# Configuration Keys

This table lists the Analysis Server configuration keys with its description, visibility status and default value.

# Data Processing

All configuration keys related to ETL or database loading and processing.

Keys Default Value Description
Root.Datawarehouse.ProcessConsumption FALSE Setting this to true enables the processing of consumption data for Consumption Based Licensing Dashboard.
Root.Datawarehouse.ProcessCostCatalogLabel FALSE Setting this to true enables processing of Application Cost catalog.
Root.Datawarehouse.ProcessStorageCostLabel FALSE Setting this to true enables processing of Storage Cost catalog.
Root.Datawarehouse.ProcessUserDays FALSE Setting this to true enables the processing of distinct users per day pr (User Days measure).
Root.Datawarehouse.ProcessWorkBreakEvent FALSE Setting this to true enables the processing of the Work Break Event.
Root.Etl.AsCubePartition.Active FALSE Setting this to true enables SQL OLAP cube partitioning during processing.
Root.Etl.ConcurrencyGroupMappingFile C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\user-to-groups.map The indicated value is the location of the user-to-groups.map configuration file.
Root.Etl.CoreDatabasePath C:\ProgramData\OpeniT\Data\database The indicated value is the location of the Core Server file database.
Root.Etl.DailyResolutionAge 0 The indicated value is the the maximum age oft he data to load. The default value '0' means all the data will be loaded.
Root.Etl.DbCleanUp.Active FALSE Setting this to true enables the processing of Database Cleanup.
Root.Etl.FeatureLabeling FALSE Setting this to true adds a page that allows administrators to configure labels for feature field.
Root.Etl.FileStatusTable [FileStatus] Table that contains information on data that has been loaded. Currently not in use.
Root.Etl.FilterDeniedEventsOnly.Active TRUE Setting this to true will only display events with type Denied.
Root.Etl.LicenseMonitorCube.Active TRUE Setting this to true will use an on old version of the License Monitor Portal.
Root.Etl.LicenseMonitorCube.RoleBased FALSE Setting this to trues displays data on the License Monitor Portal based on the Roles Configuration, and differs from user to user.
Root.Etl.MapFileEncoding UTF8 Sets the encoding used by the mapping file to handle special characters, formatting and styles.
Root.Etl.NumberOfThreads 0 The indicated value determines the maximum number of parallel process for data loading during SyncDataType command and of tasks during ProcessOLAP.
Root.Etl.ProcessAs TRUE Setting this to true runs the ProcessOLAP command during RunETL command.
Root.Etl.ProcessSql TRUE Setting this to true runs the ProcessSQL command during RunETL command.
Root.Etl.SqlCommandTimeout 600 The indicated value is the duration of SQL command query before it times out.
Root.Etl.SyncActiveDirectoryInfo TRUE Setting this to true includes processing of mapping files during RunETL command.
Root.Etl.SyncClientList FALSE Setting this to true includes processing of client list from Core Server database.
Root.Etl.SyncConcurrencyGroupMappingFile FALSE Setting this to true includes creating of user group mapping file based on the SQL database during RunETL.
Root.Etl.SyncCoreServerDatabase TRUE Setting this to true runs SyncDatabase command during RunETL command.
Root.Etl.SyncCostInformation FALSE Setting this to true includes processing of cost information from Core Server database.
Root.Etl.SyncRawOptionsFile FALSE Setting this to true includes processing of raw options file from Core Server database.
Root.Etl.UserAnonymization.Source (blank) The indicated value is the field used as the basis of anonymization.
Root.Etl.UserAnonymization.SourceValue (blank) The indicated value is the actual field value used as the basis of anonymization.
Root.Etl.VendorLicenseLabeling FALSE Setting this to true adds a page that allows administrators to configure labels for Vendor License field.
Administration: Data Processing Configuration Keys

# Default Number of Threads

We set the default number of threads to the number of utilized cores (CPU) of the SQL Server. 0 = number of utilized cores
If the Configuration Key (NumberOFThreads) is set to an exact number, it will use the provided value.

# Datatypes

All configuration keys related to activation of Core Server datatypes.

Keys Default Value Description
Root.Etl.Datatypes.2.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 2 in the database, SQL only.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.24.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 24 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.29.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 29 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.49.Active FALSE Setting this to true loads data type 49 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.56.Active FALSE Setting this to true loads data type 56 in the database, SQL only.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.57.Active FALSE Setting this to true loads data type 57 in the database, SQL only.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.58.Active FALSE Setting this to true loads data type 58 in the database, SQL only.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.70.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 70 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.75.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 75 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.78.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 78 in the database, SQL only.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.87.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 87 in the database, SQL only.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.89.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 89 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.90.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 90 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.91.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 91 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.92.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 92 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.93.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 93 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.94.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 94 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.95.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 95 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.97.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 97 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.98.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 98 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.99.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 99 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.102.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 102 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.103.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 103 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.104.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 104 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.107.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 107 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.108.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 108 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.109.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 109 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.115.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 115 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.117.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 117 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.118.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 118 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.119.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 119 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.120.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 120 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.121.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 120 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.122.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 122 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.123.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 123 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.124.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 124 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.125.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 125 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.126.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 126 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.127.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 127 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.128.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 128 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.129.Active FALSE Setting this to true loads data type 129 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.130.Active FALSE Setting this to true loads data type 130 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.131.Active FALSE Setting this to true loads data type 131 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.132.Active FALSE Setting this to true loads data type 132 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.133.Active FALSE Setting this to true loads data type 133 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.134.Active FALSE Setting this to true loads data type 134 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.135.Active FALSE Setting this to true loads data type 135 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.136.Active FALSE Setting this to true loads data type 136 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.137.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 137 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.138.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 138 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.139.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 139 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.140.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 139 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Root.Etl.Datatypes.1003.Active TRUE Setting this to true loads data type 1003 in the database, SQL, and OLAP.
Administration: Datatypes Configuration Keys

# Web Components

All related configuration keys to enabling of specific web interface component.

