# Updating Analysis Server Service Account

# Problem

After changing the password for the Open iT Service Account, the following errors might be encountered:

  • Console Error
  • Web Page Access Error
  • Reporting Services Error

# Resolution

Follow these guides to resolve the issue:

  1. Updating Service Account in Application Settings
  2. Updating Service Account in Analysis Services Database
  3. Updating Service Account in Analysis Server Web Server (IIS)
  4. Updating Service Account in Reporting Services Data Sources
  5. Configuring SQL Components Using Open iT Service Account

# Updating Service Account in Application Settings

The Analysis Server relies on application settings for its background processing and communication between the web interface and the database. These processes will be affected if the service account credentials are not updated properly.

This guide will assist in resolving the Console Error that occurs when attempting to run or execute commands using the ETL console.

Follow these instructions:

  1. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  2. Go to the Analysis Server directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server.

    Command Syntax
    cd $ROOT_DIR
    cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server"
  3. Once in the directory, run the Install subcommand using the Analysis Server console application using the syntax:

    Command Syntax
    OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe Install
  4. The Console Application will display the available options. Select Option 1.

  5. Provide a valid domain or local user. Type in the Service Account and password.

    C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server>OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe install
    Open iT Analysis Server, <version>. Copyright 2008 Open iT, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.openit.com
    Sql Database:  OpeniT @ ASEE124WIN
    Olap Database: OpeniT @ ASEE124WIN
        Service account: openit_service_account       
            SQL server: ASEE124WIN     
        SQL database: OpeniT      
            OLAP server: ASEE124WIN    
        OLAP database: OpeniT  
    [1]: Set service account  
    [2]: Set databases  
    [3]: Save configuration  
    [4]: Create/Update SQL Database 
    [5]: Create/Update OLAP database  
    [6]: Create/Update website in IIS  
    [0]: Exit  
    Select: 1 
    Service Account [openit_service_account]: new_service_account  
    Password (in clear text!): [password]
    Testing credentials: success

    The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.

  6. Select Option 3 to save the changes and allow the process to finish.

    Service account: new_service_account       
    SQL server: ASEE124WIN    
    SQL database: OpeniT      
    OLAP server: ASEE124WIN   
    OLAP database: OpeniT  
        [1]: Set service account  
        [2]: Set databases  
        [3]: Save configuration  
        [4]: Create/Update SQL Database  
        [5]: Create/Update OLAP database  
        [6]: Create/Update website in IIS  
        [0]: Exit
        Select: 3
            2023-10-12 15:57:14,596 +08:00 INFO  Config     - Updated configuration files
            2023-10-12 15:57:16,831 +08:00 INFO  Setup      - Allow "FullControl" permissions to "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server" 
                                                            for "new_service_account"
            2023-10-12 15:57:18,534 +08:00 INFO  Setup      - Allow "Read" permissions to "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server" 
                                                            for "new_service_account"
  7. Restart the OpeniTAlerts service through the Task Manager or services.msc to apply the application settings changes.

# Updating Service Account in Analysis Services Database

The Analysis Server relies on the application settings for background processing and web interface communication with the database. These processes will be affected if the service account credentials are not updated properly.

To update, follow these instructions:

  1. Open a command prompt with Administrator level privileges.

  2. Go to the Analysis Server directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server.

    Command Syntax
    cd $ROOT_DIR
    cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server"
  3. Once in the directory, run the CreateOlap subcommand using the Analysis Server console application using the syntax:

    OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe CreateOlap
  4. The command line will display the statuses of the completed processes, including the updating of the service account.

    2023-10-12 18:56:24,129 +08:00 INFO  Config             - License file is valid. "core" valid until 2024-12-15 (429 days), 
                                                            "server_license" valid until 2024-12-15 (429 days), 
                                                            "server_olapreports" valid until 2023-12-15 (63 days)
    2023-10-12 18:56:24,176 +08:00 INFO  CreateOlapJob      - Open iT Analysis Server Version: 9.19.360 (781a3d0)
    2023-10-12 18:56:24,176 +08:00 INFO  CreateOlapJob      - Job started. Running as SVG\jvoliveros
    2023-10-12 18:56:25,348 +08:00 INFO  CreateOlapJob      - Created/selected OLAP database OpeniT on ASEE124WIN
    2023-10-12 18:56:25,426 +08:00 INFO  CreateOlapJob      - Updated service account in SQL data source impersonation
    2023-10-12 18:56:27,399 +08:00 INFO  CreateOlapJob      - Updated SQL datasource connection. Connection String: 
                                                            Provider=SQLNCLI11.1; Data Source=ASEE124WIN; 
                                                            Initial Catalog=OpeniT; Integrated Security=SSPI
    2023-10-12 18:56:27,462 +08:00 INFO  CreateOlapJob      - Service account SVG\jvoliveros is already registered as member in admin role.
    2023-10-12 18:56:27,524 +08:00 INFO  CreateOlapJob      - Updated database permissions for service account role.
    2023-10-12 18:56:28,384 +08:00 INFO  CreateOlapJob      - Job done. Duration 04.21s

# Updating Service Account in Analysis Server Web Server (IIS)

The Analysis Server web interface is hosted in the Internet Information Services (IIS) and stores its credentials in the Application Pool.

