# Table View

This contains the interactive table for creating ad hoc reports.

# Interactive Table

The interactive table gives the capabilities to the user to create ad hoc reports from the processed data. It has two main elements:

 Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive Table

Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive Table

  1. Field List - this contains Measures "Totals" and Classifications.

  2. Drop Area - an interactive area where users can drag and drop elements from the Field List to build a report.

# Field List

The Field List contains all the information that can be reported in the interactive table. It has helpful layouts for certain situations.

Follow these instructions to switch to various layouts:

 Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive  Table Field List

Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive Table Field List

  1. Click the Layout symbol above the Field List.

  2. Choose among the available layouts as desired.

    • Fields Section and Areas Section Stacked
    • Field Section and Areas Section Side-By-Side
    • Field Section Only (selected by default)
    • Areas Section Only (2 by 2)
    • Areas Section Only (1 by 4)

    It should automatically apply the chosen layout in the Field List.

# Drop Area

The Drop Area serves as the reporting pane. It contains various sections that accept specific elements from the Field List.

 Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive  Table Drop Area

Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive Table Drop Area

The following are the sections of the Drop Area:

  1. Filter Section - accepts classifications for global filtering.

  2. Data Item Section - accepts totals or measures.

  3. Data Row section - accepts classifications for value segregation.

  4. Column Field Section - accepts classifications for value segregation.

  5. Value Section - displays the values of the measures in the Data Item Section.

# Reporting Basics

The reports contain measurements and classifications. Measurements are the numerical values while Classifications are the data categories. All the data in the reporting table is also in the Chart View. Every time an element is dragged in the reporting table, a chart element is also being added in the chart view. By default, the chart type is Line Chart.

# Adding Elements

Follow these instructions to add one or more Measurements ("Totals") and Classifications to the table Drop Area.

 Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive  Table Add Elements

Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive Table Add Elements

  1. Select an element from the Field List and either drag it to the table Drop Area or in one of the options of the Area Section.

  2. When the user drags an element into a field, the field will have two arrows pointing inward the field. This indicates that it accepts the element.

  3. To move an element, simply drag and drop it onto its new place.

# Removing Elements

Follow these instructions to remove one or more Measurements (“Totals”) and Classifications in the table Drop Area:

 Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive  Table Remove Elements

Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive Table Remove Elements

  1. Drag the element from the Drop Area to the Field List.

  2. When the user drags an element back into the field list, an X mark should appear beside the field. This indicates that it will remove the element.

  3. Drop the element in the Field List and it should be removed from the data area.

# Measurements

Measurements are the items under Measures in the Field List. These can only be placed in the Data Items Area. When a measure is placed, the value should appear in the totals area of the table.

Follow these instructions to add measures in the report:

 Analysis Server Analysis Console: Measurements

Analysis Server Analysis Console: Measurements

  1. In the Field List, expand the Measures node. All the measures should be displayed.

  2. Choose among the available measures.

  3. Drag and drop the selected measure in the Data Items Area.

    To add another measure, simply place it beside the currently reported measure.

# Application Cube Measures

This is the list and description of all the available measures that can be reported in the Applications cube.

Measure Description
Active Time Under the License Model folder. This shows the number of minutes the license is in active state.
Web Data Stream Under the Web App Usage folder. This shows the packets streamed in kilobytes (KB).
Web Keyboard Press Under the Web App Usage folder. This shows the count of keyboard presses.
Web Mouse Clicks Under the Web App Usage folder. This shows the count of mouse clicks.
Web Mouse Movement Under the Web App Usage folder. This shows the count of browser events when moving the mouse.
Web Scroll Under the Web App Usage folder. The number of browser events when scrolling.
Web Visit Count Under the Web App Usage folder. This shows the total number of visits to a web application.
Web Visit Duration Under the Web App Usage folder. This shows the total number of time spent staying on a web application.
Action Count Specifies the count of a recorded LicenseOptimizer action.
Avg CPU Specifies the amount of CPU time spent by process within the report interval. It is measured in Percentage.
Avg I/O Measures the amount if input/output characters used by processes during the report interval computed by the number of characters. This is always set to zero ("0").
Avg in Use Indicates the average number of used licenses.
Avg Keyboard Specifies the average number of keyboard strokes, measured per second. A keyboard event is a key pressed. For these events, they are either the symbol of the key or the name of the key if symbol cannot be expressed. A switch is a switchover between keyboard and mouse without a break. This number indicates how much the keyboard and mouse are used together.

