Using Analysis Server Console Application
The Console Application of Analysis Server is a command line application that contains various commands for executing background and configuration tasks to extract, load, and process data to SQL and OLAP databases.
Analysis Server Console Tasks
To show the available tasks, follow these instructions:
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
This command displays the available options.
ExampleC:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server>OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe Open iT Analysis Server, <version>. Copyright 2008 Open iT, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.openit.com Sql Database: OpeniT @ <hostname> Olap Database: OpeniT @ <hostname> Usage: OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console <subcommand> [args] Type 'OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console help <subcommand>' for help on a specific subcommand. Available subcommands: CreateOlap Create Olap database on server. CreateSql Create SQL database on server, in case it does not already exist. DeleteOlap Delete Olap database. DeleteSql Delete SQL database. DeployOlap Deploy Olap database schema. DeploySql Deploy SQL database schema to either the latest or a specific version. DeployTimeZoneInfo Deploy Time Zone conversion data to SQL database. GenerateUserToGroupsMap Dump a new version of user-to-groups.map mapping file to the Core Server config directory. SetAzureSqlCredentials Set the Azure SQL Database Server Admin Credentials for Azure Tabular Model data source. Install Install or upgrade. ProcessOlap Process Analysis Services cubes. UpdateRoleGroups Pull Role's Group Members from the Active Directory. ProcessSql Process SQL data warehouse with new data. RunEtl Run all configured jobs. SyncDatabase Synchronize all active data types from Core Server to the data warehouse. SyncDataType Synchronize a single data type from Core Server to the data warehouse. SyncLicenseStatus Sync License Status data from Core Server to the data warehouse. SyncMapping Sync user mapping information from LDAP or flatfile. SyncCostInformation Syncs cost information from core database to the data warehouse. SyncClientList Syncs client information from core database to the data warehouse. SyncRawOptionsFile Syncs raw options file from core database to the data warehouse. SyncSoftwareCatalog Syncs software catalog information from core database to the data warehouse. TruncateFacts Truncate fact tables UpdateConfig Update config parameter UpdateFactTableSchema Update fact table definitions CreateScheduledTask Create scheduled task for the ETL process DeleteScheduledTask Delete scheduled task for the ETL process CustomActions Run non-major actions for ETL. ConfigureInvoicing Automatically configure invoice reporting. ResetSchedules Reset Job and Alert schedules.
To show the available parameters for each command, add a help parameter before the command. Use the following syntax:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe help DeploySql
This command displays the available options.
ExampleC:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server>OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe help DeploySql Open iT Analysis Server, <version>. Copyright 2008 Open iT, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.openit.com Sql Database: OpeniT @ <hostname> Olap Database: OpeniT @ <hostname> Deploy SQL database schema to either the latest or a specific version. usage: OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console DeploySql [/version:value] [/trace] [/version:value] Specific version to migrate to [/trace] Enable tracing of SQL statements.
Available Tasks
This command creates the SQL Server Analysis Services Database in the configured OLAP server.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe CreateOlap
To further customize the command, use the optional parameter.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe CreateOlap [/tabular]
Optional Parameter:
This parameter triggers the command to create a blank tabular database as a placeholder for the deployment of the tabular database objects.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe CreateOlap /tabular
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command creates the SQL Server Database in the configured SQL server.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe CreateSql
- The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command deletes the SQL Server Analysis Services Database in the configured OLAP server.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeleteOlap
To further customize the command, use the optional parameter.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeleteOlap /tabular
Optional Parameter:
This parameter triggers the command to delete the Tabular Database.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeleteOlap /tabular
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command deletes the SQL Server Database in the configured SQL server.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeleteSql
To further customize the command, use the optional parameter.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeleteSql [/deleteLogin]
Optional Parameter:
This parameter triggers the command to delete the service account login in SQL Server.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeleteSql /deleteLogin
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command deploys important object in the SQL Server Analysis Services database in the OLAP server.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeployOlap
To further customize the command, use the optional parameter.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeployOlap [/trace] [/clean] [/tabular]
Optional Parameters:
This parameter triggers the command to display SQL statements for tracing.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeployOlap /trace
This parameter triggers the command to remove or clean missing and old objects in the OLAP database before deployment.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeployOlap /clean
This parameter triggers the command to execute the createOrReplace json script of the Tabular Database.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeployOlap /tabular
Combine or use optional parameters at the same time to achieve necessary capabilities.
ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeployOlap /clean /trace /tabular
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command deploys important object in the SQL Server database in the SQL server.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeploySql
To further customize the command, use the optional parameters.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeploySql [/version:value] [/trace]
Optional Parameters:
This parameter limits the migration of the database to the specified version. The migration version format is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeploySql /version:20220101143000
This parameter triggers the command to display SQL statements.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeploySql /trace
Combine or use optional parameters at the same time to achieve necessary capabilities.
ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeploySql /version:20220101143000 /trace
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command deploys various Time Zone information used for reporting in different time zones.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeployTimezoneInfo
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command creates a new version of user-to-group
mapping file.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe GenerateUserToGroupsMap
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command sets the pre-created Server Login credentials for the Azure Tabular Model data source.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SetAzureSqlCredentials
The console application will display the following messages, provide the Azure SQL Database Server Admin user name and password.
ExampleC:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server>OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SetAzureSqlCredentials Open iT Analysis Server, <version>. Copyright 2008 Open iT, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.openit.com Azure Analysis Service Tabular Model needs SQL Server Authentication for its data source to connect to Azure SQL database. Azure SQL Server need a Server Login with DBMANAGER server role which will be use to connect to the server successfully. Azure SQL Database Server Admin []: <user name> Azure SQL Database Server Admin Password (in clear text!): <password> Save changes [y]? [y/n]
When prompted, type
and press Enter to save changes.The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This includes using a unified command for setting service account and database connections and creating and updating SQL and OLAP database schema.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the Install subcommand by using the syntax:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe Install
The console application will display the available options.
ExampleC:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server>OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe install Open iT Analysis Server, <version>. Copyright 2008 Open iT, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.openit.com Sql Database: OpeniT @ MNL164WIN Olap Database: OpeniT @ MNL164WIN Service account: openit_service_account SQL server: MNL164WIN SQL database: OpeniT OLAP server: MNL164WIN OLAP database: OpeniT Tabular Server: MNL164WIN\SQL2019STAB Tabular database: Tabular1 [1]: Set service account [2]: Set databases [3]: Save configuration [4]: Create/Update SQL Database [5]: Create/Update OLAP database [6]: Create/Update website in IIS [0]: Exit Select:
Select from options 1 to 6, then press Enter.
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
Install - [1] Set service account
Follow the instructions in the
Install section.Select option 1.
Provide a valid domain or local user. Password is in clear text.
ExampleSql Database: OpeniT @ hostname Olap Database: OpeniT @ hostname Service account: openit_service_account SQL server: sql_server SQL database: OpeniT OLAP server: olap_server OLAP database: OpeniT Tabular Server: MNL164WIN\SQL2019STAB Tabular database: Tabular1 [1]: Set service account [2]: Set databases [3]: Save configuration [4]: Create/Update SQL Database [5]: Create/Update OLAP database [6]: Create/Update website in IIS [0]: Exit Select: 1 Service Account [openit_service_account]: new_service_account Password (in clear text!): [password] Testing credentials: success
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
Select option 3 to save the changes and allow the process to finish.
ExampleService account: new_service_account SQL server: sql_server SQL database: OpeniT OLAP server: olap_server OLAP database: OpeniT Tabular Server: MNL164WIN\SQL2019STAB Tabular database: Tabular1 [1]: Set service account [2]: Set databases [3]: Save configuration [4]: Create/Update SQL Database [5]: Create/Update OLAP database [6]: Create/Update website in IIS [0]: Exit Select: 3 2022-04-06 20:51:02,255 +08:00 INFO Config - Updated configuration files 2022-04-06 20:51:02,846 +08:00 INFO Setup - Allow "FullControl" permissions to "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server" for "new_service_account" 2022-04-06 20:51:03,423 +08:00 INFO Setup - Allow "Read" permissions to "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server" for "Everyone"
Install - [2] Set Database
Follow the instructions in the
Install section.Select option 2.
Provide valid SQL and OLAP server host names and SQL and OLAP database names.
