# Managing Cost

The Cost page contains various functionalities to manage costs of specific applications.

# Adding a Record

Follow these instructions to add costs to specific applications:

  1. In the Cost table, click the () add icon.

  2. Type the application name to assign a cost.

    A list of all related data will be displayed while typing if data is processed and available.

  3. In the Price column, type in the cost to assign to the application.

  4. Choose the date range for the validity of the pricing.

    1. Valid From - start date of the validity
    2. Expired On - end date of the validity

    Analysis Server Cost: Add Record

    Analysis Server Cost: Add Record

  5. Once done, click the Save icon. Choose OK on the confirmation prompt to continue.

    Analysis Server Cost: Save Record

    Analysis Server Cost: Save Record

# Updating a Record

Follow these instructions to update record(s):

  1. In the Cost table, click the row of the record you want to update, then click the Edit icon. Alternatively, double-click the record's value to transform it into a text editor.

  2. Modify the values. Repeat the procedure to update all desired values.

    Analysis Server Cost: Updating a Record

    Analysis Server Cost: Updating a Record

  3. Once satisfied with the modifications, click the Save icon. Choose OK on the confirmation prompt to continue.

    Analysis Server Cost: Updating a Record

    Analysis Server Cost: Save Record

# Deleting a Record

Follow these instructions to delete record(s):

  1. In the Cost table, click the row of the record you want to delete.

    To select multiple records:

    • Select the first record, press the Shift key, then select the last record to include all consecutive records.
    • Select any record, press the Ctrl key, then select multiple records.

  2. Click the Delete icon or press the Delete key. The selected item(s) will be removed in the list.

    Analysis Server Cost: Deleting a Record

    Analysis Server Cost: Deleting a Record

  3. Once done, click the Save icon. Choose OK on the confirmation prompt to continue.

    Analysis Server Cost: Save Changes

    Analysis Server Cost: Save Changes

# Importing Records

Follow these instructions to import record(s):

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Cost table, beside the search bar, click the Import Data from Excel icon.

  2. In the Import Costs dialog, click Download Template; this downloads an Excel template you can use to store cost information.

    Analysis Server Cost: Downloading the Template

    Analysis Server Cost: Downloading the Template

  3. Open the downloaded template and fill it out accordingly.

    Validations are predefined in the template. Once done, save and close the file.

    Analysis Server Cost: Template

    Analysis Server Cost: Template

  4. Go back to the Cost page and click the Import Data from Excel icon. Select Browse to look for the Excel file.

    A check icon beside the file name indicates that the file is valid.

  5. Choose among the Insert type:

    • Append - adds items from the Excel file to the existing items in the Cost table
    • Replace - deletes the existing items in the Cost table and replaces them with the imported records from the Excel file

  1. Click Upload to continue.

    If Replace is selected, choose OK on the confirmation prompt to continue.

    Analysis Server Cost: Importing Records

    Analysis Server Cost: Importing Records

# Exporting Records

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Cost table, beside the search bar, click the Export Data to Excel icon.

    Analysis Server Cost: Exporting Records

    Analysis Server Cost: Exporting Records

This downloads an Excel file containing all data in the Cost table. You can also use this file to import records.

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