# Configuring On-premises Data Gateway

On-premises Data Gateway facilitates a secure and efficient communication between cloud services and on-premises data sources. This section guides you in setting up an on-premises data gateway.

# Installing On-premises Data Gateway

To install On-premises Data Gateway, follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the designated download location to acquire the Power BI Gateway (Standard).

  2. Execute the installation process by running the downloaded file. Select the directory where you want to install the On-premises data gateway. Click the checkbox to accept the terms of use and carefully review the privacy statement. Click Install to start the installation process.

    On-premises Data Gateway Installation

    On-premises Data Gateway Installation

    Wait for the installation process to finish.

    On-premises Data Gateway Installation in-progress

    On-premises Data Gateway Installation in-progress

  3. Upon installation, enter the email address to use with the gateway, then click Sign in.

    Signing in

    Signing in

  4. Select Register a new gateway on this computer, then click Next.

    Register a new gateway

    Register a new gateway

  5. Fill out the required fields to register the on-premises data gateway. It is recommended that you use openit.com as the new gateway name. After filling out the form, click the Configure button.

    Configuring the new on-premises data gateway

    Configuring the new on-premises data gateway

  6. Once installation and configuration are done, click the Close button.

    Installation Complete

    Installation Complete

# Setting up On-premises data gateway

  1. In the published report, click the gear icon to access the Settings. Under the Resources and extensions, select the Manage connections and gateways.

    On-premises Data Gateway: Navigating Settings

    On-premises Data Gateway: Navigating Settings

  2. Go to the On-premises data gateways tab and check the newly added gateway in the Data Gateways table to verify that it has been added. Click the button under the Status column to bring the gateway online.

    On-premises Data Gateway: Verifying the created gateway

    On-premises Data Gateway: Verifying the created gateway

  3. Add a gateway connection by going to the Connections tab, then clicking the New button at the top-left corner of the window.

    A side panel will appear at the right side of the window, select On-premises. Click the drop-down icon under the Gateway cluster name field and select the newly added on-premises gateway. Fill in the desired Connection name. Click the drop-down icon under the Connection type field and select Analysis Services.

    On-premises Data Gateway: Adding a connection

    On-premises Data Gateway: Adding a connection

  4. Fill in the remaining required fields with the following values:

    On-premises Data Gateway: Filling in Connection details

    On-premises Data Gateway: Filling in Connection details

    In the Authentication section, enter the Username and Password using the same credentials used to configure the On-premises data gateways. After completing all the connection fields, click Create.

    Once done, a success message will be displayed at the top part of the panel. Click Close after adding the gateway connection.

    On-premises Data Gateway: Successful Creation of Data Gateway Connection

    On-premises Data Gateway: Successful Creation of Data Gateway Connection

To verify a successful data gateway connection, go to the published report. The report visuals should be loaded properly.

Power BI: Published report successfully loaded

Power BI: Published report successfully loaded

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