To resolve the Web Page Access Error when attempting to access the Analysis Server page immediately after changing the password, follow these instructions:

  1. In the machine where the Analysis Server is installed, open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. In the Connection pane, expand the root node, then click Application Pools.

  3. In the list of Application Pools, right-click on the Open iT Analysis Server Application Pool, then select Advanced Settings.

    Analysis Server - IIS Application Pool

    Analysis Server - IIS Application Pool

  4. Under the Process Model section, click Identity, then edit it by clicking the ellipsis(...).

    Analysis Server- IIS Application Pool Identity

    Analysis Server- IIS Application Pool Identity

  5. The Application Pool Identity dialog will appear. Select Custom account, then click Set. The Set Credentials dialog will appear.

  6. Provide the credentials of the new service account. Click OK.

    Analysis Server- IIS Application Pool Credentials

    Analysis Server - IIS Application Pool Credentials

  7. Verify that the Open iT Analysis Server Application Pool is running, if not, right-click on it, then click Start.

# Updating Service Account in Reporting Services Data Sources

Update the credentials used in its data sources if you configured the Reporting Services previously.

To resolve the Reporting Services Error when attempting to access any of the OpeniT Reporting Services Report Templates, follow these instructions:

  1. Open the Analysis Server web interface.

  2. Go to the Reporting tab and under the View and manage section, click the link Click here to open. The page will be redirected to the Open iT Reporting Services reports portal.

    Analysis Server - Reporting

    Analysis Server - Reporting

  3. On the Data Source section, click Open iT Shared DataSource. This will display the properties of the data source.

    Analysis Server- Reporting Services Data Sources

    Reporting Services - Data Sources

  4. Under the Credentials or Connect using section, update the User name and Password used.

  5. Click the Test Connection button. A notification message about the status of the test will appear beside the button.

  6. Once successful, click on Apply.

    Analysis Server- Reporting Services Credentials

    Analysis Server - Reporting Services Credentials

  7. Do steps 4 to 6 with the Open iT SQL Shared DataSource.

# Configuring SQL Components using Open iT Service Account

You can set the Open iT Service Account as the service account for SQL Components (SQL Server, SQL Server Analysis Services, and SQL Server Reporting Services) by updating Services.msc.

Follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Services.msc. Access this by typing Services.msc in the Windows Search Box.

  2. Click on Services.msc


  3. Scroll down and search for SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER). Right-click on it then choose Properties

    Services - SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)

    Services - SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)
  4. Navigate to the Log On tab, choose This Account, and provide the Open iT Service Account credentials to set it as your new service account.

    SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) - Log On

    SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) Properties - Log On
  5. You can also check and verify the account by clicking on Browse, entering your Open iT Service Account, and then clicking on Check Names.

    Properties - Browse

    Properties - Browse
  6. Click on Apply, then click OK.

  7. Right-click on SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) and choose Restart for the changes to take effect.

    Restart Services

    Restart Services
  8. Do steps 4 to 7 with the SQL Server Analysis Services and SQL Server Reporting Services.

# Verification

To immediately verify the changes made, execute the RunETL command to reprocess the data.

To execute, follow these instructions:

  1. Open a command prompt.

  2. Go to the Analysis Server directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server.

    Command Syntax
    cd $ROOT_DIR
    cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server"
  3. Once in the directory, run the RunEtl subcommand using the Analysis Server console application with the syntax:

    OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe RunEtl
  4. Make sure that the process succeeds and does not display errors.

# Additional Updates

These additional instructions are necessary only when the new service account is used to connect and access Active Directory information in the Mapping Sources in the Open iT Core Server.

Follow these instructions:

  1. Login to the Open iT Core Server web interface.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Mapping.

    Core Server- Administration Mapping

    Core Server - Administration Mapping

  3. Under the Source page, click on one of the sources listed. This action will display the properties of the selected mapping source.

  4. Under the Authentication section, verify the Username and Password used.
    Re-enter the credentials and click the Test connection button.

  5. Once the test connection succeeds, click the Save button to apply the changes.

    Core Server- Mapping Sources Credentials

    Core Server- Mapping Sources Credentials

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