Keys Default Value Description
Root.Etl.AdminPortalUri (blank) A valid URL of Open iT Admin Portal used for API connection.
Root.Etl.OpeniTLicensePath C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Core\Configuration\license The indicated value is the path where the Open iT license file is found.
Root.Level Level1 The indicated value is the level of Open iT used.
Root.LicenseMonitor.Restricted FALSE Setting this to true limits License Monitor Portal access to users based on their role and how it is configured under the Roles Configuration page.
Root.LicenseMonitorTokenInfo.Enabled FALSE Setting this to true displays the token info, such as token cost, in the License Monitor Portal. It also entails that the computation for Max available and Max in use values depends on the token info in the license status.
Root.SamImport.Active FALSE Setting this to true adds a page for SAM Import.
Root.SamImport.Administrators (blank) Used for SAM Import page.
Root.SamImport.UploadDirectory C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\Uploads Used for SAM Import page.
Root.UsageRight.ExternalSCCMServer FALSE Configurations for setting up SCCM as data source if available.
Root.UsageRight.SCCMDatabaseName (blak) Configurations for setting up SCCM as data source if available.
Root.UsageRight.SCCMServer (blank) Configurations for setting up SCCM as data source if available.
Root.Web.CopyrightBanner FALSE Setting this to true adds a security banner.
Root.Web.HomePage (blank) The indicated value is the URL of the landing page of the Analysis Server.
Root.Web.LicenseExpiration.DisplayTime FALSE Setting this to true will display the time part of the License Expiration Expiry date.
Root.Web.LicenseExpiration.ExpiredDays 30 Default value for expired days in License Expiration page filer.
Root.Web.LicenseExpiration.MaxAge 90 Default value for the maximum age in License Expiration page filter.
Root.Web.LicenseExpiration.View Valid Default selected view for the License Expiration page. It selects all Valid licenses.
Root.Web.LicenseExpiration.WarningDays 30 Default value for warning days in License Expiration page filter.
Root.Web.LicenseMetaData FALSE Setting this to true adds a page used to add metadata to the license information.
Root.Web.LicensePlanner FALSE Setting this to true enables Contract Management tab.
Root.Web.LMP.AutoReload FALSE If set to true, the License Monitor Portal Page will utilize auto reload.
Root.Web.LMP.FeatureAggregation Max The indicated value is the aggregation used in License Monitor Portal display.
Root.Web.LMP.IntervalStartsAt 20000 When to start the automatic reload in License Monitor Portal. The value is in milliseconds (ms). (e.g., If set in 20000, the automatic reload will start at 5 minutes and 20 seconds.)
Root.Web.LMP.Level2UsagePercentage TRUE If set to true, the License Monitor Portal, when in Level 2, will display data in percentage.
Root.Web.LMP.ServerSidePagination FALSE If set to true, the License Monitor Portal will use server side pagination.
Root.Web.LMP.UseFeatureVersion FALSE If set to true, Feature Version is shown in License Monitor Portal.
Root.Web.OlapHttpAccess (blank) The indicated value is the URL of a configured MSMDPUMP, an alternative to directly accessing the cube.
Root.Web.ReportingServerUri (blank) The indicated value is the Reporting Server URL. If not blank, the Reporting Server's License and Status Monitor are displayed on the Dashboard tab.
Root.Web.ShowPackage FALSE If set to true, Package is shown in Dashboard and License Monitor Portal.
Root.Web.SSRS2016ReportBuilderDownloadLink https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53613 The indicated value is the URI used to download the SSRS Report Builder.
Administration: Web Components Configuration Keys

# Optimizer for SAP Licensing

All related configuration keys to Optimizer for SAP Licensing.

Keys Default Value Description
Root.Etl.SapOptimizer.SqlBackupPathLocal [current SQL Server backup path] The backup path of the host server of SQL Server for deploying database of Optimizer for SAP Licensing.
Root.Etl.SapOptimizer.SqlBackupPathNetwork (blank) The indicated value is the backup remote path of the host server of SQL Server for deploying database of Optimizer for SAP Licensing.
Root.Etl.SapOptimizer.SqlDataPath [current SQL Server data path] The indicated value is the data path of the host server of SQL Server for deploying database of Optimizer for SAP Licensing.
Root.Web.SAPOptimizer http://localhost:80/SapOptimizer/ The indicated value is the Optimizer for SAP Licensing web interface URL.
Administration: Optimizer for SAP Licensing Configuration Keys

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