# Retrieving SQL and OLAP Database Sizes

The stored procedure GetTableDataSizeByYear retrieves the data size and reserved space of SQL and OLAP databases for a specific year. This guide provides instructions on how to use this stored procedure to obtain information about database sizes, which is essential for capacity management and future disk space projections.

To create and run the stored procedure in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), follow these instructions:

  1. On your machine, open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), click on Connect, then select the Database Engine. Enter the server name and choose an Authentication type.

    Connect to Database Engine

    Connect to Database Engine

    Connect to Server

    Connect to Server

  2. In the left pane, go to Databases > <database_name> > Programmability > Stored Procedures.

    Stored Procedure

    Stored Procedure

  3. Right-click on dbo.GetTableDataSizeByYear and select Execute Store Procedure...

    Execute Stored Procedure

    Execute Stored Procedure

  4. Type your desired year under the Value column.

  5. Click OK.

    Execute Procedure

    Execute Procedure

    The result should include columns for the year, table name, row count, data size, and reserved size for the SQL Database. For the OLAP Database, the results should display the approx_olap_db_size_gb.

    Year TableName RowCount data_size_gb reserved_size_gb
    2014 --All-- 1772360 0.3465 0.3653
    2014 95 1046310 0.2017 0.2109
    2014 102 542658 0.1076 0.1098
    2014 94 9100 0.019 0.0216
    2014 93 52949 0.0133 0.0155
    2014 75 31343 0.0049 0.0075
    SQL Database Size Query Results

    OLAP Database Size Query Results

    You can use the results above to create a bar chart for capacity management and future disk space projections, utilizing the data from the query results.

    Database Size Query Results Graph

    SQL Database Size Graph

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