This measurement shows the keyboard and mouse events information when using an application. Since a user interacts with the application by using any or both of these hardware components, it is good to know the event patterns corresponding to these components when a particular application is used. It is also good to know how intensely a particular key, mouse button or combinations of these have been used.
Avg Mouse Indicates how many times a particular keyboard key, or a mouse button or wheel has been used either individually or in combination with each other, by a particular user on a host for a particular application. The average number of mouse events is measured per second.

The Avg Mouse is reported as time-period lengths and totals. This could be defined as a period of mouse and/or keyboard events where the gap in time between each event is less than a configured value. The default is five ("5") seconds.
Avg Utilization Contains the percentage equivalent of the average usage of license ("Avg In Use").
Credits This is the computation of session hours multiplied to the cost of a feature.
Denials Specifies the count of how many times a user had been denied to get a license from a license server.
Distinct User Identifies the number of unique users selected from the database.
Distinct Host Identifies the number of unique hosts selected from the database.
Duration Measures how long a user had an application in use, regardless of how many licenses were being used. Running time is the collected time interval data for this feature or feature version. It is measured in Hours.
Elapsed Time Shows the sum of the times, in hours, that each individual license is checked out. If a user has a license checked out from 1pm to 2pm, this is counted as one hour. If a user has 10 licenses checked out from 1pm to 2pm, the Elapsed time would be counted as 10 hours (1 hour per license).
Events Reports on the total number of events based on the license manager's debug logs. Select Application Event Type from the Classifications value to filter available events which are: in, out, denied, supported, removed, queued, and dequeued.
Max Available Indicates the maximum number of licenses available for use. The calculation of this data is done once for a whole day during the processing of raw license data. When a license file is updated during the day, the maximum will not reflect this update until the processing of data on the following day. This may cause the measurement's Avg Utilization, Min Utilization and Max Utilization to have values too large or small since these are calculated using the Max Available licenses classification value.
Max In Use Represents maximum number of used licenses. It can be the maximum number of concurrent licenses used by a user, usergroup, or hostgroup of the selected feature with the maximum number of executable concurrent user on host.
Max Utilization Indicates the maximum utilization of licenses, or Max in Use. Measured in Percent and computed as (Max in Use / Max Available) * 100 (e.g. 5/10 = 0.5 * 100 = 50%).
Min In Use Indicates the minimum Number of used licenses.
Min Utilization Indicates the minimum utilization of licenses, or Min in Use. Measured in Percent and computed as (Min in Use / Max Available) * 100 (e.g. 1/10 = 0.1 * 100 = 10%).
SMS Distinct User Indicates the number of unique user for System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) or System Management Server (SMS) data.
SMS Max Concurrent Users Indicates the number of maximum concurrent users for System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) or System Management Server (SMS) data.
User Days This shows the number of distinct users per day. If reported on lower resolutions (i.e monthly) SUM is used as an aggregation.
User Session Hours This shows the count (hours) with usage per day.
Analysis Console: Applications Cube Measures

# Storage Cube Measures

This is the list and description of all the available measures that can be reported in the Storage cube.

Measure Description
Avg Disc Space The average size of the file system over time, that may be Free, Used or Total. This measure requires the Measure classification for accurate report.
Avg Files Count The average number of files accounted over time.
Avg Logical Size The average total size over time of all the selected classification's files.
Avg Physical Size The average total block size of all the selected classification's files.
Analysis Console: Storage Cube Measures

# Classifications

The Classifications allow the user to specify how a user wanted to see the data. Expand the desired dimension to see the list of classifications under it. Furthermore, classifications can be added in the reporting table in three different ways: Row Items, Column Items, and Filter Items.

