time

    License Expiration Display Time

  3. Click Apply to see the changes in the main table, or click Reset to set all the values to default and apply to the main table.

# Recommended Readings

Upon visiting the page, you can set the default values of all the filters as the basis for Reset and the default value. Follow the specific instructions for each option to achieve the desired configuration.    Displaying Time in the License Expiry Column    Setting Default License Expiration Page View    Setting Default License Age for Expiration Warning    Setting Default Expired Threshold for License Expiration Page

# Details View

The details view contains the list of vendor license up to its version level. To navigate the list, click the desired item from the vendor licenses list

License Expiration Details View

License Expiration Details View

The vendor license item contains the following details:

  1. Vendor License name

  2. Feature Expiry Count - number of features categorized by expiration date.

    Color Description
    Green License is valid.
    Orange License is expiring in 60 days.
    Red License is expired.
    Feature Expiry Color Description

  3. Expiry - date and time of the license expiration.

The list of features should appear.

License Expiration Details View: Feature

License Expiration Details View: Feature

The list contains the following details:

  1. Feature name

  2. Version - the specific version of the feature.

  3. Expiry - date and time of the license expiration of the feature.

Showing Package

To show the package name where the specific component belongs, follow these instructions:

  1. Display the package in the Dashboard.    Displaying Package in the Dashboard and License Monitor Portal

  2. Go to LM Portal > License Expiration, and verify that the feature name (components) that belongs to a package have the format <package_name> - <component_name>.

    License Expiration Details View: Package

    License Expiration Details View: Package

# Sort

Use the sort functionality to arrange the items in the details view in ascending or descending order based on the chosen column. By default, the list is sorted by expiry date in ascending order.

Follow these steps to sort:

  1. Choose a column as the criteria for sorting the list.

  2. Click the column header.

    The sort symbol ( or ) located at the corner right fo the column header signifies the sort order.

    License Expiration Details View: Sort

    License Expiration Details View: Sort

    The list should be sorted accordingly.

# Recommended Reading

The following configuration is applied to the License Expiration, review and determine if necessary.

   Configuring Roles for Data Restrictions    Configuring Roles for Web Interface Components Restrictions

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