ExampleSql Database: OpeniT @ hostname Olap Database: OpeniT @ hostname Service account: openit_service_account SQL server: sql_server SQL database: OpeniT OLAP server: sql_server OLAP database: OpeniT Tabular Server: MNL164WIN\SQL2019STAB Tabular database: Tabular1 [1]: Set service account [2]: Set databases [3]: Save configuration [4]: Create/Update SQL Database [5]: Create/Update OLAP database [6]: Create/Update website in IIS [0]: Exit Select: 2 SQL server [MNL164WIN]: <new_sql_server> SQL database [OpeniT]: <new_sql_database> OLAP server [MNL164WIN]: <new_olap_server> OLAP database [OpeniT]: <new_olap_database> Tabular Server [MNL164WIN\SQL2019STAB]: <new_tabular_server> Tabular database [Tabular1]: <new_tabular_database>
Select option 3 to save the changes.
A warning message and a confirmation message will be displayed.
Read the message carefully and select from the available options. The message varies with the changes made to the server and database.
ExampleService account: openit_service_account SQL server: new_sql_server SQL database: new_sql_database OLAP server: new_olap_server OLAP database: new_olap_database Tabular Server: MNL164WIN\SQL2019STAB Tabular database: Tabular1 [1]: Set service account [2]: Set databases [3]: Save configuration [4]: Create/Update SQL Database [5]: Create/Update OLAP database [6]: Create/Update website in IIS [0]: Exit Select: 3 2022-04-06 21:32:13,844 +08:00 WARN Actions - You have changed the SQL & OLAP Database/Server. If you intend to reflect currently configured SQL Database in OLAP datasource, please use option [5]. Would you like to apply changes in SQL and OLAP Server/Database in SQL Server Reporting Services [y -yes update both, s -sql only, o -olap only, n -no]? [y]: y 2022-04-06 21:32:23,690 +08:00 INFO Actions - Updating SSRS data source, OpeniT SQL Shared DataSource 2022-04-06 21:32:48,863 +08:00 INFO Actions - Setting Web Service URL. 2022-04-06 21:32:48,874 +08:00 INFO Actions - Web Service URL has been updated to http://MNL164WIN/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx 2022-04-06 21:32:48,990 +08:00 INFO Actions - Successfully updated SSRS Datasource. SSRS Datasource Connection String: Data Source=<new_sql_server>;Initial Catalog=OpeniT2; 2022-04-06 21:32:48,992 +08:00 INFO Actions - Updating SSRS data source, OpeniT Shared DataSource 2022-04-06 21:33:13,515 +08:00 INFO Actions - Setting Web Service URL. 2022-04-06 21:33:13,533 +08:00 INFO Actions - Web Service URL has been updated to http://MNL164WIN/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx 2022-04-06 21:33:13,565 +08:00 INFO Actions - Successfully updated SSRS Datasource. SSRS Datasource Connection String: Data Source=<new_sql_server>;Initial Catalog=OpeniT2; 2022-04-06 21:33:13,574 +08:00 INFO Config - Updated configuration files 2022-04-06 21:33:14,126 +08:00 INFO Setup - Allow "FullControl" permissions to "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server" for "openit_service_account" 2022-04-06 21:33:14,708 +08:00 INFO Setup - Allow "Read" permissions to "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server" for "Everyone"
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
Install - [4] Create/Update SQL database
Follow the instructions in the
Install section.Select option 4.
ExampleSql Database: OpeniT @ hostname Olap Database: OpeniT @ hostname Service account: openit_service_account SQL server: sql_server SQL database: OpeniT OLAP server: olap_server OLAP database: OpeniT Tabular Server: MNL164WIN\SQL2019STAB Tabular database: Tabular1 [1]: Set service account [2]: Set databases [3]: Save configuration [4]: Create/Update SQL Database [5]: Create/Update OLAP database [6]: Create/Update website in IIS [0]: Exit Select: 4 2022-04-06 21:58:44,979 +08:00 INFO Config - License file is valid. "core" valid until 2021-09-25 (536 days), "server_license" valid until 2021-09-25 (536 days), "server_olapreports" valid until 2022-09-25 (171 days) 2022-04-06 21:58:45,018 +08:00 INFO CreateSqlDatabaseJob - Open iT Analysis Server Version: 9.5.23 (b52305b7) 2022-04-06 21:58:45,020 +08:00 INFO CreateSqlDatabaseJob - Job started. Running as openit_service_account 2022-04-06 21:58:45,047 +08:00 INFO CreateSqlDatabaseJob - Database OpeniT already exists on server MNL164WIN. 2022-04-06 21:58:45,054 +08:00 INFO CreateSqlDatabaseJob - SQL Server login openit_service_account already exists on server MNL164WIN. 2022-04-06 21:58:45,065 +08:00 INFO CreateSqlDatabaseJob - SQL database user openit_service_account already exists on OpeniT. 2022-04-06 21:58:45,070 +08:00 INFO CreateSqlDatabaseJob - Job done. Duration 00.05s
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
Install - [5] Create/Update OLAP database
Follow the instructions in the
Install section.Select option 5.