# Classifications as Row Item

Follow these instructions to add classifications as a row item:

 Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive  Table Classifications Row Item

Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive Table Classifications Row Item

  1. Drag the classification from the Field List.

  2. Drop the classification in the row items area designated in the reporting table.

  3. List values vertically together with the measures values in the reporting table.

It is also possible to add multiple classifications in the reporting table as row items. Simply drag and drop the desired classification beside the classification already in the reporting table. The classifications will then be in hierarchy having expand/collapse symbol for an organized reporting. Simply click this symbol () to see values of the classification added.

# Classifications as Column Item

Follow these instructions to add classifications as a column item:

 Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive  Table Classifications Column Item

Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive Table Classifications Column Item

  1. Drag the classification from the Field List.

  2. Drop the classification in the column items area designated in the reporting table.

  3. List values horizontally as column headers in the reporting table.

It is also possible to add multiple classifications in the reporting table as column items. Simply drag and drop the desired classification beside the classification already in the reporting table. The classifications will then be in hierarchy having expand/collapse symbol for an organized reporting. Simply click this symbol () to see values of the classification added.

# Classifications as Filter Item

Follow these instructions to add classifications as a filter item that will filter what is already in the reporting table.

 Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive  Table Classifications Filter Item

Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive Table Classifications Filter Item

  1. Drag the classification from the Field List.

  2. Drop the classification in the Filter Items Area designated in the reporting table.

  3. Click the Filter symbol in the right side of the classification. All values are selected by default.

  4. Select a specific value under the selected classification.

  5. Click OK and this should filter the classifications in the reporting table.

# Filtering Classifications

Adding classifications as a filter items is considered as global filtering. It affects all the classifications in the reporting table. But it is also possible to filter the classifications solely, if it is necessary to further filter specific classification to get the needed report.

 Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive  Table Filtering Classifications

Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive Table Filtering Classifications

In order to do this:

  1. Click the filter symbol in the right side of the corresponding classification.

  2. List of values under the classification will appear. Uncheck all values by unchecking Show All option.

  3. Choose desired values among the list.

  4. Click OK to apply the changes.

    This should filter the classification values in the reporting table.

This filtering can be done on each of the classification in the reporting table.

# Sorting Classifications

Values in a classification are sorted in ascending alphabetically. Click the sorting symbol to invert the order.

 Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive  Table Sorting Classifications

Analysis Server Analysis Console: Interactive Table Sorting Classifications

# Applications Cube Classifications

This is the list of all the available classifications and its descriptions in Applications cube.

Application Dimension
This dimension contains information of applications available in the data.

Attribute Name Description
Application Hierarchy Provides an overview of the vendor licenses or applications that were used. Drill down this classification to a more specific data:

- ApplicationType - name of the grouping in which data types are classified, such as Feature, Handle, and Package.
- Vendor License - name of the vendor license in each specific type of feature.
- Name - name of the application for each vendor license categorized into Feature, Handle, and Package.
- Version - version of the selected feature or vendor license categorized into Feature, Handle, and Package.
Application License Manager Shows a list of license servers handling all vendor licenses supported by the Open iT software. To name a few, FlexNet, IBM LUM, Sentinel, etc.
Application Name Contains the name of each application or program for a specific vendor license associated with Executable. It is the same table list seen in the Application Hierarchy > Name, only arranged alphabetically (not by vendor license).
Application Type Contains the same listing found in the Application Hierarchy > Application Type that shows the name of grouping from which data are classified.
Application Version Contains the same listing found in the Application Hierarchy > Version. When categorizing application version, use this classification.
Country Shows a list of countries.
Package Shows a list of package that a specific feature belongs.
Vendor License Indicates the name of a specific application in a vendor license, which is the same table list seen in the Application Hierarchy > Vendor License, only arranged alphabetically (not by application name).
Analysis Console: Application Dimension Attributes

Application Event Type Dimension
This dimension contains information of various license events.

