# Email Settings

The Email Settings page contains various configuration for sending email messages for the alerting service provided by Analysis Server.

# Configuring Alert Settings

Use this to provide configurations for alerting services. Follow these instructions to properly setup the alerts:

 Analysis Server Administration: Configuring Alert Settings

Analysis Server Administration: Configuring Alert Settings

  1. Provide a valid email address to the Email Sender textbox. This is a required field.

  2. Set the RunEtl Alert option to True to enable or False to disable the sending of alerts regarding the daily data processing of Analysis Server.

  3. Set the License Alert option to True to enable or False to disable the sending of alerts regarding the status of the Open iT license.

  4. Provide valid email addresses of the recipients of the enabled alerts to the Admin Email Recipients textbox. Separate the items with comma (,).

# Configuring SMTP Settings

Use this to provide configurations for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) for sending email alerts. Follow these instructions to properly setup the configuration:

 Analysis Server Administration: Configuring SMTP Settings

Analysis Server Administration: Configuring SMTP Settings

  1. Make sure that the Alert Settings are properly configured.

  2. Provide the valid hostname or IP address in the Server Name textbox.

  3. Provide the valid and open SMTP port number in the Server Port textbox. The default value is 25.

  4. Set the Enable SSL option to True to enable or False to disable the sending of email through secured socket layer (SSL).

  5. Choose among the Credentials options to be used in authenticating the sending of email messages.

    Credentials Description
    None No credentials is used.
    Custom Provide the valid Username and Password to be used.
    Default Credentials Use the System.Net.Credentials.DefaultCredentials of the Analysis Server application.
    Service Account Use the credentials running the service.
    Administration: Email Settings Credentials

  6. Choose among the Delivery Method options to be used when delivering email alerts.

    Method Description
    Network Messages are sent through the network to an SMTP server.
    SpecifiedPickupDirectory Messages are copied to the specified pickup directory location.
    PickupDirectoryFromIis Messages are copied to the pickup directory used by a local Internet Information Services (IIS) for delivery.
    Administration: Email Settings Delivery Method

  7. Specify the Service Provider Name (SPN) used for authentication when the SMTP server uses extended protection or has a relay server in the Target Name textbox. This is optional.

  8. Provide the amount of time the process of sending email messages calls a timeout in the Timeout textbox. 100000 seconds is by default the value.

  9. Click the Test Send Mail to test the provided configuration.

    Wait until the validation message appears.

     Analysis Server Administration: Test Send Mail

    Analysis Server Administration: Test Send Mail

    The recipients configured should receive a test mail.

  10. When successful, click the Save Configuration button to save the settings.

     Analysis Server Administration: Test Mail Sent

    Analysis Server Administration: Test Mail Sent

    Wait for the confirmation message to appear.

     Analysis Server Administration: Save Configuration

    Analysis Server Administration: Save Configuration

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