# Labeling - No loaded data

# Problem

Sometimes, when accessing the page, there is no data displayed or loaded data for labeling.

Analysis Server Troubleshooting: No loaded data in Labeling

Analysis Server Troubleshooting: No loaded data in Labeling

# Resolution

Use the following suggestions to troubleshoot this issue:

# Check the configured Core Server Database Path

Follow these instructions to check if the configured Core Server database path is correct:

  1. Go to the Configuration page under the Administration tab of the Analysis Server web interface.

  2. Look for the configuration key Root.Etl.CoreDatabasePath.

  3. Verify that the value of the key is correct.

    Analysis Server Troubleshooting: Check Core Server Database Path

Analysis Server Troubleshooting: Check Core Server Database Path
  1. If the value is incorrect, update the configuration key and execute the command RunEtl using the Analysis Server console.

# Check if the Database is successfully processed

Follow these instructions to check the status of the SQL Database processing:

  1. Go to the Analysis Server Log directory, which is by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\Log.

  2. Open the OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.log log file.

  3. Look for the latest execution of the job ProcessSqlJob

    2021-01-28 15:18:47,172 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Open iT Analysis
    Server Version: 9.12.7 (ecb2a60d)
    2021-01-28 15:18:47,174 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Job started.
    Running as SVG\jplanas
    2021-01-28 15:18:47,182 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Processing SQL
    data warehouse. Please wait...
    2021-01-28 15:18:47,368 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished Loading
    Factory Files for Labeling.
    2021-01-28 15:18:47,400 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished running
    procedure BackupProductLabels. Affected rows: -1.
    2021-01-28 15:18:47,414 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished running
    procedure ModifyLOViews. Affected rows: -1.
    2021-01-28 15:18:47,443 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished running
    procedure MakeSmsRaw. Affected rows: 0.
    2021-01-28 15:18:47,496 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished running
    procedure InsertNewVendorDaemon. Affected rows: 0.
    2021-01-28 15:18:48,087 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished running
    procedure InsertNewLicenses. Affected rows: 6.
    2021-01-28 15:18:48,390 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished running
    procedure InsertNewUsersAndHosts. Affected rows: 0.
    2021-01-28 15:18:48,959 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished running
    procedure InsertNewEpochs. Affected rows: 10.
    2021-01-28 15:18:49,055 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished running
    procedure InsertNewTimeData. Affected rows: 9.
    2021-01-28 15:18:49,070 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished running
    procedure ProcessMaps. Affected rows: -1.
    2021-01-28 15:18:49,196 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished loading
    New Features for Feature Labeling.
    2021-01-28 15:18:49,316 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished running
    procedure InsertProductAndFeatureLabelProperty. Affected rows: 8.
    2021-01-28 15:18:49,468 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished running
    procedure MakeXPropertyTable User. Affected rows: 0.
    2021-01-28 15:18:49,615 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished running
    procedure MakeXPropertyTable Application. Affected rows: 2.
    2021-01-28 15:18:49,626 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished updating
    FileStatus. Affected rows: 2.
    2021-01-28 15:18:49,632 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Job done.
    Duration 02.46s
  4. Verify that the job is successful and has loaded the data. Specifically, locate for the lines related to Feature Labeling.

    2021-01-28 15:18:49,196 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished loading
    New Features for Feature Labeling.
    2021-01-28 15:18:49,316 +08:00 INFO ProcessSqlJob - Finished running
    procedure InsertProductAndFeatureLabelProperty. Affected rows: 8.
  5. If ERRORS occurred, try to execute again the command ProcessSQL. If errors persist, please send the log file to support@openit.com for response.

# Check for Web Browser Console Errors

Follow these instructions to check for errors in the web browser console:

  1. In the Feature Labeling or Vendor License Labeling page, right-click anywhere inside the page and choose Inspect.

    Analysis Server Troubleshooting: Inspect Web Browser

    Analysis Server Troubleshooting: Inspect Web Browser

    The Developer Tools should appear.

  2. Choose Console from the available tabs of the tool.

    Analysis Server Troubleshooting: Check Web Browser Console Errors

    Analysis Server Troubleshooting: Check Web Browser Console Errors

    The Console lists web browser transactions including errors.

  3. Errors in the Console may sometimes be too technical. For immediate response, send the error details to support@openit.com.

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