# Configuring Applications Settings

The application settings file contains various configuration properties provided during installation and some keys used by the web in web service to render the web interface properly.

  1. Go to the Configuration directory, located by default in C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\Configuration.

  2. Open the appSettings.config file.

    The file contains various add entries with key-value pair. Shown are the keys that can be configured and altered.

     1|	<appSettings>
     2|		<add key="LicenseFile" value="C:\Program Files (x86)\OpeniT\Client\Configuration\license" />
    5|		<add key="ReportersGroup" value="Everyone" />
    22|		<add key="LicenseStatusMaxExpiry" value="2147483647" />
    23|		<add key="ida:ClientId" value="" />
    24|		<add key="ida:Tenant" value="" />
    26|		<add key="ida:PostLogoutRedirectUri" value="https://localhost:44344/" />
    27|		<add key="ida:Domain" value="" />
    28|		<add key="ida:TenantId" value="" />
    29|		<add key="ida:ClientSecret" value="" />
    43|		<add key="AlertSnapshotCount" value="1" />
    44|		<add key="MaximumEmailSize" value="20" />
    45|		<add key="ASUri" value="http://MNL164WIN:80/" />
    48|		<add key="aas:ClientId" value="94d6b354-678e-4a4c-8e7f-e911a98aa07b" />
    49|		<add key="aas:ClientSecret" value="ifY8Q~nXDQWSWKSX~SwVtbG3GDb7xAzGNgmXBcuE" />
    51|		<add key="aas:Domain" value="openit.com" />
    52|		<add key="aas:TenantId" value="b198a08d-7d22-4c5c-80f6-4adc8919af8b" />
    54|	</appSettings>

    Key Description
    LicenseFile The full path to the Open iT license.
    ReportersGroup The domain or local group that has access to manage and view reports. This is provided during the installation.
    LicenseStatusMaxExpiry The maximum expiration time (in epoch) used as global value for computing license expiration. The default value is 2147483647.
    ida:ClientId and ida:TenantId The unique identification of the registered application in Azure for Analysis Server Single-Sign-On.
    ida:Tenant and ida:Domain The domain name of the Active Directory where the registered applications is deployed in Azure.
    ida:ClientSecret The unique identifier generated for the registered application in Azure.
    ida:PostLogoutRedirectUri The URL where the page is redirected after logging out.
    AlertSnapshotCount The allowable number of snapshot instances that will be retained when processing alerts.
    MaximumEmailSize The configured allowable maximum email size of the SMTP server used when sending email alerts.
    ASUri The correct value of the Analysis Server URI.
    ClientId The value of the Application ID from the App registration in Azure.
    ClientSecret The value of the Client Secret created from the App Registration's Certificates & secrets.
    Domain The primary domain from the Microsoft Entra ID.
    TenantId The value of the Directory ID from the App registration in Azure.
    Application Settings Key-Value Pair

  3. Modify the desired entry with a valid value.

  4. Save the changes.

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