Attribute Description
Application Event Type Identifies and filters Events measurement into denied, dequeued, in, out, queued, removed, and unsupported.
Denial Reason Identifies the reasons for license denial.
Forward Vendor License Identifies the license server which the user got a license after denials from previous attempts of checking out license.
Analysis Console: Application Event Type Dimension Attributes

Application Status Dimension
This dimension contains details about the various application activity status.

Attribute Description
Application Status Indicates the status of Executable files. The Executable is the name of the binary for an application. The name of the executable is often hidden from the user and there is often a direct correlation between their names. For example, Winword.exe is Microsoft Word for Windows. The values for this classification can be Active, Corrupted, Disabled, Inactive, Logged, Missing Usage Data, On IRQ, Running, Suspended, Terminated, and Uninstalled (including unknown).
Analysis Console: Application Status Dimension Attributes

Exepath Dimension
This dimension contains details about the specific path of the recorded executable.

Attribute Description
Executable Path Contains the full system path of the binary or the executable of a certain application. Members with NULL values are converted to Unknown.
Analysis Console: Exepath Dimension Attributes

Host Dimension
This dimension contains computer or machine information hosting the license.

Attribute Description
Host Hierarchy Shows an overview of the machine, and the domain to which machine belongs, in which the application is being used or running. Drill down this classification for more specific information:

- Host Domain - the domain the host machine belongs.
- Host Name - the host machine name.
Host Domain Contains the name of the domain to which the monitored host machine belongs. It is the same list seen in the Host Hierarchy > Domain.
Host Name Contains the name of the monitored host machine. It is the same list seen in the Host Hierarchy > Host.
Analysis Console: Host Dimension Attributes

Host Group Dimension
This dimension contains the host group information.

Attribute Description
Host Group Contains the name of the monitored host group where the host belongs.
Analysis Console: Host Group Dimension Attributes

Last Dimension
This dimension includes filter values for time classification.

Attribute Description
Last Used for filtering values for browsing certain number of days or weeks (e.g., Last Day, Last 7 Days, Last 365 Days, etc.).
Analysis Console: Last Dimension Attributes

License Model
This dimension includes details about various licensing scheme.

Attribute Description
Licensing Model Contains various categories of licensing models for DSLS License Manager. The possible values are Online or Concurrent, NamedUser, and Token.
Licensing Model Assignment Indicates the status of the license if assigned or unassigned.
Licensing Model Status Indicates the activity status of the license. The possible values are Active, Inactive, and undef.
Analysis Console: License Model Dimension Attributes

License State Dimension
This dimension includes information about the various license statuses.

Attribute Description
License State This is the licensing model of the Feature (e.g., online, offline or queued). Offline license are those that are borrowed(linger).
Analysis Console: License State Dimension Attributes

Optimizer Action Dimension
This dimension includes information about the various actions rendered during license harvesting.

Attribute Description
Optimizer Action Indicates the actions done by the LicenseOptimizer. This classification includes: Log, Suspend, and Quit.
Analysis Console: Optimizer Action Dimension Attributes

Used Licenses Dimension
This dimension includes filter for the number of licenses used.

Attribute Description
Used Licenses Indicates the number of licenses used.
Analysis Console: Used Licenses Dimension Attributes

Web Information Dimension
This dimension includes various details about the recorded web applications.

Attribute Description
Web Browser Contains the list of recorded or used web browsers.
Web Domain Contains the list of recorded or visited web domains.
Web Title Contains the list of recorded or visited web titles.
Web URL Contains the list of recorded or visited web Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
Analysis Console: Web Information Dimension Attributes

# Virtual Classifications

There are virtual predefined classifications generated by the Open iT client and are relatively static. It can act as a source of new virtual classification by using a mapping mechanism. The mapping has no restrictions. It only takes a source value and gives it a virtual value. Although the basic mapping is one-to-one, it is possible to map many-to-one (collapse), or one-to-many (split).