ExampleSql Database: OpeniT @ hostname Olap Database: OpeniT @ hostname Service account: openit_service_account SQL server: sql_server SQL database: OpeniT OLAP server: olap_server OLAP database: OpeniT Tabular Server: MNL164WIN\SQL2019STAB Tabular database: Tabular1 [1]: Set service account [2]: Set databases [3]: Save configuration [4]: Create/Update SQL Database [5]: Create/Update OLAP database [6]: Create/Update website in IIS [0]: Exit Select: 3 2022-04-06 22:04:35,588 +08:00 INFO Config - License file is valid. "core" valid until 2021-09-25 (536 days), "server_license" valid until 2021-09-25 (536 days), "server_olapreports" valid until 2022-09-25 (171 days) 2022-04-06 22:04:35,624 +08:00 INFO CreateOlapJob - Open iT Analysis Server Version: 9.5.23 (b52305b7) 2022-04-06 22:04:35,626 +08:00 INFO CreateOlapJob - Job started. Running as openit_service_account 2022-04-06 22:04:35,910 +08:00 INFO CreateOlapJob - Created/selected OLAP database OpeniT on MNL164WIN 2022-04-06 22:04:35,964 +08:00 INFO CreateOlapJob - Updated service account in SQL data source impersonation 2022-04-06 22:04:36,630 +08:00 INFO CreateOlapJob - Updated SQL datasource connection. Connection String: Provider=SQLNCLI11.1; Data Source=sql_server; Initial Catalog=OpeniT; Integrated Security=SSPI 2022-04-06 22:04:36,635 +08:00 INFO CreateOlapJob - Service account openit_service_account is already registered as member in admin role. 2022-04-06 22:04:36,655 +08:00 INFO CreateOlapJob - Updated database permissions for service account role. 2022-04-06 22:04:37,075 +08:00 INFO CreateOlapJob - Job done. Duration 01.45s
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command triggers the processing of loaded and processed data in the SQL database, making the OLAP cubes accessible for reporting.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ProcessOlap
To further customize the command, use the optional parameter.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ProcessOlap [/fullprocess] [/tabular] [/tabularonly]
Optional Parameter:
This parameter triggers the command to fully process the OLAP cubes.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ProcessOlap /fullprocess
This parameter triggers the command to include the processing of the tabular modelExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ProcessOlap /tabular
This parameter triggers the command to process only the tabular model.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ProcessOlap /tabularonly
Combine or use optional parameters at the same time to achieve necessary capabilities.
ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ProcessOlap /fullprocess /tabular
ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ProcessOlap /fullprocess /tabularonly
It is not recommended to use
in the same command.
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command updates the list of groups used for accessibility permission purposes (Roles).
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateRoleGroups
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command triggers the processing of loaded data in the SQL database and applies all enabled configurations to the data for reporting.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ProcessSql
To further customize the command, use the optional parameter.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ProcessSql [/fullwipe]
Optional Parameter:
This parameter triggers the command to delete all processed and cached data.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ProcessSql /fullwipe
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command triggers the complete data processing, from extracting the data from the Core Server database, loading and processing in the SQL database, and processing in the OLAP cubes. This includes the following commands in chronological order:
- SyncSoftwareCatalog
- SyncMapping
- SyncDatabase
- ProcessSql
- ProcessOlap
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe RunEtl
To further customize the command, use the optional parameters.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe RunEtl [/fullwipe] [/from:date] [/to:date] [/tabular] [/tabularonly]
Optional Parameters:
This parameter triggers the command to wipe all processed and cached data before loading and processing data from the server.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe RunEtl /fullwipe
This parameter limits the data loading and processing to start on the specified date. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe RunEtl /from:2022-01-01
This parameter limits the data loading and processing to end from the specified date. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe RunEtl /to:2022-03-01
This parameter triggers the command to include the processing of the tabular model.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe RunEtl /tabular
This parameter triggers the command to process only the tabular model.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe RunEtl /tabularonly
Combine or use optional parameters at the same time to achieve necessary capabilities.
ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe RunEtl /from:2022-01-01 /to:2022-03-01 /fullwipe /tabularonly
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command triggers the extraction and loading of all enabled data types from the Core Server database to the SQL database.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDatabase
To further customize the command, use the optional parameters.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDatabase [/from:date] [/to:date] [/clean] [/bs:number]
Optional Parameters:
This parameter limits the data loading to start from the specified date. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDatabase /from:2022-01-01
This parameter limits the data loading to end on the specified date. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDatabase /to:2022-03-31
This parameter triggers the command to delete missing data files in the Open iT Core Server database before loading new data.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDatabase /clean
This parameter limits the size of the data in each batch transfer in bytes. The default value is 0, which disables batching.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDataType 102 /bs:10500
Combine or use optional parameters at the same time to achieve necessary capabilities.
ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDatabase /from:2020-01-01 /to:2022-03-31 /bs:10500 /clean
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command triggers the extraction and loading of a specific data type from the Core Server database to the SQL database.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDataType datatype
Required Parameters:
This parameter specifies the Open iT data type number to synchronize.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDataType 102
To further customize the command, use the optional parameters.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDataType datatype [/bco:value] [/from:date] [/to:date] [/ps:number] [/bs:number] [/reload]
Optional Parameters:
This parameter triggers the command to select one or more options for BulkLoad:Default
.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDataType 102 /bco:Default+TableLock+FireTriggers
This parameter triggers the command to start the synchronization process from the specified date. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDataType 102 /from:2022-01-01
This parameter triggers the command to limit the synchronization up to the specified date. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDataType 102 /to:2022-04-30
This parameter limits the size of the data packets transfer in bytes.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDataType 102 /ps:6500
This parameter limits the size of the data in each batch transfer in bytes. The default value is 0, which disables batching.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDataType 102 /bs:10500
This parameters triggers the command to delete all loaded data before synchronizing.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDataType 102 /reload
Combine or use optional parameters at the same time to achieve necessary capabilities.
ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncDataType 102 /bco:Default /from:2022-01-01 /to:2022-04-30 /ps:6500 /bs:10500 /reload
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command triggers the synchronization process of the License Status data from the Core Server database for the real-time dashboard.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncLicenseStatus
To further customize the command, use the optional parameter.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncLicenseStatus [/reload]
Optional Parameters:
This parameter triggers the command to delete all loaded data before synchronization.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncLicenseStatus /reload
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command triggers the synchronization process of the user information from the configured mapping files.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncMapping
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command triggers the synchronization process of the configured cost information for chargeback reporting.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncCostInformation
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command triggers the synchronization process of the client list information from the Core Server.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncClientList
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command triggers the synchronization process of the raw data from the Core Server based on options file.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncRawOptionsFile
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command triggers the synchronization process of the configured Software Catalog information from the Core Server and loads it into the SoftwareCatalog table.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
:cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncSoftwareCatalog
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command sets up important configurations for creating the invoicing template for chargeback reporting.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ConfigureInvoicing
To further customize the command, use the optional parameter.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ConfigureInvoicing [/name:value] [/action:value]
Optional Parameters:
/name:[value] Use this parameter to specify the name of the linked server to manage. If not specified, the default value is OPENIT_INVOICE.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ConfigureInvoicing /name:OPENIT_LINKEDSERVER
Use this parameter to trigger the action with the command. It accepts Create, Recreate or Delete. The default value is Create.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ConfigureInvoicing /action:Delete
If the Delete action is chosen, a confirmation message will be displayed. Read the message carefully before continuing.
