Configuring Alerts Service Jobs
The Analysis Server comes with an alerts service handling the execution of scheduled jobs for sending email alerts and updating data for the real-time dashboard. All the jobs included in the service are predefined, but all are configurable.
These default schedules are initially loaded into the Quartz table (AdoJobStore) in the Open iT database during the deployment (deploysql). These schedules can be rescheduled to suffice with the needs of the organization.
To reschedule the jobs and configure the properties, follow these instructions:
Go to the configuration directory,
C:\Program Files\OpeniT\Analysis Server\Configuration\
.Make a copy of the
file and name it asalertJobs.custom.config
.Open the
file.The file contains all the scheduled jobs and triggers information.
Use the information provided in the section
Alerts Configuration File to properly configure the Alerts Service.Save the changes.
Follow the instructions in the section ResetSchedules to successfully redeploy the schedules and properties
Restart the Open iT Alert Service by following these instructions:
Open the command prompt as an Administrator.
Run this command to stop the Open iT Alerts service:
net stop openitalerts
Allow the process to finish.
Run this command to start the Open iT Alerts service:
net start openitalerts
Allow the process to finish.
Alerts Job Configuration File
Use this information to manually modify the alertJobs.config
configuration file.
Cron Expression Format
Use this information to properly configure the cron-expression attribute of the configuration file.
Cron expression can be as simple as * * * * ? *
Special Characters
Use this information to provide a valid cron expression.
When using the "L" option, it is important not to specify lists or ranges or values to avoid confusing or unexpected results.
The "L" and "W" characters can also be combined in the day-of-month field to yield "LW" which translates to "last weekday of the month".
The legal characters and the names of the months and days of the week are NOT case sensitive. MON is the same as mon.
Cron Expression Examples
Use this information as a guide in providing cron expressions.