A typical scenario would be to automatically import this data from the organization's user directory. Analysis Server supports reading this data from a pre-prepared CSV file containing a current snapshot of the user data. The data loading component OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe then keeps track of changing properties, such as whether a user changes email address, location or cost center. These changes will then be recorded in Analysis Server's database.

The reporting cube has predefined Classifications that are bound to user:

Cost Center Dimension

Attribute Description
User Cost Center One of the predefined or virtual classification that is an example of one-to-many mappings ("Groups"). The table list includes 50 States Codes.
Business Unit A predefined or virtual classification that is an example of one-to-many mappings ("group-to-groups"). Used to categorize various cost centers into one group and calculate additive measurements (e.g., Elapsed Time and Denials).
Analysis Console: Cost Center Dimension Attributes

Department Dimension

Attribute Description
User Department Also an example of one-to-many mappings, this table lists department names from which user belongs to at the time of polling. If the user-to-groups mapping is unavailable (missing file or no map for user), the value will show unknown.
Business Unit A predefined or virtual classification that is an example of one-to-many mappings ("group-to-groups"). Used to categorize various departments into one group and calculate additive measurements (e.g., Elapsed Time and Denials).
Analysis Console: Department Dimension Attributes

Division Dimension

Attribute Description
User Division Generally classified as an area where the user belongs, such as Eastern, Northern, Southern, and Western. This is also a predefined classification and an example of one-to-many mappings. If mapping is unavailable or there is no map for that user, the value will show unknown.
Business Unit A predefined or virtual classification that is an example of one-to-many mappings ("group-to-groups"). Used to categorize various divisions into one group and calculate additive measurements (e.g., Elapsed Time and Denials).
Analysis Console: Division Dimension Attributes

Location Dimension

Attribute Description
User Location Corresponds to the exact location or city where the user belongs.
Business Unit A predefined or virtual classification that is an example of one-to-many mappings ("group-to-groups"). Used to categorize various locations into one group and calculate additive measurements (e.g., Elapsed Time and Denials).
Analysis Console: Division Dimension Attributes

User Dimension
This dimension includes various information about the current user of the license or application.

Attribute Description
User Email A predefined classification bound to user. An example of one-to-one mapping ("Attributes") that corresponds to the user's email address.
User Email Masked Same as User Email classification, but using a masked email address. (e.g., user_1@example.com)
User Employee Type A predefined classification bound to user. An example of one-to-one mapping ("Attributes") that identifies the type of employee, such as Contractor, Fulltime, Intern, Part Time, and Trainee.
User Full Name A predefined classification value that gives the full name of the user.
User Id A predefined classification value, known as UID or User Identification (owner of the file).
User Id Masked Same as User Id classification, but using a masked user id (e.g., User_1).
User Manager A predefined classification bound to user. It identifies the distinguished name of the user's manager.
Analysis Console: User Dimension Attributes

# Time Classifications

A trend report shows usage over time. To present this in a graphical report, time classification must be included.

The time dimension includes the following classifications:

Time Buckets

Attribute Description
Time Day of Month Categorized each day from 1 to 31 of the calendar month.
Time Day of Year Categorized each day from 1 to 364 or 365 of the calendar year.
Time Hour Categorized as 24-hour duration (0 to 23). In order to see what time of day is generally the busiest of a certain month, use the Time Hour as the bucket, and all usage will be categorized by what time of day (24-hour span) it takes place.
Time Iso Week Allows the user to drill down into the time dimension on a weekly basis. The week numbering is based on ISO 8601 (usually used by European countries).
Time Iso Week Day Allows the user to drill down into the time dimension on a daily basis. The week numbering is based on ISO 8601 (usually used by European countries).
Time Iso Week Year Allows the user to drill down into the time dimension on a yearly basis. The week numbering is based on ISO 8601 (usually used by European countries).
Time Minute Categorized each minute of an hour from 01 to 59.
Time Month Categorized by calendar month (January to December). In order to know what specific month a certain application reached its maximum usage, use Time Month as the bucket.
Time Quarter Categorized per quarter from 1 to 4 (Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4).
Time Week Categorized per week from 1 to 53 (W01 - W53).
Time Week Day Categorized as calendar week from Sunday to Saturday.
Time Year Sets a specific time-range for the report yearly such as 2009, 2010, 2011, etc.
Analysis Console: Time Buckets Attributes