ExampleOpen iT Analysis Server, <version> Copyright 2008 Open iT, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.openit.com Sql Database: 91720 @ sql_database Olap Database: 91720 @ olap_database 2022-03-15 17:22:36,604 +08:00 INFO Config - License file is valid. "core" valid until 2023-06-15 (456 days), "server_license" valid until 2023-06-15 (456 days), "server_olapreports" valid until 2022-06-15 (91 days) 2022-03-15 17:22:36,873 +08:00 INFO ManageLinkedServer - Open iT Analysis Server Version: 9.18.1 (e8960cef) 2022-03-15 17:22:36,877 +08:00 INFO ManageLinkedServer - Job started. Running as service_account 2022-03-15 17:22:36,882 +08:00 INFO ManageLinkedServer - Deleting Linked Server Deleting a remote server deletes all remote logins defined for that server. Deleting a remote server deletes all remote logins defined for that server. Are you sure you want to delete linked server OPENIT_INVOICE? [n]
Combine or use optional parameters at the same time to achieve necessary capabilities.
ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ConfigureInvoicing /name:OPENIT_LINKEDSERVER /action:Delete
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command triggers the removal of loaded data from the data type tables in the SQL database.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe TruncateFacts
To further customize the command, use the optional parameter.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe TruncateFacts [/shrink]
Optional Parameter:
This parameter triggers the command to issue a SHRINKDATABASE query to the database. This shrinks the size of the data and log file in the database. Please read the SHRINKDATABASE - Best Practice article from Microsoft Learn to know more about when to use this parameter.
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command updates a specific configuration key value in the Configuration page.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateConfig key value
To further customize the command, use the optional parameter.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe SyncLicenseStatus [/reload]
Required Parameters:
This parameter specifies the unique key of the configuration entry to update.value
This parameter specifies the value to assign to the specified key.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateConfig Root.Etl.CoreDatabasePath C:\OpeniT\Data\database
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command updates the table definition of data type tables in the SQL database.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateFactTableSchema
To further customize the command, use the optional parameter.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateFactTableSchema [/drop] [/create] [/compress] [/uncompress] [/columnstore] [/rowstore] [/heap] [/timeout:number] [/tables:number[+number]]
Optional Parameters:
This parameter triggers the command to drop all the fact tables.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateFactTableSchema /drop
This parameter triggers the command to create all the fact tables and update existing tables when the drop parameter is not specified.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateFactTableSchema /create
This parameter triggers the command to set the fact tables with data compression.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateFactTableSchema /compress
This parameter triggers the command to set the fact tables without data compression.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateFactTableSchema /uncompress
This parameter triggers the command to apply clustered column store index on tables.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateFactTableSchema /columnstore
This parameter triggers the command to apply clustered index on tables.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateFactTableSchema /rowstore
This parameter triggers the command to remove clustered index on tables.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateFactTableSchema /heap
This parameter sets the duration (in seconds) before an SQL command times out. The default value is 30.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateFactTableSchema /timeout:60
This parameter triggers the command to perform an operation on specific fact tables.ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateFactTableSchema /tables:93+95+97+98+70+102
Combine or use optional parameters at the same time to achieve necessary capabilities.
ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateFactTableSchema /create /compress
ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateFactTableSchema /columnstore /uncompress /tables:75+93+94+95+102
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command creates a scheduled task for the background processing of data.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe CreateScheduledTask
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command deletes the scheduled task for the background processing of data.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe DeleteScheduledTask
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command triggers non-major actions related to data processing.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe UpdateConfig key value
To further customize the command, use the optional parameter.
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe CustomActions action
Required Parameters:
Use this parameter to specify the option number of the action. Available options are:- 1 - Update the Open iT Analysis Server Portlets version to support Level 2
- 0 - Exit
ExampleOpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe CustomActions 1
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.
This command triggers the console application to redeploy alertJobs.config or alertJobs.custom.config in the database (AdoJobStore).
Please make sure to accomplish the instructions in section Configuring Alerts Service Jobs section to see the effect of the command.
Open the command prompt and run the following command to go to the installation directory of Analysis Server, which is by default in
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\
.cd "C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\"
Once in the directory, run the following command:
OpeniT.Server.Etl.Console.exe ResetSchedules
The Console Application will display information messages in the command prompt. Allow the process to finish.