# Installation Verification

This guide provides a quick and easy way to check the status of different components of the Analysis Server. Based on the status of its components, the procedures outlined in this guide can determine whether the installation of the Analysis Server was successful. This guide is useful for those who need to quickly verify the server's functionality and ensure that everything is running smoothly.

# Verifying Release Notes Access

The web interface is not immediately accessible after installation because it requires the creation of databases. To ensure that web pages rendering is successful, try to access the Release Notes.

To verify:

  1. On a browser, go to http(s)://<AS_hostname>:<port_number>/release_note.html.

    Use http(s)://localhost:<port_number> when accessing in the host machine.


    Variable Description
    AS_hostname The machine name where Open iT Analysis Server is hosted.
    port_number The port number provided during the installation and will be used in the web service. The default value is 80.
    Accessing Web Interface - Variables


    If installed using the default port, 80:


    Or using HTTPS


    If installed to other port (e.g., 8088).


    Or using HTTPS

  2. Make sure that the Release Notes is successfully rendered.

    Analysis Server Installation Verification: Release Notes Access

    Analysis Server Installation Verification: Release Notes Access

# Verifying Scheduled Task

Upon installation, a scheduled task is created to execute the daily processing of the Analysis Server data.

To verify:

  1. Open the Task Scheduler in the machine where Analysis Server is installed.

  2. In the left pane, click Task Scheduler Library.

  3. In the list of tasks, verify that OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console is present and ready.

  4. Under the Security Options of the task, SYSTEM should be indicated in When running the task, use the following user account.

    Analysis Server Installation Verification: Task Scheduler

    Analysis Server Installation Verification: Task Scheduler

# Verifying Created Directories and Files

Go to the installation directory located, by default, in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server and verify that the following directories and files exist:

  • bin - contains binary files
  • Configuration - contains Analysis Server configurations
  • Content - contains media files used in the web interface
  • fonts - contains fonts used in the web interface
  • HomeItem - contains the items presented in the Home page of the web interface
  • Log - contains web interface and data processing log files
  • Portlets - contains the SQL queries and scripts used by specific dashboard portlets
  • Templates - contains the RDL files of the Open iT SSRS Report templates
  • Uploads - contains uploaded files
  • Views - contains web interface files
  • web.config - contains specific configuration for web service
  • Mvc.sitemap - contains the list of tabs present in the web interface; and the users and groups that can access specific tabs
  • OpeniT.Server.Alerts.Service.exe - the application executed to process configured alerts
  • OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe - the application executed to process Analysis Server data
  • OpeniT.Server.Rs.Console.exe - the application executed to configure settings for SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Other configuration files

# Verifying Website

Upon installation, a website is created and hosted in Internet Information Services (IIS).

To verify:

  1. Open IIS (Internet Information Services) in the machine with the Open iT Analysis Server installation.

  2. In the Connections Pane, expand the root node and Sites. Make sure that the Open iT Analysis Server website is present.

  3. Click the Open iT Analysis Server website, and in the dashboard, double-click Authentication.

    Analysis Server Installation Verification: Web Site

    Analysis Server Installation Verification: Web Site

  4. Make sure that Windows Authentication is enabled.

    If the user has Ingress set up on their machine, make sure that both Windows Authentication and Anonymous Authentication are enabled.

    Analysis Server Installation Verification: Web Site Authentication

    Analysis Server Installation Verification: Web Site Authentication

# Verifying Running Services

Upon installation, various services are created and ran. These services are used by some of the components of the Analysis Server to execute successfully.

To verify:

  1. Open the Task Manager.

  2. Click Services.

  3. Verify that the status of Open iT Alerts is Running.

    Analysis Server Installation Verification: Running Services

    Analysis Server Installation Verification: Running Services

# Next Steps?

After verification of a successful installation, it is recommended to complete the Post-Installation Configuration for a properly running setup.

   Analysis Server Post-Installation Configuration

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