Time Dimension

Attribute Description
Epoch bu Hour The converted Time Hour to Unix time.
UTC Date Indicates date in UTC +00 time zone.
DateTime Month Calendar Allows the user to drill down into the time dimension on a monthly basis. It has the date format YYYY-MM-DD. It includes Year, Quarter, Month, Day, and Hour.
Iso Week Hierarchy Allows the user to drill down into the time dimension on a weekly basis. The week numbering is based on ISO 8601 (usually used by European countries).
Month Hierarchy Allows the user to drill down into the time dimension on a monthly basis. Expand the values to Year, Quarter, Month, Day, and Hour.
Week Hierarchy Allows the user to drill down into the time dimension on a weekly basis. Expand the values to Year, Week, Day, and Hour.
Zone Includes three categorized time zones, such as Europe/Oslo, US/Central and US/Pacific Time.
Analysis Console: Time Dimension Attributes

# Storage Cube Classifications

This is the list of all the available classifications and its descriptions in Storage cube.

Domain Host Dimension
This dimension contains computer or machine information hosting the license.

Attribute Description
Host Contains the name of the monitored host machine.
Analysis Console: Domain Host Dimension Attributes

Epoch Dimension
This dimension contains classification for Unix Time.

Attribute Description
Hour Contains the converted Time Hour to Unix time.
Analysis Console: Epoch Dimension Attributes

File Status Dimension
This dimension contains the classification for file statuses.

Attribute Description
File Status Contains the various categories of the status of the file. The available items are plain, compressed, and migrated.
Analysis Console: File Status Dimension Attributes

File System Dimension
This dimension contains the classification for file systems.

Attribute Description
File System Contains the names of the file systems where the files reside.
Analysis Console: File System Dimension Attributes

File Type Dimension
This dimension contains the classification for file types.

Attribute Description
File Type Contains various categories that identifies the type of the file. Some of the file types are - text, library, and binary.
Analysis Console: File Type Dimension Attributes

Last Dimension
This dimension includes filter values for time classification.

Attribute Description
Last Used for filtering values for browsing certain number of days or weeks (e.g., Last Day, Last 7 Days, Last 365 Days, etc.).
Analysis Console: Last Dimension Attributes

Measure Dimension
This dimension contains the classification that categorizes file systems.

Attribute Description
Measure Contains the type of data measured for the file systems. The available values are Used, Free, and Total.
Analysis Console: Measure Dimension Attributes

Modify Temperature Dimension
This dimension contains the classification for file temperatures that categorizes its age of modification.

Attribute Description
Modify Temperature Contains the categories that shows how long ago the file was written to. The following are the available values:

- hot - 0 to 30 days old
- warm - 30 to 90 days old
- tepid - 90 to 360 days old
- cold - 360 to 720 days old
- frozen - more than 720 days old
Analysis Console: Modify Temperature Dimension Attributes

Read Temperature Dimension
TThis dimension contains the classification for file temperatures that categorize its age of last read.

Attribute Description
Read Temperature Contains the categories that shows how long ago the file was read. The following are the available values:

- hot - 0 to 30 days old
- warm - 30 to 90 days old
- tepid - 90 to 360 days old
- cold - 360 to 720 days old
- frozen - more than 720 days old
Analysis Console: Read Temperature Dimension Attributes

# Time Classifications

A trend report shows usage over time. To present this in a graphical report, time classification must be included.

To use the Time Dimension, please use its description in the section Time Classifications.

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